The hostel where Delphyne lives is pretty small and nondescript. And, well, Delphyne isn't in there. Actually, she's out front of the hostel, sitting on the steps as she seems to be enjoying the night air. Her eyes are fixed on the sky, as if finding it a bit odd that you… can't really see the stars here.
The rumble of an engine is evident before Josie cruises into view. She's in her leather jacket, black t-shirt, blue jeans, leather boots. Gloves. Typical Josie, down to the duffel bag. Above the rumble of the engine the girl's even singing.
"There is a house in New Orleans they call the Rising Sun.
And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy,
And God, I know I'm one!
Believe it or not Josie can actually hold a tune. She pulls up in front of Delphyne without hesitating, kicking out the stand and letting the cycle idle asshe looks over toward where the gorgon is seated.
"Hey, You. Cute green chicks with the far out ahirdo that totally tried to bite me the other night. Hop on. Let's go see a movie, dig?"
Just like that.
Delphyne smiles a bit, "Two things. What do you mean, tried… and second, certainly." She rises gracefully to her feet, then makes her way over towards the motorcycle, slipping on behind Josie and getting rather snuggly behind her. Then she hmms, "I don't think I have actually /seen/ a movie before."
"Okay. It did bite me a couple times," Josie admits, shrugging. "But not, you know. The poison thing, so it's copacetic." When Del settles in behind her Josie looks back long enough to offer her a bright smile and then guns the engine. She still has no regard for safety. None whatsoever.
It's a fairly long drive, really. Josie assures that this time it isn't a ploy to have a Gorgon snuggled up behind her for a few extra minutes. Theatre just happens to be in another part of town. "First movie? Should be a treat. I'll even buy you a hot dog and a sack of gummi bears." She grins at that, even if it's mostly to herself at this angle.
"I was worried you'd be angry with me," Josie admits after a long while.
Delphyne blinks, "Um… why?" She smiles a little, "I'm pretty sure you didn't take any advantage of me that I didn't return." She laughs, then shrugs a little, "But I don't know all of your culture in regards to courtship and the like." She pauses, "Ah, we're not married or anything, are we?"
Josie does a double take. The bike swerves briefly toward oncoming traffic before righting itself. No accident, thankfully. After the spluttering she, redfacedly, responds with, "…U-um. N-n-no… Was that a marriage ritual?" She squeaks, blinking a couple times. "I mean, there was that one thing- what? No. I mean. Girls can't even marry out here," she admits after a long moment. "I guess that's a thing where you're from." This is actually a lot for Josie to think about. Enough that she missed the joke.
Delphyne laughs, "No… wait, what? They can't?" She smiles a bit, "I apologize, that was a bad joke by me. But that is… odd, you could not have a consort just because they're a woman." She sounds slightly perplexed as she thinks about that, then grins, "As interesting as you are, Josie, I don't think we know each other well enough to start that yet."
"We don't take, um, multiple consorts either," Josie offers helpfully. "Girls being together like that is really frowned upon. My mom blew up when she found out I was dating another girl when I was in highschool. They used to lock you in an asylum for the rest of your life." She fidgets a bit but keeps the cycle steady as they are approaching the theatre. "That isn't a problem anymore but itisn't something you tell people. You know? I'm just- well." Josie shrugs as she parks her bike.
Delphyne ahs, and nods, "Then I shall make sure to avoid things that would get you into trouble. Since I appear different enough already, I wouldn't want you to get hurt." She gets off the bike as it is parked, then looks back at Josie, "But, I think it's pretty obvious I do like you. I would like to know you better."
"I'm completely into you. That's why I rolled up to your place and dragged you here. Just… Sometimes people get hurt. I'm not worried about me. But you already look so different I'm worried someone would choose off, dig?"
Josephine takes a deep breath and slides down from the bike to come to stand next to Delphyne.
"I know you can step bad for your own choice self but that could get really tense fast,." Josie shrugs again and then gestures toward the theater before she starts to walk. "Let's go stuff you full of snacks."
Delphyne blinks, then smiles, "Well, let's see how things go, Josie." She does slip her hand down, lightly grasping Josie's hand as she lets Josie lead the way, "But I think this will be fun." Her voice sounds pretty confident about that, as she walks into the theater with the other girl.
Josie guides Delphyne through a gauntlet of snacks and movies, collecting quite the array of items for the movie including multiple coca-colas. They eventually end up seeing 'Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.' It looks better than the other films in the theatre right now and the poster has fun pictures on it.
What follows next is an absurdist horror story about the terror of the cold war. It leaves Josie shaken and she is the most irreverent girl on earth. She also laughs like crazy through the most hilarious parts. It's one of those things that is actually vaguely disconcerting when all is siad and done. Given what was going on toward the end of the movie in particulr.
"You know, I heard they were talking about making the ending be, like, a pie fight. Just to show all those guys were off their rockers, dig? Have the pies represent the missiles while driving home they were all just bonkers warmongers." Josie is spouting this bit of trivia as she walks with Del from the inside of the theatre.
Delphyne tilts her head, "That was… interesting." She looks rather thoughtful, not really laughing much in the movie, though there were a few moments. Of course, the ex-Nazi references and most of the absurdity is just something that she isn't familiar with, so she looks curiously at Josie, "That… was supposed to be a comedy? Or a warning fable? Or a bit of both?"
"It was both," Josie agrees completely, nodding her head as she does. "It was a, mmm, warning fable disguised as a comedy, I think. Like, you laugh at it and then you wonder why you were laughing. I guess most of it was lost on you since you're not- you know. From around here." Josie looks back at Delphyne and frowns thoughtfully while she considers this a moment. "But it's mostly about how awful war is and how blind our leaders are about it." She takes a deep breath. Slowly. There's no hurry to reach the motorcycle now. "If I'd known I'd have gone for a different one."
She smiles over at Josie, "It's alright. I thought it was very well done. There was… interesting aspects, to how they aimed the… what, the camera?" Del isn't being fake with that, she actually recognized the emotion /behind/ the film work that the director was evoking. She just doesn't know all the specific terms. She's not really walking in a hurry either, but hmms at Josie, "I guess I just don't know enough of your world yet to see, but I can agree in the folly of war. I can fight, but I always hope I don't have to."
"I'll be honest. I like to fight. A lot, actually." Josie's voice is soft as she wlaks alongside Delphyne, her blue eyes cat toward the ground. "I don't want to have to fight. I don't like seeing people being hrt. All the auses of me gong out and fighting… I guess I want them to go away. But beating people down? I enjoy testing myself like that. And I like being overpowered sometimes. Sturggling. Bruises and sweat…" Josie trails off before blinking a couple times. "ANyway. I don't know how to feel about it all, I guess." She shakes her head, laughing quietly as she does. "Anyway."
Delphyne chuckles at Josie, "Well, yes, I enjoy sparring quite a bit. And I do like that aspect of it, but fighting for real, where it's my life or my opponent's… that I'm not terribly fond of." She hmms, "I can kill if I have to, but I prefer not to do that." She then slips an arm around Josie, glancing over at the girl, her lips curl a little in a smile, "Overpowered?"
"Free hint," Josie replies without actually looking back. That would show how red her cheeks are. "Overpowered," she confirms then as she moves to get the bike ready to leave. It only takes a moment. "I trust you. Anyway, sparring is great. My swordsmanship is pretty spot on but I have a lot of ther training to do andn o one to do it with… Anyway." Josie is climbing onto the bike and taking another quick breath. "Anywhere in particular you want to go tonight…?"
Delphyne smiles and slips up behind Josie on the bike, wrapping her arms around Josie. "Well, I don't know. We could practice more billiards, or would you like to show me something more about this world?" She tilts her head, "Or, if you were feeling up to it, we /could/ spar a bit. I have a weapons locker after all."
"I'm not sure which things about this world to show you," Josie responds rather earnestly. SHe settles into being held easily for once and then cruises away from the theatre, motorcycle rumbling as she rides along. This time she does not gun he engine, content to move at a more moderate pace. "Everything, maybe. But I'm not sure where to begin. A spar sounds like it would be a gas. You have a weapons locker, huh? I'd love to see how an Amazon fights." Delphyne can hear the smile in Josie's voice. "I might lose." She shrugs.
Delphyne grins, "Actually, I have several, scattered through the city. Just keeping them in safe places, for when I need them. But we can head back to my place, we can go up to the roof." She clings tightly to Josie on the bike, resting her head on Josie's shoulder as she definitely enjoys the ride.