Maximus comes over to the old apartment and knocks a few times. Then he rubs his knuckles, like it was offensive to him to do that.
Lindon opens the door, peers, then closes the door, undoes the chain lock, and opens the door properly. "I haven't seen you in awhile," he says by way of greeting. The apartment is looking somewhat sparse these days. Many of the books are gone, enough that one can actually tidy up in there. It looks like someone normal lives here. Almost. Lindon steps away from the door so Maximus can come in, and he even smiles, if slightly.
Maximus comes on into the place. "Someone knows I am here, if this is some sort of trap. What have you done? Partly moved?" He notices the missing books immediately, and tries at once to divine the cause. "I have thought about you quite a bit of late, actually."
Lindon regards Maximus blankly for a moment. "No, this isn't a trap," he says. "I don't have anything to trap you with and no motive." He goes to the kitchen, where there's a pot of tea already brewed, and he pours two mugs. "I've been staying with a friend, and he's got a generously-sized library so I've moved my more valuable books there, where they'll be more secure." He smiles thinly and offers one of the mugs over, doctored the way Maximus takes it. Little details like that he remembers. "I just thought you might like to talk."
"I like to assume things are traps. Then I am rarely surprised by them." Maximus replies, wandering a little in the apartment and looking things over. He's wearing a black suit, today, hair in curls around his face. "Have you had some vision? Lose any more of yourself, lately?"
"There's a certain logic to that," Lindon says. He sets Maximus' tea on a side table, and he sits on the couch, stirring his own cup idly. "No visions," he says as he watches Maximus. He is himself dressed in a button shirt and tie, matching drab slacks. He probably didn't get changed when he came home from work. He hides so much potential appeal. "But I've done some research on terragenesis. There are things out there that are known that aren't going to break my brain."
"Oh? Do humans know things about terragensis?" Maximus snaps his head to look at the Relic. He wanders closer, glances to the tea, then back to Lindon, still not ready to have a seat, it seems. He could have a few guesses as to why Lindon doesn't try to seem more attractive. "What have you found…and what will be its cost?"
Lindon shakes his head and says, "No, not really, but Inhumans put knowledge into the world. I don't know where the information comes from, just that…" He takes a folder off the coffee table and shows it to Maximus. "So far, that the secrets are well hidden, enough that more people are asking questions than have answers. And no, I don't know who is asking."
Maximus takes the folder and then is finally lured to sit. Steel eyes regard Lindon a moment, and then he opens it. He glides his fingertips across transcriptions of news articles and documents that stretch back to the 1800s. Just, occasionally the name Inhuman comes up in such a way that it suggests that its talking about more than just…an exceptional ability. His fingers linger on a mimeograph of a picture, he turns it to look at it. "I believe I can answer the who…though it is not one person."
Lindon's information is laid out in a highly organized fashion with references and citations. This. This is what he does. This is where he shines. "If the information is of any use to you, it's just, uh…" He shrugs and glances down at his tea, almost smiling. A little, but only almost. "Just use it to a good end."
"Ugh…could you be more heroic? Even the pope charges for his work." Maximus chuckles and then leans back in the chair. "What this tells me is that there has been a lot of traitors over the years…people who have left Attilan…and spoken of it. But the ones asking the questions…I think its the Kree. They are aliens…"
Lindon laughs, nearly soundless but his shoulders shake with it and it trembles in his voice. "I don't need money," he says, "but okay, what I want in return is a friendly rapport with the King of Attilan." At the mention of the Kree, he nods quickly and says, "The aliens who originally created the Inhumans by hybridizing homo sapiens. Awful people." Hastily, he adds, "The Kree, I mean."
"Yes. Our enemy…a lot of the time. But…not wholly without their uses. They did, after all, make the terrigen. If I cannot figure out how to do it, they would have that knowledge. There is something about you, Lindon." He lifts a picture and points it at the librarian. "You may be somewhat crazy."
"So all you have to do is find the Kree," Lindon says. He looks at the picture, then his dark-eyed gaze goes to Maximus, and he smiles softly. "The sum of human knowledge and wisdom beyond has wedged itself into my head like a root through cement. If I wasn't at least a little crazy, I'd be completely insane."
Maximus draws in a deep breath. "Find the Kree. No, that did not go well for me the lassst time. I hurt myself." He sighs then. "Its more complicated than that, but its the short version. I think, though, that you know more than you think you know, currently. I would like you to come to my lab."
Lindon's brows shoot up. "To your lab," he says. "Why do I see myself strapped to a table with a thunderstorm raging outside?" He takes a drink of his tea, then says, "I'll continue to write down what I can find, but sure, I'll come to the lab sometime. I'd like to see it." He admits, somewhat hesitantly, "I find you rather fascinating."
Maximus is remarkably sane this afternoon, and he squints his eyes at Lindon when the man describes EXACTLY his sort of mad science…completely unaware that there are these things called American Films. "Me. Not it?" He cannot hide his surprise, there briefly, before he covers for it with arrogance, "Of course. I am a ruler, set on discovering a life-saving formula, for my people." He waves a picture around and then settles it back into his file. "Hardly anything more interesting than that. Except that if I had managed to acquire a powerful Asgardian magical device that could cause desire in people." A grin. "For example." Another pause. "No, no lightning. But…I believe that if you see it…you may /remember/ things. As I have oft said to you…you are reading your own mind more than you are aware."
"Sometimes I draw conclusions that seem like psychic phenomena," Lindon admits. So many things about himself he's not aware of, for all that those conclusions aren't psychic but the result of calculations so lightning quick they come faster than conscious thought. He purses his lips, then says tentatively, "If I go with you, I require some guarantee of my safety. I'm under someone's protection, and it would be rude of me to force him to action. Whereas if I come home safe and sound, he need never worry." He smiles fleetingly. He wags a finger. "Be careful with that device. Once the effect wears off, you'll be swarmed with resentful enemies."
Maximus snorts faintly. "Protection from who? Not me. What am I supposed to do to guarantee your safety? Meet your parents?" Max's voice turns into a mocking-tease.
Lindon snorts and says, "Just don't knowingly take actions that endanger me. If I step out in front of a bus, that's not something you can be held responsible for." He shakes his head, then adds, "My parents are dead." And his sister is a hunter of evil things. No need to bring that up.
"So are mine." Maximus replies with, a little flash of challenge there. Then he calms back down and leans back in the cofa. "I am not going to endanger you. You are welcome to tell your mysterrrrrrious protector where you are."
Lindon laughs and says, "He wouldn't like it. I don't think he cares for you." He takes another drink of tea and leaves it at that. The spats between the powerful and possibly wicked aren't things he wants to get involved in. "If you're not going to hurt me, I'll take you at your word, and that's enough. I'm still a free man."
"Now you MUST tell me who it is. There are so many people who that could be." Maximus grins crookedly and chuckles.
Lindon studies Maximus for a moment. Finally, he says, "Lamont Cranston. He's only mentioned that, when I take visitors in his home, he'd prefer if you weren't among them, as you're dangerous." He finishes his tea and leans in to set the cup on the coffee table. "So I keep this apartment I don't like the idea that there are certain people I can't see in my own home."
Maximus presses his lips together. "I do not even recognize that /name/. Dangerous is not bad. Dangerous is…a compliment." He winks. He brings the tea up to his lips and sips it, then crosses one leg over the other. "This Cranston fellow…are you two…" He waves his hand side to side.
Lindon grins at the wink. Then Maximus asks his question, and Lindon's gaze drops. The smile broadens, then he suppresses it, and he takes a deep, soothing breath. "We're friendly," he says. "There's a certain rapport."
Maximus presses his lips together. "Mmmhmm. Well, no need to tell your friend of where you will be then. I would not wish him to get /jealous/. Now…where can I write my address?"
Lindon considers Maximus for a moment, and whatever conclusion he draws, he keeps his own counsel. He just smiles a little, then gets up, long legs carrying him to his desk, where there is a pad of paper and a pen. He brings them over to the sofa, sitting closer to Maximus so he can hand them over. "Here." First, though, he writes down his number for Maximus. The number to this place, the number to the house where he's living. Because Lamont answering the phone wouldn't end badly, surely.
Noooo, surely not. Everything will be totally fine. Maximus reaches out for the pad and the pen and writes in English, though his handwriting is peculiar, just the way he shapes things, until he has written out the address. Then he hands it back and takes the phone number of Lindon's NEW place on it. "I suppose I told you about the artifact because…I might have decided to use it on you. But. As you can see…I have not. If there were any way you could trust me, perhaps it is that. I did not cause you to /desire/ to have visions for me."
"I don't know if I can be forced to want that," Lindon admits. "But it's best not to try. All right, then." He looks at Maximus for a long time. Finally, he says, "You've taken pains to protect me for no personal gain. I want you to know that means something to me. I've met a number of people who call themselves human who wouldn't do me the same courtesy."
"Of course, of course, not. So many humans are terrible. And mutants too. That's why I need to ensure my peoples' safety and future. The world will NEED them." Maximus lets out an exhale. "And…sometimes the way you look…just cries out to be forced to do things. You should be careful about that. It /lures/ the natural predator."
Lindon's eyes widen. Speaking of nudging at the predator's urge. He swallows, then says, "I'm not sure what you mean." For all his intellect, there are some areas where he just doesn't know how to logic it out. Still, he's not entirely clueless. Blood rushes to his cheeks, and he lowers his gaze. "How would you suggest I be careful?"
"Even your friend tells you what to do. You need a plan. A plan, even if it is a ridiculous one, can help you decide other things rapidly. Then you will be confident, able to stand up for yourself." Maximus suggests to the wilting font of information
"I don't always listen," Lindon points out. "He's advised me away from you, after all." He listens though, and he nods slowly. "I know a lot about self-defense," he admits, "except how to use it. Muscle memory is essential, which means proper training in the right technique. Finding someone to teach me has proven to be a bit of a challenge."
Loki tilts his head as he considers Lindon and his martial arts. "You need a martial arts teacher? Hmm. Are you afraid that they woud take advantage of you? I have seen so many people leaping about, I will keep an eye out and ask the next one for a contact information." He seems amused at the thought. SO MANY NINJAS.
Maximus tilts his head as he considers Lindon and his martial arts. "You need a martial arts teacher? Hmm. Are you afraid that they woud take advantage of you? I have seen so many people leaping about, I will keep an eye out and ask the next one for a contact information." He seems amused at the thought. SO MANY NINJAS.
Lindon inclines his head as he says, "This is why I wrote up the report for you, and why I'm willing to go to your lab. You don't have to do these things, but you're willing to. I think Lamont is right; you're dangerous. But I also think you're principled."
"Oh…well, you /are/ helping me." Maximus runs his fingers across the envelope in a caress. "It is not as if I have offered to spare you when I end the world." He flashes a smile and is most likely joking.
Lindon arches a brow as he looks Maximus over. "If the world's over, will it be worth being spared?" he asks lightly. "In any case, I feel safer knowing that, for the foreseeable future, I'm worth more to you alive than dead." He smiles too, though a dimmer version, and is surely joking, too. Though he's not wrong.
Maximus finishes off the tea and then stands up. He has the folder in his hands still. "Indeed. Soon…I will want you to come over. And I have to say, I like the idea that you coming will be a bit of a secret."
Lindon rises as well. He smiles, and the expression makes him look uncertain and young, but still pleased. "Of course," he says. "I'll come over." He stands by to show Maximus to the door like a proper host. "It's kind of exciting, isn't it. I realize I'm merely exerting my independence, but that's what makes it thrilling."
Maximus does head out, though he's got some food for thought…like…what sort of horribly tantalizing and confusing outfit to wear when he next meets the man, to send him running home to his boyfriend in a tizzy. "Until then…dooo keep looking."