1964-05-29 - Thea and Carol make it official
Summary: Steve, Thea, and Carol clarify the bit about joining the Avengers
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carol-danvers thea steve-rogers 

She'd asked for a refill on her lemonade, and then Thea had perused the shelves with a quiet wonder akin to Belle in the fairy tale. She'd picked out a book, a historical tome on the First World War, before curling up in an arm chair. Blonde hair is still loose in curls over her pale purple dress, shoes that match on the floor because her feet are tucked up in the chair with her. There's a couple inches of lemonade left in the glass, and the biokinetic is deep into the book.


For her part, Carol decided to leave Thea in relative peace and quiet, as that's something that doesn't come along too often. Still, Carol did head back to the kitchen to snarf a muffin, since… well, the poppyseed ones were her favorite, and amazingly there was still one left! Needless to say, it died in glory to the greater service of the Kree, or at least Captain Marvel.


Steve wanders in in a t-shirt and sweat pants and winces. There's not much down there in the training room, but there's enough to get a good work out. Day by day, more and more gets done around here. "Hi there, ladies," he says as he looks for some cold water in the fridge. Ever the man from the depression era, Steve fills up old jars with water so that it's cold.


Thea senses more than sees the man himself, but it's enough that she finds something to mark her page with, and slide her heels back on. Lemonade glass retrieved, and she'll move on into the kitchen to make her greetings. "Well hello again. It's interesting to see you out of uniform." She'll send Carol a glance, and a wink.


Carol is actually in her costume, and coughs softly at the mention of the uniform, and Steve. Admittedly, she might be dating Tony, but that doesn't stop her from taking a second to admire the view before she grins at Steve, "Yeah, Ms. Harman came by since you had mentioned that she'd be useful here, and after seeing what she can do, I agree." She pauses a moment, then smiles a bit wider, "Also, I was wondering if you wanted me to do more for the team than catch French mercenaries that were tossed into a low orbit?"


"Nice to see you, Miss Harman," Steve says, tipping the can of water towards Thea. "Of course I want you both to do more. I'd like it if both of you joined the Avengers to be honest." From there he's guzzling some more water.


Oh, if only Thea KNEW Carol was dating Tony. She'd be aghast that this perfectly well mannered, polite, intelligent, and beautiful woman was dating that rude, presumptive jerk. There is a faint brow arch at Steve, watching him rehydrate.. in more than one way. It's a weird thing, being able to see bodies in ways others can't. "While I'm interested, I just want to know exactly what I'd be getting into. I know there are things you may not be able to tell me. I just need to know what I'm jumping into before I sign my name."


Carol smiles, "Well, you guys need me around, and I'd definitely want to be here full-time if you'll have me on." She hmms, "And I just have to say if there's anything covert we need to do, I think Thea would be an excellent pick for that, and I could even give her some training in that regard."


Steve nods, "Glad to hear it." He looks back at Thea, "In a word? Trouble. You'd be getting into lots, and lots of trouble. And, you might get lucky and save the world while you're at it."


Thea can't help the glance at Carol, the half start. "Covert. Me…" She pauses. "It's just because I can kill people without even looking at them, isn't it." Then there's the smirk, a warm gaze at Steve, "Captain, darling.. clearly I already have a knack for finding myself in, and stopping, trouble. I need to know what I have to do, what I need to sign, how much of my life am I giving away, will I need to resign from the hospital, that sort of thing. I don't need to be sold on saving the world. I like saving people that need it just fine, whenever, however."


"Well, to answer your questions in order," Steve says as he looks to the ceiling, trying to remember if he's got it right. "Fight alongside us. Whatever you can give. I don't think that'd be necessary," he says in order.


Carol Danvers snorts. "Not exactly, Ms. Harman. More like, you don't have big flashy powers and you can knock someone out without looking like you're doing anything." She smiles wryly, "I've done a fair amount of covert operations before switching up to a jumpsuit, so I just think something that /isn't/ flashy can be useful. Could have been useful in Madripoor anyway." With that, she passes a knowing glance to Steve, and says, "She nearly incapacitated me, without really trying to hard."


"I just need to know. I can live on what I have put away for quite some time yet, if you needed something more full time. I will want some of my life for myself, so I can rest and refresh." There's a hint of a shrug as Thea looks at Carol. "Oh please, you weren't even struggling. You were fine, yet." There's a hint of a grin at that, just a girl thing, right?


Steve shakes his head, "I'm not giving up my drawing. I mean, the job doesn't pay, aside what you can get out of Stark maybe. So, we all got to eat, you know?" He takes one more drink from the can and then closes it to put back into the fridge.


Carol grins, "That's only because I don't really need to breathe, otherwise I might have been having some trouble." She chuckles, "Oh, I might put some pressure on Tony if he gets to be too stingy, but I suspect that's not going to be a problem." What pressure that is, she doesn't exactly say.


There's both brows arch, and a serious look if disdain. "Stark? I wouldn't ask that rude man for a dime." And there it is.. Thea's upper class upbringing is exposed in one expression, one sentence, and that tone. So very displeased princess there for a moment. "I have money, is my point. Money I've saved, money that was saved for me. I just would prefer to resign if things could conflict with my shifts at the hospital."


"I'm not telling you have to work," Steve says with a smile. "And I'm not telling you you don't. That's your call." He chuckles, "Not a big fan of Stark? He gets kind of a bad rap. He's a pretty good guy, when you get down to it."


Carol looks slightly uncomfortable at that, "Well, he can be pretty abrasive, but he does mean well. He also needs a bit of direction." She coughs softly, actually blushing a bit as she looks off to the side.


"I just don't know how many of you there are, here. I don't know how often healing or covert harm is needed. I just don't want to get a bad rep at the local hospitals because I'm off trying to help you win battles." She shrugs, before there's a very unladylike snort. "I don't want to know how far down you had to go. He was rude, presumptuous and a bit of a jerk." She looks at Carol, a sigh. "Oh lord, don't tell me you date that jerk."


"Bout a dozen," Steve says as he thinks. "And, I really can't answer those questions. I hope we never need healing. But I simply just don't know that."


Carol Danvers nods, "Exactly and…" She sighs and gives Thea a wry look, "It's a long story, but it's really a friend's fault. She set us up, and… it's actually been going pretty well. I mean, he's not been a jerk around me, anyway. If he was, I'd have dumped him so fast his head would spin."


Thea looks at Steve, those honey-brown eyes narrowing at him a moment. "I'll talk to my grandfather." She says, which may not make any sense to them. "So, do I sign something, is there a secret handshake, do I get a decoder ring, or what? I don't have one of those fancy uniforms, so everyone knows who I am, after all." That last is teasing. Then her eyes slide over to Carol. "Clearly you have him trained. Crystal tried to tell me he was grumpy because he was hungry. I simply will.. well, I'll leave that as a surprise.


Steve snickers, "No, there's nothing like that. If you need some sort of uniform, I can talk to one of the others about getting something tactical. If you're more about fashion, Wasp is the one you want to speak with." He grins over at Carol, "Good luck keeping up with that guy. You have my respect."


Carol chuckles, "Steve, he needs all the help he can keeping up with /me/." She grins wryly, as she might have set a world record for 'time spent before dumping Tony' of anyone… so she must have figured something out. Then she smiles at Thea, "Oh, that's totally fine, but please don't get him too badly without warning me first?"


"I might want a uniform, for more public excursions, but I am sure I can furnish a covert wardrobe on my own.. " Her head tilts. "Winsome Wasp? Little thing?" There's a chuckle. "She approached me about possible heroing." There's a shrug, before she gives Carol a wide-eyed and innocent look. "Oh, I won't do anything too terrible. No worries." She looks between the two of them. "So what else is there? A number to call? A key to the door?"


"I don't think we keep the door locked yet. We're still refurnishing. When I change the locks, I'll get you a key," Steve says. "For all of those things, see, uh, Crystal. She handles all that."


Carol grins, "Well, I think that's about everything then… frankly, if there's empty rooms here, it would definitely beat my apartment. But then again, I guess my identity would be out in the open, huh? And that could be… complex." Since, yeah, SHIELD agent and all on top of the secret identity anyway. "Anyway, nice to meet you Ms. Harman, catch you later Steve." She lightly punches Steve in the shoulder, a friendly gesture, as she heads out.

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