1964-06-04 - Our families suck
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Theme Song: None
lorna remy-lebeau 

The outdoor air feels good on Remy's skin. After yesterday's scorcher, the weather has given way to a cool breeze. He steps out of the back, knee deep in studying, for a cigarette break. He's wearing a simple white dress shirt, untucked of course, with black pants. His hair is everywhere. He puffs a few times and looks around the backyard, wondering why he enjoys it here so much.


Lorna comes trekking from the woods, rust spinning in clouds above her head as she lifted its stains from her clothes. She smelt heavily of iron and steel. There was a veritble scrap heap in the woods beyond the manor, safely out of her range when she started heavily throwing her powers about. Green hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she wore a pair of shorts and a tank.

She spotted Remy standing outside as she approached the mansion, and a smile pulled at her lips. "Hey!" She came up toward him, folding her hands behind her back as she halted. "How's it goin'?"


"Ey, Lorna," Remy says as he strides over toward her, looking down at first, but then up at the spinning rust. The Cajun's eyebrow goes up, "What all dat?" he asks as he takes a drag from the smoke and inspects.


"Rust, iron oxide. I can manipulate magnetic fields, and my father set up a scrap heap in the woods so I can practice. A couple of rusted out cars are out there, and I was trying to train with 'em. Unfortunately, that means that I always get covered in rust. Buuut, I can remove it. No stains." She flashed a grin up to Remy, and the rust cloud dipped around before closing into a ball before her as her hands moved to shape it out.

"And in theory, I should be able to manipulate it back to iron. I just.." She shrugged, "Not so good at that yet."


Remy makes a face and shrugs his shoulders while tilting his head, "Well you get dere f'sho, lil lady. Dat's what dis place is for, non?" He smiles at her. "How long you been at dis place, chere?"


A shrug and Lorna tosses the ball of rust and iron bits away with her powers, the ball flying high and disapearing to the other side of the field. "Yeah, I mean my father can and he's helping to train me. So in theory, I should be able to do it in the future." She pushed her hair back, biting her lower lip as she glanced back toward him.

"I've been living here full time for.. uhm.. well, since the New Year I guess. I used to go to the Frost Academy, but Miss Frost moved everything here. Before that I only came up on the weekends to hang out with my father. That's been going on since last fall.."


Remy takes a step closer to her as he realizes she's biting her lower lip. "Since las' fall, y'say? Guess you mus' be likin' it thus far. What sorts of tings you like to do fo fun out here? I be likin' my time, but I confess dat I am libel to get mighty bored."


A shrug followed and Lorna pushed her hair back, fidgeting to sweep green hair back again into a better, redone, ponytail. "I mean, my father lives here. Sorta. And since I started my training? Well, it's nice to be someplace safe. Metal sorta is all over the place, and before I was sorta just ignoring it and dying my hair." She rambled on before swinging her arms back and forth idly.

"For fun… well, to be honest there's not much. It's actually pretty uhm, pretty slow. Outside of training and conditioning and class work. I mean. The lake's nice though, for a swim." A glance followed toward said lake.

"But mostly I go out. I have my own car so that works out pretty well. I mostly still volunteer in Mutant Town or go back to the city for fun.."


"Y'fatha," Remy says as he looks over his shoulder towards the windows. Perhaps he's wondering if they're being watched. After satisfying his curiosity, he looks back to her and smiles faintly. "Training and conditioning and class work. Sound like it could be a bit dull over de long haul." When she explains she goes back to the city, he nods, as if that was what he would probably end up doing. It makes sense after all.


A nod followed, "Yeah my dad's.. uhm.. Magneto, Erik Lehnsherr. I only found out he was my father er… last fall? Miss Frost helped with it. Pretty standard tale of woe and what not." She shrugged again and bit her lower lip, shifting awkwardly.

"He sorta hangs out here sometimes. When he's not out hunting Nazis or something. I dunno what he does in all honesty."

Another sigh trailed from her as she crossed her arms and shifted her weight upon her toes. "It sucks, I get so antsy with doing everything here and Scott is such a stick in the mud. And it's just so out of the way out here. Like seriously. No good clubs out here, or museums, or parks or anything. Course it's nice to come home and be safe.. but still, totally boring after a while."


"Ah heard o' yer daddy. Din know he was old enough to have a gal as old as you." But then Remy looks confused. "Wait, how old are ya anyways?" He's doing some mental calculations. "Well, chere, if dere be no fun here we'll jus' haveta make some fun for us."


A laugh, "I'm eighteen, turning nineteen soon, actually." She paused, blinking a few times. "Actually, I'm not a hundred percent certain when my birthday was.. uhm.." She scratched the back of her neck as she turned green eyes upwards.

"See, my father uhm.. well, he was a survivior of the Holocaust. He escaped Aushwitz as a young man. After… afterwards he apparently didn't treat women so well. It's how I came about. He didn't exactly know I existed." She exhaled a huff of a breath.

"So, I'm not sure when I was born either exactly.. I mean, I know what the adoption papers said. But I dunno. I came out of Poland as a warbaby with thousands of others." She shrugged again and heaved a sigh.

"And my family only gets more complex what with my older siblings.." She made a face, and shook her head. "Sorry, it's .. it's pretty messy. I didn't mean to give you like.. my life story or anything. Probably pretty boring, honestly." She grinned weakly and toed the ground. "But yeah, fun. Totally. I'm down for that. Sounds groovy."


Remy shrugs, "Ah wanted to know, t'be honest. Out of all de folks round dese parts, it be seemin' like you be de one most willin' to give ole Remy a fair shake. So, learnin' more about ya ain't no waste of time for me."


A shrug, and another smile followed. "S'okay. I mean, I totally get that. I mean, er.. well.." She stammered for a moment, and fought down a flush that crossed her cheeks.

"I've done things I'm not exactly proud of.. even though at the time I thought they were the right thing to do. I sorta, ran around with Raven for a bit.. my father.. and the Professor sorta had a past with her. She used to be here, apparently. I thought I knew what I was doing.. I just.." She shrugged once more, her features cooling as she looked down at her sneakers.

"Everyone deserves a fair chance."


"Yeah, me and Raven were pretty close too," Remy admits. "Although, ahm still comin' round over what was de bad stuff and what was necessary." He gives her an upward nod as he stands a step closer to her. "Y'allright, chere? You lookin' uncomfortable."


"I mean.. I sorta pulleda building down on a bunch of guys that were after me once.." A wince, "Which was pretty bad. Also, I helped Raven with a few other things.. well, I mean, she got answers and all.. but it was definitely not what I was hoping for. I just … Not exactly, proud of holding a guy down while .. er, you know.. I probably shouldn't talk about all of that out here. Some kids might come by and all.." She trailed off, pausing for a moment before he spoke and took a step forward.

A blink, and Lorna turned green eyes upwards toward him. "Uhm, yeah. Totally. Just.. fine." She chewed her lower lip again, a nervous habit as she rocked her weight back and forth on her sneakers. "Just. Uhm peachy-keen." She grinned weakly, and forced a laugh.

"Sorry, I have a bad habit of.. rambling. A bit." She added after another pause.


"Yeah, ah dun some bad tings round Raven too. Good news is a lotta folks round here got similar stories. Ah dun tink dey trust me much, but dat okay. I dun trust a lot of de people here yet very much either. Sure it'll get straightened out eventually." Remy's head tilts as she stammers. "Lot worse habits folks could have. Like smokin." He puts his out on the ashtray that sits out here, before pulling out another cigarette. "You smoke, chere?"


A nod, "Yeah I know that Josh was there with Raven too. He tried to recruit me, oh gosh, months ago. And he's pretty chill at least. It'll be nice to have him around here. Too many ways things can go bad and having someone that can heal? Totally useful." She wrinkled her nose faintly at the offer of the cigarette and shook her head.

"Nope, I don't. Thanks though."

She shifted on her toes, and raised her hands up before her. A metal patio chair lifting upwards and floating over, followed by a second one for Remy. Then she sat, offering him a grin as she pulled her legs up.

"So what brought you here? I mean, I heard why Josh came around. But how'd you find the school? Or did the Professor find you?"


Remy takes a seat and sits back in his chair, bringing the cigarette up to his lips slowly as it almost seems he looks to her legs as she pulls them up. "Got into a lil tiff wit de po-leece. Rogue, I tink dat what dey call her, saved my life. She bring me here." He holds up his left hand towards Lorna; the fingernails clearly had all been ripped out and are now growing back in.


Lorna sat up straight in her chair as she listens, her eyebrows shooting upwards. "My father mentioned you! He was super worried that I might've gotten caught up in the mess down in Mutant Town and was worried. He mentioned seeing something to do with that." She tilted her head to the side, peering with wide eyes at his fingernails.

"Why don't you talk to Josh to get that fixed up?"


"Josh ain't offered yet. Same as you ain't offered y'help wit' yo'powers. Far as I see it, it rude to ask someone to use their powers to fix y'life." Remy chuckles, "So y'father already hate ole Remy."


A blink, "Well my powers are kinda uhm, useless for helping.. I mean, magnetism really doesn't fix much unless you're a car. Or a fridge.." She murmured, settling her chin atop her knees. A slow shake of her head following.

"Actually no, he was saying how the baseline cop was out of line. How he was torturing a mutant and how wrong it was. He's pretty big on Mutant Rights and all. Just not as hmmm militant as Raven I guess. He's more active than the Professor though when it comes to actually going out. Not that I don't think that the Professor is doing the right thing, because I do.. but just certain times you need a bit more. You know?"


"Y'just ain't tinkin creatively, chere," Remy says, raising his eyebrow and tilting his head. He then chuckles about Erik, "Well mebbe ole Remy gotta talk wit yo pappa a lil bit. Seem like he and me might be kindred spirits."


That earned a raised eyebrow, "I mean, I can drive my car without having to worry about powering it. I don't need my keys. No one will ever be able to break into it.. not if I magnetize it right. And I mean, sure I can deflect bullets.. Actually how I met Raven.." She muttered the last part mostly to herself. "But like I dunno how creative it can be…"

"And good luck catching my father around here. He's like totally never here these days. He comes and goes randomly. Last month he was off hunting Nazis that escaped trial over in Poland I think. I dunno. That's what he eluded to. And now he's off to go hunt down Maximus—" A pause as she glanced toward him, "Maximus is this guy, he's cousins to Miss Crystal if you've seen her around. They're not mutants, but they've got powers too. Anyway, that is super complicated.. But yeah, suffice to say he pissed my father off pretty badly."


"Y'seem a lil innocent for me to be sharin' dat particular idea," Remy replies with a sinister grin. His eyebrows come together in confusion as she talks about Crystal and Maximus. "Not mutants? What do you mean?"


A look was aimed his way, dry and mutinous with a hint of a blush crossing her cheeks. Her eyebrows quirked upwards as she eyed him and leaned back in her chair. "Right, totally cool with talking about torture and stuff, but yeah." She rolled her eyes, but didn't press further as he continued with his question.

"There's this secret Kingdom of 'em. They're called Inhumans. Miss Crystal is one, Maximus is her cousin. They've got powers like mutants.. Miss Crystal can manipulate elements and Maximus can.. well, I guess he has something to do with telepathy. Anyways, they're not born with their powers. There's some kinda of mist-y thing. I dunno exactly the details. I was with my father and a bunch of other. We knocked Maximus from being king pretty soundly.. It's pretty complicated. Miss Crystal is actually a Princess from that place. It's called Attilan.. I think."

She shrugged and turned her gaze skywards. "But the mist stuff that turns them into powered people is really creepy actually. Maximus used it as a weapon against us.. and I guess it kills nonpowered baselines. It made my father sick and he only got a whiff of it. And it turns people that are like them into this cacoon thing. I saw it. Totally like a horror movie too."


Remy's grin grows and as her eyebrow quirks upwards and she leans back, he winks at her. But then it's all business as she tells him a pretty fantastic tale about something called the Inhumans. Remy looks confused, "Wait, you mean dey like, aliens?"


A shrug, "I dunno? They're not mutants and they're not exactly human. Miss Crystal told me about it before, but I think so. I like I said, it's totally weird. But they've got this secret kingdom somewhere on the other side of the planet. But it's a whole kingdom of people like that. Can you imagine? A whole country of powered people? Like mutants? No one being targeted because they're different but celebrated?" She arched a brow upwards and leaned back in her chair.

"I wish I could've stayed more than a few days. And that I wasn't there to help my father dispose of a King. That would've been nice."


Remy sits back and finishes his cigarette, looking out over the lake. He goes quiet for a moment before looking back to her. "Dats de dream, non? Specially de last part of what you said." He pauses for a moment. "Next time y'talk t'him, would you mind mentioning him? I'd like to talk to him, if it's just the same to you."


A nod and Lorna props her chin up with her hand. "Yeah, it just sounds so far away when living here. With all the protests, riots, the attacks on Mutant Towns.. the fact Mutant Town exists.." She heaved a sigh. "Killer robots, police brutality.. I just don't see it happening in our life times, you know? But that place? It's what they've been like for a looong time. And that's just so cool." She pursed her lips and dragged her free hand over her hair.

"And sure, yeah, I'll mention that you're around and interested in talking. I imagine he won't be gone for too much longer. Course, he tends to drop by and leave pretty quickly too. So, should I call you Remy then? Is that cool?"


"Chere, girl like you can call me whatevah you want otha than late for dinna," Remy replies. He sighs, wistfully, "I still tink we got a chance to have peace in our time. How we get dere, tho. I unno. I'm a fighter not a tinker."


A blush spread over her cheeks at that, and she crossed her arms atop her knees, fighting back the urge to grin reflexively. She mostly failed. "Well good to know then." She murmured, and shifted in her seat, lowering her feet to the ground.

"And well, I hope so. That would be nice. I dunno how we'll get there either. It's a fight that has to happen at all levels, from the top down, or the bottom up, or whatever. I'm sorta at a loss for where to start. But I do know that it'll take all kinds to get there. Any one path is just too littered with pitfalls." She mused, and then glanced toward him. "It's nice to have someone else around that doesn't think it's all one sided either. Scott and I get into fights whenever we talk about this stuff."


"Aw, girl. Scott alright. I fight wit him too, a lot but his heart in de right place. After runnin' round in Nawlins and in New York wit Raven, I seen a lotta bad people wit dere heart in de wrong place. Stick in de mud, yes. Hard t'be round? Yes. But he a good guy and we need more of dose guys on our side."


Lorna huffed, picking at her nails as she gave Remy a dry look. "Yeah, okay, fair. Totally fair, when it matters Scott is a good person. But I'm still totally not giving him any leeway on it. The dude totally upset Miss Frost and the Professor. He needs someone to pull that stick out of his butt." She didn't swear, not once.

"And I certainly am not the one to do it. I swear.." She shook her head and wrinkled her nose.


"Me-tinks the lady does go on protestin' t'much," Remy says with a grin. "Ole Billy Shakes dun predicted dis whole ting hundreds of years ago." Remy re-looks at her, "You gots a crush on little Slim Scottie Summers?" He lets out a low whistle. "Folks be freakin' ova what he said t'Frost. Errybody jus' need to calm down and cut dem some slack. Ah said a lot worse things to women den he done. Dis too shall pass."


Lorna scoffed, her eyebrows shooting upwards. "Him? Ew! So much. He's a total jerk and a tightwad. I get enough of that from my over-protective sister. Don't drink, don't go out with that boy, don't go out to Mutant Town alone." She made rolled her eyes and huffed a breath, crossing her arms.

"I certainly don't want to hear that from a boy."


Remy can't help but smile wider. "Can't tell if you be lovin' him or hatin' him, chere." He gives an upwards nod, "What sorta boys dun your sister be wantin' you t'hang out wit?"


An eyeroll followed his words as she kicked back in her seat and crossed her arms. "That's totally easy, I dislike him a looot." She muttered quickly, and then glanced back toward Remy.

"Well she locked my last boyfriend into another dimension, her husband-sorta-man did the same thing too. He had issues controlling his powers. And he was rich. Pretty stinkin' rich, actually. And Wanda disliked him. So did my nephew actually." She mused, tapping her chin.

"And sure, to be fair he turned out to be a total jerk, but still!" She held up her finger. "My first boyfriend and my family, save my father, totally threw him under the bus. Not cool. My sister is a total stick in the mud too. Though, I mean, I guess she has reasons to be, since she can re-write bits of reality.."


Remy seems to be shrinking away the more and more that Lorna talks about all of the bad things that have happened to people she was once interested in. He makes the eek face, and his lips quiver a bit. Is that fear? "Sound pretty hectic."


His increased shrinking back into his chair earned an immediate worried look from Lorna and she winced, her brows furrowing and bit her lower lip. "My sister doesn't live here. So I doubt you'll ever run into her! She likely off saving the world from some inter-dimensional monster or something. My ex sought her out. So it was really his own fault. I warned him." She glanced back to Remy and sank back in her chair.

"I'm never gonna get another boyfriend." She heaved a sigh and pressed her hands against her temples. "My family is too crazy." She muttered.

"I'd be better off getting cats. At least they won't get freaked out."


Remy laughs, seeming to loosen up a bit. "Well, I got a cat up in my room, so I'm right dere wit ya. Was engaged. Jus' broke up. Figure little Oliver a fine companion for de time bein."


Lorna offered a sympathetic look, "That sucks. I'm sorry." She sighed, "I just got my ex-boyfriend ditching me and not returning my calls for like a month." She made a face and then brightened again at the mention of a cat.

"Aww, I love cats. Never got to have one growing up. Can I come up and see him?" She asked, clasping her hands together.


"Course you can," he replies as he puts out the cigarette. "Oliver jus' a little kitten. Jus' got him. Come on." Remy stands up out of his chair and makes his way towards the doorway back into the house. He's only recently just moved into his new room.




Lorna arrives from Out <o>.


Lorna has arrived.


Lorna rose from her perch on the chair and made to follow Remy inside and up the stair well. "So, where'd you find him?" She asked as they made their way toward his room. "I'm assuming that you rescued him? Because, no offense, but you don't seem the type to go out and buy a cat or something from a fancy place." She wrinkled up her nose in thought.

"Kinda like I'd imagine Miss Frost to have an all white, fluffy persian to sit on her lap. Though, I doubt she'd want anything that would put fur on her clothes."


Remy opens the door to his room, "Actually, I went down t' de store here and Westchester and gottim." He smiles as he moves out of the way. There, lying on his bed, is a small kitten with the hair pushed up against his face, clearly from sleeping. He's black and white with black over the back, the head, and that comes down over the eyes. The space between them is white, as is his mouth area and chest. He meows in a very high pitched tone. "Dis be Oliver."


An arch of her brows followed that Remy actually went out and bought the kitten at a petstore, but it faded entirely as he opened his door and revealed the tiny kitten. A predicatable 'aww' escaped Lorna as she darted inside and made her way over toward the kitten. She perched on the bed beside the tiny animal, and with the utmost care, reached out to run her fingers over the top of his head to his tail.

"Who's a good kitty?" She coo'ed and scratched him behind the ears and all over, letting him play with her fingers as she wiggled them this way and that. "He's so cute. Gosh, I want one now."


"Well, you can come up here anytime you want and see him till ya do," Remy says as he sits on the bed. Oliver, for what it's worth, gets up and stretches under Lorna's hand, but then thinks better of it and plops back down.


Lorna flashed him a grin and she bent over to coo and shower attention on the little kitten, happily petting him and listening for the sounds of purring. "Awesome, I will totally take you up on that! He's adorable. No wonder you brought him home." She shifted on the bed, leaning in close to press a kiss against Oliver's head as he plopped back down to the blankets.

"Did you always have cats growing up or is this a new thing?" She asked, arching a brow curiously.


"We always have em around. I grew up in a big house wit a lot of people, and dere was always cats comin' and goin. Had dem around, but never had one for my own, no," Remy replies.


Lorna listened carefully, as she continued to pet Oliver. "I never had a pet growing up. My adoptive parents wouldn't let me. My mom was allergic and with my powers? They basically kept me at home much as possible and tried to ignore that whenever I got upset, anything metal bounced. So yeah, dogs and cats were totally out. Even fish, fish tanks with a kid that could rip out the edges of the tank? No way." She huffed, and rolled her eyes.

"Always wanted a pet though." She scratched behind the kitten's ears, continuing to coo at him.

"Do you mind if I pick him up some toys and stuff?" She asked finally, her eyes lifting back toward him. "Like, I dunno if I can manage a cat on my own.. I don't know the first thing about them.. but he likes toys right?"


"Y'know, he's not dat old. I dun even have any toys for him, but I bet he will," Remy replies as he looks to her. "Y'can buy him whatever ya want." He gives an upwards nod as she tells him about the wanting of a pet. "Sound like a bummer."


A grin, bright and wide and warm pulled at her lips as he gave her the go ahead, "Hear that Oliver? I 've got permission to spoil you." She booped her finger against the kitten's nose lightly, and laughed softly at the offended look he gave her.

"And yeah, it was a total bummer. So I'm making up for it now." She tugged at her hair, "No more hair dye, embracing my powers, going out to clubs, gettin' into trouble, listening to rock 'n roll and now.. kittens. Totally the highlight of that list." Another grin as she curled up on the bed beside the kitten, using her fingers to tempt Oliver into playing with the blankets.

"So, what do you do for fun? You said we'd have to make our own after all."


"Drinkin, et cetera," Remy adds as he chuckles at her. "Embracin' yo powers is the sign of an emancipated mutant woman. Ain't nothin' in de world better den dat." Oliver does as suggested as he begins to bat playfully and erratically at the blankets. He rolls over on his back and stretches out, batting at the edges.


"I have only been drinking once and that was with my nephew who has super speed. Never try to keep up with a speedster, just.. so you know." She murmured, and wrinkled her nose at the memory. "I was so hung over. It was utterly miserable. Also, turns out my sister had a point, don't use magnetic powers to try to turn off the lights when drunk. I knocked over the lamp.. it wasn't pretty."

"Ever go dancing?" She asked, arching a brow, before her attention was shifted toward Oliver and she grinned down at the kitten, continuing to play with him and laughing whenever he did something particularly precious.


"Nah, can't stand dancin' t'be honest. Rogue and I went and hung out at a bar and ah felt bad. She went dancin' and I jus' sat dere. Ain't eva cared for it." He chuckles as she talks about her experience with booze, "Well, I spose you should stay away from de drinkin, den. Ah will keep de Bourbon t'mahself."


A dry look was sent his way, she seemed to favor them. "Well, okay, so you drink and.. what is that it for fun? Cause that sound totally lame to just do that for fun." She shot back, and then returned to shower affection down on Oliver.

"Also, that was one time for drinking. And I am using it as a learning experience. Don't turn lamps off with your powers is one thing to note. The other is don't try to keep up with speedsters. Or people with a healing factor. That one is from the Professor. He tried to keep up with Logan and he was even worse off than I was." She flashed him a grin.

"Also, you can keep your bourbon. I have never had it, and I'm more inclined toward sweet things."


"Ahm bein' polite, chere," Remy says with a chuckle. "Don't you worry bout ole Remy, he have plenty of fun. Get into plenty of mischief as well." He looks up at his desk and the bottle of bourbon just happens to be there. "Well, unfortunately ah don't have nothin very sweet wit d'exception of yoself and de cat." He stands and pours a couple of shots into one of his glasses.


A pause and Lorna considered him, "Right, your brand of fun is like all the other boys brand of fun. Got it." She glanced back down to the kitten and she carefully picked him up to settle on her lap. Her gaze landing on the bottle before she shrugged and shifted on the bed.

"I'd be shocked if you had a minibar tucked in here with the TV and everything else. And here I thought my room was getting crowded with my books and armor." She muttered, and then implusively, "Let me try it. I'm curious now."


"Dat bout right, chere. Sorry t'dissapoint." Remy thinks for a moment then corrects, "Well, not exactly like otha boys. I'm better at it den dem." He shrugs his shoulders and hands the glass over to her. "Prolly jus' wanna sip on dat."


Lorna paused in petting Oliver to reach out and accept the glass. She sniffed cautiously at the contents therein before glancing back up at him. "I dunno why every guy I know seems to think that. That they're the best thing out there since sliced bread. So someone out there has to be lying, 'cause they can't all be the 'best'." She shrugged and cautiously sipped at her drink. Her nose wrinkling faintly.

"Oh man, that's .. geeze.. that's strong." She mumbled, and eyed the rest of her glass.


"Dun feel like ya have t'finish it, chere," Remy says. His smile widens and he shrugs his shoulders, "Well, ole Remy has been called a liar befo'. You wouldn' be de firs' one. Ain't botha me none."


A shrug and Lorna kept the glass. "I'm not gonna give up on something I started," She offered, and took another sip of the drink. A reflexive wrinkle of her nose following, but it was somewhat less this time.

"You're really pretty chill, you know that? It's.. really actually really nice." She mumbled and turned her gaze back down to her glass.


"Also a boy who jus' like all de otha boys, chere," Remy says with a smile and a bit of a wink. "Ahm de boy ya family worryin' bout a nice girl like you meetin. Now I got ya drinking, pettin' my cat, and sittin' on my bed."


A snort, and then a trail of laughter followed, a blush creeping onto her cheeks as she averted her gaze back to Oliver. "Considering I just got ditched by a rich boy who had every advantage in the world, drove jags and dropped two hundred dollars on a plate of pasta? I'm pretty much done with boys like that." Another sip of the bourbon followed and another wrinkle of her nose.

"Just.. don't tell my sister, if for some reason you run into her." Another pause, "Also, I will totally come into your room to pet your cat and annoy you regardless. Oliver is just a lady's man." She coo'ed down at the kitten.


"Welp, guess ahm disappointed t'be all like de rest." Remy raises his eyebrows, "Dun know yo sister. And dere ain't nothin' t'tell anyhow. You of legal drinkin age, chere. Ain't no harm and pettin' a man's cat, now is dere?"


Another snort and hint of laughter pulled at her as she tried and failed to hide a smile. "What, you ditch girls after taking them out to expensive dinners without so much as a phone call?" She tilted her head as she spoke and shook her head slowly.

"Honestly, you're likely to be more approved than Julian was. You're pretty chill, and he was .. less so. He kinda had anger issues if I'm being honest." She shook her head again, and heaved a sigh. "But yeah, that's totally attractive Lorna, compare him to my crapy ex-boyfriend." She muttered the last bit under her breath.

"Also, that sounds terrible when you say it like that." She sipped at her drink again.


"Well, no," Remy said as he turns his head, trying to think. "But, ah been married once. Divorced once. Engaged twice. An' I only 23, chere." He chuckles a bit. "Dat ain't real attractive either. Last fiance and I broke up bout a month ago, so dere dat."


A wince at that, and Lorna's eyebrows climbed upwards. "Woah, wow.. geeze. And here I was talking your ear off about my boyfriend troubles." She mumbled, and took another sip of her drink.

"Sorry to hear all of that though. Yesh. So.. I guess we're both kinda in the wings with all that." She wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

"Do you mind if I ask what happened or.. kinda don't want to talk about it? It's totally cool if you don't, I won't pry. I promise. I'm just curious."


Remy gives an upwards nod, "Which time? And how honest do you want it to be?"


Lorna shrugged, "Uhm, whatever you feel comfortable with, I guess. I don't want to be a downer or like invade your privacy. I just.. well, I've only ever had that one boyfriend and I think he's a pretty rotten judge on relationships. So, I'll take whatever. Plus, you're cool, and I'd like to be friends at least and know a bit more about you." She murmured, another sip of her drink taken.

"I've already told you practically my life story."


Remy shrugs his shoulders, "De truth, den." He sighs and takes a pull from the bottle before he slumps in the chair. "Met Bella when we was jus' kids. Like 8. We fell in love and got married when we was real young. 16. But, tings got crazy between our families and I ended up accidentally puttin her bruddah six feet unda. We ended up divorcin, but she died a couple of months back. New gal I was datin', Jess, we got pretty serious for a while dere and she wanted to get married. Den she turn up and cold dumped me. I'm tinkin' it was bout my past. She was pretty much wantin ole Remy to put a lot of dat ole shit behind him."


Lorna's brows creased as she listened with care, falling silent for the length of his story. When he was finished she made a soft sound of sympathy, biting her lower lip. A faint grimace pulling at her expression. "I'm sorry. That.. just.. geeze. That sucks." She took another sip of her drink.

"I dunno what to say. Gosh. I dunno what I would do if I got ditched at the alter." She murmured, her voice soft. "Probably wouldn't be pretty." She winced, considering how closely her emotions were tied to her powers, she didn't particularly want to consider it.

"You've got my sympathy, Remy."


Remy can't help but snicker, "Dun need no one's sympathy, chere. Been a survivor since de day I was born. Sometimes, like a while back wit Rogue, needin' a liddle help t'get through, but it is all as it is. Y'ain't gotta feel bad for me, lil lady."


A shrug followed, "Still gonna, I mean, it won't change how I treat you, but still. It sucks." She finished off what little remained in her glass and carefully got up without disturbing Oliver to set it on the desk.

"And if you want help, or need it rather. I'm here too." She added, "Cause that's what friends are for, right? Thanks for the drink, and for letting me meet Oliver. I should probably change and shower off after training earlier. I probably smell like something that crawled out of an iron-works factory."


"Smell pretty good t'me. Tanks for bein' a friend, girl," Remy says with a nod and a wave. "We'll be seein' ya round."


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