The community center isn't finished. Construction's been kept going while Danny was on trial, but without her pushing, it's slowed down. That said, the basics of it are mostly done. There are finishing touches to be handled, equipment to be brought in. But there are walls and a roof and plumbing and electric, so when Matt wanted a spar, Danny was comfortable setting it here.
"Just a couple more months, they're saying," she says as she flips the light in what's going to be the gym. She's dressed down, in a simple linen gi with her hair braided out of her face, feet bare.
"Seems nice," Matt says in response as he enters, holding his cane high and in front of him. "As much as I can tell, anyways." He chuckles a bit at his own sarcasm as he makes his way out towards the middle of the room. He's coming from work, so he reaches up to loosen up his tie and remove his jacket. Slowly he starts to unbutton his blue dress shirt as he 'looks' to her from behind his glasses. "What sorts of events would you like to have here?" he asks. "Or programs?"
"Oh, there's a whole list," Danny chuckles, pacing quietly along the floor, inspecting as she goes. "Soup kitchen on one side of the building, and a homeless shelter. Skills training. I'm trying to work with local businesses to get them to take people on and train them while they work so that they've got careers and skills they can use when they're on their feet. Job training and placement. Financial skills. I want this place to be somewhere people can come for opportunity. Homework help for kids, after school programs. Keep them off the streets while their parents are working."
"It's really amazing what you're doing," Matt says to her in his low voice. "This neighborhood means a lot to me and, more than any other rich person who has waltzed in here to talk about development, I think you're the person to help make it a better place." He strips off his shirt, throwing it to the side. His under-shirt is a tight fitting tanktop. Danny will notice he has quite a few scars on his shoulders. Maybe from accidents. Who knows.
"What good is money if you're not doing anything useful with it?" Danny shrugs, glancing back over her shoulder as he sets his shirt aside. She definitely notices the scars. And his general physical condition. The way he moves. Even if she doesn't say anything about it.
"So how are we going to do this?" Matt says as he removes his shoes. He stretches and cracks his neck as he moves out into the middle of the room. "I suppose there should be some ground rules. No groin shots, obviously."
Danny Rand laughs, grin flashing as she turns to face him once more. "Fair enough," she agrees. "No groin shots. Until someone yields?" she asks. For all she seems to believe he can't see, there's enough about him that suggests he can hold his own. Best not to make any assumptions before she's into it."
"Wait, are you implying that there will be groin shots after someone yields? You don't fight dirty, do you?" Matt says with a grin, totally letting his guard down as he's taken aback by her comment. Danny Rand does have a history of saying outlandish things for fun, of course.
"I don't usually have to fight dirty, but I will if there's no other option," Danny answers honestly, stepping a little bit closer, feet rolling across the floor in smooth steps. "Am I going to have to fight dirty to beat you? Because you look like you know your way around a few punches, Mister Murdock."
"I guess we're going to have to find out, Miss Rand," Matt says, arrogantly. He's not even bothering to get ready. Is he just lazy? Not very good? Or is he trying to lure her into a trap.
Danny smirks, shaking her head slightly, then closes the distance to him with a sweeping strike of one hand, aimed to hit his shoulder just enough to rock him back. It's a testing shot, for sure - she might have some confidence in him, but she's also not going to push it too hard and really wallop the blind lawyer. That would also be poor form.
Matt's reflexes are lightning quick. He brings up his hand to block hers, grabbing her by the wrist and giving it a twist just before he pushes her away from him so that he might gain some space. "That would have hurt had it hit," he says with a grin. "Iron or not." He uses a slide step to get closer to her before he delivers a pair of strikes towards her torso, trying to feel out how skilled she is.
Danny Rand slides back a step with the push, superbly balanced. "Wasn't meant to," she smirks, turning to one side, then the other, hands sweeping elegant circles in front of herself to redirect each strike away from her. Skill is certainly not something she's lacking. Her style is smooth, collected, and certain.
Unsatisfied with landing any of the blows, Matt turns to using his legs, trying to bring up his heel to drive it between and just under her collarbone. "Are you going easy on me?" he asks, taunting her slightly.
Danny grins, hands snapping out to catch at his ankle when he kicks, taking a little of the hit in the interest of getting a hold of him. "I wouldn't call it going easy. Let's call it taking your measure. For a blind lawyer, Murdock, you seem to be in awfully good shape. Also, your aim is surprisingly good."
Matt is at a disadvantage as she holds his ankle high. Uncomfortable and prone to being hit, he's definitely on the defensive. "I guess you could say there's been a lot of practice." He anticipates her sweeping his leg and preps to try and hop over it.
Sweeping the leg is one way to go. But when Danny moves it's for a more vicious option. Perhaps now she's really testing him. Tightening one hand at his ankle, she turns and spins to move closer, aiming her other elbow at his outstretched knee in a blow that could very well dislocate the whole thing.
With a prep hop, Matt leaps up into a one footed back-flip, trying to rip his foot free from her grasp. A dislocated knee, or worse, a torn acl, might bring his whole night time escapades to a finish and he knows he needs to get out of her trap.
The way his ankle slips right out of her grasp might be the slightest bit suspicious if he has a moment to think about it, but now Danny is pressing her attack, following him back with a flurry of fists and feet that doesn't let up, whether or not they land. She's fast - no doubt being one of the smallest people in the fight has encouraged her to get in and out quickly.
Matt is doing what he can to block her fists of fury. He does a decent job at first, but she's just too quick. She strikes him once, twice, then on the third, she knocks him from his feet and onto his back with such force he actually slides a little bit. By the time she looks down he's wincing, but smiling. But wincing. "Guess you're all done with going easy on me."
Danny Rand leans down to offer him a hand up, smile faint. "The Iron Fist is the protector of K'un Lun," she explains. "The Immortal Weapon of the heavenly city. I was nine years old when we found the city, and I was already behind everyone else who was training for the chance to claim the title."
"So you had to catch up," Matt says as he reaches for her hand. But rather than pull himself up, he grabs her by the wrist and uses the other hand to push upon her hip, trying to flip her over onto her back! "I know something about that."
It's not that it's a surprise to Danny. She had to expect it. But there's also the issue of leverage, and she doesn't have much. Her grip tightens on his wrist in turn, counter-balancing against the force of the flip to soften her landing. "So I had to catch up," she agrees with a laugh from the floor. "Yeah. Catch up. Beat everyone. Prove a girl could do it. The usual."
Matt tries to flip the tables and get the high ground over her. "You and me both. Except for that girl part. And more of the blind part." He chuckles faintly at her. "How long have you been the Iron Fist?"
"Six years." Danny's smile fades as she answers, and while she raises one knee to keep a bit of space between them, it's the only move she makes to avoid the next round of attack. "I earned it right before the portal opened, and when it did, I left. I thought…I thought I needed to come back here, avenge my parents. I was wrong. But there's no way back now. Not for another four years, at least. And even then, I'm not sure I'm ready to be back there."
But the attack never comes. Matt just stayes pressed against her raised knee. "Four years is a long time." He tilts his head, "Is it the custom for all of you to remain at Kun Lun?"
"Nobody wants to leave the Heavenly City." Danny's voice is rueful, regret mingled with resolve. "The fruit of the trees grants immortality. It's…perfect." And yet, something in that sounds hollow. "The Iron Fist is its protector, its champion. I'm not even one hundred percent sure they'd want me back at this point, honestly. I abandoned them. For something selfish, no less. It wasn't something an Iron Fist should have done."
"I forgive you," Matt says with a grin. "After all, you're helping my city. Way I figure it, the Heavenly City probably has enough help as it is." He pauses. "Do you regret it?"
"Sometimes." Danny reaches a crooked finger beneath his chin, searching his eyes for a long moment. "But I can't do anything about it. The portal opens once every ten years. Looking for it's what killed my parents, Harold Meachum aside. I won't let the city ruin me too. Not when I can make a difference here."
"How can I help?" Matt asks, not bothering to move his chin as she reaches towards it. His eyes, originally blue, were stained with some substance that scarred most of the iris in both eyes. There are still parts of blue, but the scars are both on the eye and part of the face as well.
"You already did," Danny smiles faintly. "You kept me out of prison. That was very useful." Slowly, she lowers her knee, letting the distance between them close as her finger slips from his chin to the scars on his shoulder. "Maybe take it easy on dropping the bodies so you don't get caught. I'm pretty sure Jeryn'd tell me I'm the only one he's got to defend per his contract."
Matt slowly lowers towards her as she pulls her knee back in what is undoubtedly a very flexible move. He chuckles at her, "You think I'm going to get caught?" Clearly he doesn't think so. Or maybe it's just Matt being arrogant again. He re-positions his arm as he hovers over her so that her kneecap does not dig as much into his chest. "I'm not going to get caught."
"Also I think that even stupid gangsters have families and probably deserve a little bit of investigation before being summarily offed." Danny traces another scar, then suddenly shifts her leg, wrapping it around his waist and twisting to try to flip them once more.
Matt lets out an oof as he hits his back after they twist. "Gangsters? I haven't offed any gangsters that I know of. Have /you/?" He doesn't quite follow her. Maybe because he has Miss Rand's leg wrapped around him.
Danny snorts softly, setting an elbow on the floor next to his chest and propping her chin up on one hand. "Pretty sure I haven't. I try to avoid killing people. Doesn't fix things, not really." Her other hand reaches for his side, exploring. "How long are you planning on pretending you'r just a lawyer?"