Coffee shops have a certain notoriety for providing little nooks for people who are mildly hiding…to hide in. Its not that Max is HIDING. But…he's hiding. Just from the Inhumans, rather than the law, so…he doesn't need to be allllll the way in the back. He's dressed in pretty normal clothing, with no mascara, no eyeliner, his hair slicked back. He basically looks like a totally normal person, which is the most terrifying costume he could have put on this evening.
|ROLL| Maximus +rolls 1d20 for: 17
Delphyne does… not look very normal. Though she's wearing a rather normal looking pantsuit, which by itself is odd for a woman in 1964. White shirt and black jacket and slacks contrast with her literal olive-green skin. Going towards the counter, she orders a coffee, then glances around, the snakes that constitute her hair tied back behind her out of the way as she pays. And when she sees Maximus, she pauses a moment, staring at the man with a puzzled expression.
On the bright side, her gaze might only figuratively petrify him, instead of literally.
WELL THAT'S GOOD NEWS. Maximus the Statue just doesn't have the same ring to it…does it! The former King does see beauty in a totally different way than most people, such that the green skin, and snakes for hair, is rather uniquely charming, instead of horrifying. He looks up from his coffee and fancy pastry and smiles with appreciation for her style. "Hello, beautiful…care to have that coffee to dine in?"
Normally, Delphyne would be dismissive of most men. It's just because they're so… weak, really. And most of them think she looks like a monster, so there's that. So to have one actually be flattering, and not sarcastic, it does give her pause as she looks at Maximus. Then she actually smiles back. Not a bad smile, all told, as she says, "Well, I could, certainly." She tilts her head towards Maximus, "If I wouldn't be intruding?"
"Intruding on /social exile/." Maximus leans over his table some, then back again. "No…not at all. I need the company. I have been trapped in the home of a librarian for a week." He stares, deadpan, at Delphyne. "And its not that I don't like knowledge…but…you know I almost feel like I know you."
Delphyne grabs her coffee and sits down across from Maximus, looking at him intently, "You know, I know exactly how you feel. I see you and I think that we know each other, but…" She shakes her head, "It seems so strange, it isn't a sensation I'm used to, honestly." She sips her coffee, "Like, something from a dream." Which, you know, if she didn't have green skin and her hair was black with a tint of green, she does look a lot like Ser Daphne. But the snakes and skin can be a touch distracting.
Maximus tilts his head. "Perhaps so. I have rather elaborate dreams. A side effect of…" madness, "Intelligence." He flashes a grin. "You do almost look familiar to me. Though, I am sure I would recall the snakes." He says it matter-of-factly, then lifts his coffee to sip. "I am Maximus, by the way."
Delphyne looks a bit wryly back at Maximus, "Yes, they do leave an impression. I'm Delphyne." She grins, "Don't worry, I can't petrify people. At least, not without some sort of help."
"If you could, I am certain there would be many deserving of that fate. Where I am from, we celebrate beauty like yours. I am certain that these humans can hardly appreciate it. Though, I do have to ask…" Maximus leans on the table, towards her, with a slyyyyy smile on his face and asks, with a smile, "But does the carpet match the drapes?" Perhaps imagining a nest of really tiny snakes down there.
Delphyne looks at Maximus, and it seems that she's debating whether to slap him or laugh. Fortunately for both, the laughter wins out, a loud, fierce laugh as she leans back, "Oh… that is delightful. I'll have to remember that one." She then leans forward, looking wryly at Maximus, lips quirking in a sly grin as she regards the man, "No carpets at all. Don't believe in them."
Maximus seems to have been joking, mostly, and he chuckles along with her. "Probably for the best. So, what do you do? Tell me you are some sort of scientist…or the daughter of a diplomat…" the madman ventures some guesses just for the hell of it.
Delphyne ahs, "Bodyguard, actually." She smiles a bit, "But right now I'm learning what I can about this world. It's been a few months since I arrived, and it's been… rather interesting, experiencing this world." Which might explain the professional looking getup, anyway.
"Bodyguard…how interesting. Who do you guard? Are you between jobs, right now? That would be very handy, for me. You see…I am a bit of a wanted man. But, by criminals, of course. I need to protect myself from those crazy women." Maximus takes a bite of his pastry and he doesn't look particularly strong. Definitely someone who needs a guard.
Delphyne ahs, "For royalty, actually. And sadly, not between jobs right now. My current mission is taking priority here." She hrms, "Have you tried talking to the police?" Of course, when crazy women are mentioned, there's a slight hissing from behind her, as her snakes sound a bit agitated about that.
"I suppose I could, but…they would not understand. It is fine. I do have some other allies." Maximus lies, vaguely. He kinda does. But…not really a lot. "Perhaps you, being in the business, could recommend a pale, second choice, besides yourself?"
The gorgon considers, thinking about things, "I'm afraid I'm… not really in the business. Well, I mean, if we were where, well, where I'm from, then maybe I could recommend something, but here I don't know that many people." She gives Max a curious expression, "What do they think you did?"
"What do they think that I did? I suppose they think I broke some rule. But, when someone asks for it, its not really breaking the rules, is it? Plus, I genuinely liked the girl and of course…it turns out that she was just using me to get what she wanted, as I haven't seen her once, not even, since she did." Maximus exhales.
Delphyne looks curiously at Maximus, giving him a sympathetic smile, "Alright. Well, I don't know what rules you're talking about… but I suppose there's no way to reason things out with them, is there?" She tilts her head, actually looking like she cares about what he's saying. And she's not even having to be forced to do it, either.
"Oh, it will be fine. I did have some contacts in mutant town. I will just…try to get a guard from there. Those mutants need something useful to do. It is a pity though. I know that I will not find a single one of them as lovely asyou, or who holds the same sort of…brazen confidence. I hope, at least, we can be friends. So, what royal are you working for?" Maximus asks curiously.
Delphyne actually blushes a bit at the flattery, her cheeks going a dark green as a result as she says, "Ah, well, I think we can assuredly be friends, but the royal I'm working for… well, her name is Diana." She smiles, "Frankly, she doesn't need me, but that's my station so I'm bound to it."
Maximus bows his head a little as he takes note of the name. "Queen Diana? What country? I should like to be introduced. I am a royal also…though I suppose that's hard to believe, for a man without guards." Maximus smiles softly, coyly.
Delphyne hrms, "I… well, she's not exactly… I mean, it's complicated. But I can see what I can manage." She doesn't look like she knows quite what to do when a man gives her a coy look like that, though she does add, "Well, guards are hardly an indication of status." The poor gorgon looks absolutely flustered at the moment.
Maximus pulls out some money and sets it on the table, a tip. "So true. Miss Delphyne…if I wished to see you again, how would I get ahold of you?"
Delphyne ahs, "Well, you mentioned Mutant Town, I actually stay near there." She smiles slightly, "I'm actually starting a new business, or trying to. It's a bit of slow going, this world has far too many rules than I am experienced with." With that, she pulls out a rather ordinary business card, "Delphi Investigations." A lofty title, with a phone number and everything on the card. "I'm… ah, looking into getting into investigative work. Some friends suggested it, while I was here."
Maximus bows his head, stands up, and takes the card. "I will be sure to call on you…" Then he heads out!