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So the world coming to an end anyone a couple of mutants gather just to enjoy a meal is totally natural right? Lorna took off the afternoon before in the rain with a wounded Ninette and that was, well, that. It was sort of a shame really; self damning admission and disappointing news aside? It was a nice lunch. After finishing up the last of the cookies and an album of the Kingsmen later he'd finally called over to the school a day later. He was sort of mean and she did make cookies. The young woman who teased him on the phone when he called was absolutely brokered no such courtesies and was met with a curt, "Yeah, you're a riot. Can you just deliver the damn message to call me when she gets in. Thanks."
Was he nice? No. He really had near no interest in wasting the energy to be nice for no gain and no reason which might make the inelegant request of her 'to maybe join him for dinner at one of the sky-rise restaurants he needs to go tend to for a thing because his father is off-continent and it'd be rude to decline the invitation. He didn't want to go alone and if he goes alone he's going to be forced to talk to other people and…yeah. And if anyone says anything about her hair he'll be happy to talk new Mod with them until they go away.' Which translated to: Would yo be kind enough to have dinner with me at an expensive restaurant that was near invite only, on an expensive rooftop, an a tall monument of real estate in Manhattan?
Okay so it was awkward but fancy 'date number three' as her schoolmates have taken to calling it. Yes it was arranged to pick her up at a location in the car which he directed the driver to. He was mean as sin but Kaleb was always polished like a sword: sharp, shiny, and hostile on all sides. His fingers drummed the leather arm waiting to see if she'd be there as he his phone lines were down because someone rudely let off a sonic boom knocking out some of the surrounding infrastructure.
Gone was the simple sun dress or even the borrowed dresses she'd worn when she'd gone out with Julian. No, now Lorna Dane had been properly taken shopping by various other ladies in her life. Crystal, Emma Frost, and assorted others. A sleeveless white dress with a cowled neckline, belted in silver and a matching necklace was instead what she wore. It slit up modestly along her calf, flashing with each step she took the deep green heels she wore of a sensible height. A little black clutch was held onto with both hands as she slipped inside the car.
More than a few teasing calls had followed her path out the door of the school. Still, at least the longer dress afforded her the chance to hide the scraps on her knees from when she'd fallen against the pavement the other night.
Her green hair tumbled freely around her face, and had been carefully curled in waves around her face. All in all, she had cleaned up rather nicely. As she slipped into the car, she flashed Kaleb a smile. "Hey," She bit her lower lip, which had been stained a light red. "Uhm.. soo, I'm going to be really awkward tonight, just.. uh.. I've .. never really done to anything quite like this.. you know, so uh.. heads up."
|ROLL| Maximus +rolls 1d20 for: 12
Maximus has been hiding for weeks, now. He has been taking it all rather low key, so to speak…no ballgowns or terribly-confusing make-up for his day-to-day excursions. But, now and then, you just need to dress up fancy. He is wearing a very nice suit, smart bowtie. His goatee is neatly trimmed and his normal curls are slicked back firmly to the sides of his head. He is wearing just a hint of eyeliner. His lips may have some gloss on them…but its subtle. He seems to be here alone, for the moment.
Kaleb was just quiet for a moment letting his fingertips give the armrest a break. His driver, Mr. Bridges, was all the politeness Kaleb never bothered to be, closed the door behind her, and drove them to the destination.
Kaleb on the other hand blinked at her, and said nothing. She rambled. He didn't ever really understand the need some people had to explain themselves to other people, but he didn't stop her. He sighed and shook his head giving her the best advice he could, "Lorna? We look fantastic, they're all rich, bored assholes, and you're about to walk into a room where people have more money than water or sense, and you're better than every damn one of them so why do you give any care to their damn opinion?" He shook his head and sighed. "Some days I wish I didn't have to. For you this is elective. Um…" he was quiet a moment and looked at her again finding some semblance of civility and manners offering earnestly, "Thank you for coming with me. The place is nice. I just can't stand the people." Then again he generally couldn't stand any people.
Manhattan the place was a fancy sky-rise and the place had a small backup where other people with other drivers stopped to let their fares out. While surly she was offered and arm and he seemed to find all of his manners prestigious prep schools would afford to buy. Up to a rooftop restaurant it went. He produced invitation to get inside and find a table on the terrace. That was a wondrous view of the river. Okay he had a little bit of patio envy right now if he was honest.
Lorna blushed, looking down at her lap as the car pulled to a stop. "If I make a fool of myself, just saying.. I tried to warn you." She mumbled getting out and following him up. Her arm hooked through with his. She fell silent immediately as they came up to the top floor and he produced an invitation. She kept her gaze low, continuously fighting off the urge to blush whenever she heard a whispered comment in regards to her hair.
Still, as they came out to the patio with the sight of the sprawling city before them, she gasped. Her eyes went wide as she looked out at the view and glanced side long at Kaleb. "Can we go to the edge? I want to.. I want to see it all." She grinned, breathless in wonder. Of course she had been able to fly, but never quite so high up and never in the city where anyone could see her. She wasn't that brave yet.
Maximus happens to rest his eyes upon Lorna…she's easy to spot, and that's when the ex-king notices that he knows her boyfriend this evening, too. He arches a dark brow and sits there, watching for a few more moments, trying to analyze just /how/ the green-haired girl /does it/…bagging all these rich, playboy hotties. FUCK. He can barely make a friend and she gets dates like this. He wets his lips and then rises from his chair and tosses the cloth napkin down. He comes right up behind them with confidence, but he waits until they are perched on the edge of vertigo before he speaks. A smooth, elegant tone flows out from his glossy lips, "Beautiful view, is it not? Two of my favorite people…how lucky for meeeeee. You should join me. I /insist/."
Good news! He did promise her that he'd take her someplace to practice language skills. It wasn't Paris but man the wait staff would love to make you believe it was. At the request of Lorna to go closer to the edge he cracked an amused grin and joked, "For you? Of course. I have a bad habit of getting what I want." And he either requested, and more than likely 'informed' the staff that his table was, in fact, moving. Talk about having power and not being afraid to use it. There were whispers about Lorna's hair and weirdly after a moment words warped from concern to being drown out subtly in the low din of things.
He was smug. He was in his element. He knew the rules of engagement with most of these people, didn't have to care about them because they were all playing the rubbing elbows game, and they were just human. When you're young, good looking, and arrogant as sin itself and got to dine with, in his mind, the only interesting woman in the room who was put together stunningly? He had zero qualms about making the voices that didn't matter to him unheard. The drawback was there was a lot of low chatter and he was acutely aware of it which was its own distraction.
He admitted to her, "I like the city better up here. It's quieter and the illusion of it stays in tact a bit." And then there's -that- voice and the young man immediately had a weird mix of feelings. Ooooooh Maximus. On one hand Kaleb resented everything about him, and on the other he kinda wanted to be he who has raised getting his own way to a mastered art form.. He said smoothly to her, "Ms. Dane, you know Maximus I do believe. I see your tailor has found you in high favour." Formal for Kaleb, wasn't it?
Lorna smiled as she glanced out at the city beyond, "It's beautiful Kaleb, I'm glad I came if only for the view." She glanced back at him, the lights of the city below backlighting her expression and playing off her hair which fluttered in the light breeze. The fact that the sound of whispers and muttered insults slung her way was muted by Kaleb went unnoticed, rather she seemed to simply be enjoying herself at the sight of it all.
Until, that is, Maximus' voice cut into it and broke the illusion that the two were in fact all alone. She twisted around to stare up at the Inhuman Monarch, her brows shooting upwards as color drained from her cheeks.
Immediately she reached out with her senses, for a fork, a knife.. something.. and found little and less. The sliverware was real sliverware. Not steel. Not the cheap stuff. Even the patio's railings were made of the new fad of glass and polished wood. Not particularly safe but it was stylish. There was surprisingly little metal for her to immediately grasp and that alone made her fumble for words as Kaleb spoke to her. She swallowed the hard lump in the back of her throat, her fingers shaking slightly. She curled them to attempt to hide it, and averted her gaze.
Maximus very clearly, showed delight upon the surprise that both of them offered to finding him here. Perhaps he noticed how things were quieter here, within their safe little bubble, but his eyes did twinkle as the mutant powers practically hum in the air, coping with life's little problems like 'too much noise' or 'how can I stab Maximus in the neck'. Surely, some knives resonate with her. But that's so violent. So permanent. So messy. His own pwer remains sheathed at the moment, leaning on his mortal skill and intelligence as long as he can get away with it. "She's speechless in my presence." He stares at her, wolfish, then turns sharply to look at Kaleb, "But, do not let it trouble you. We only dated for a short while before her father expressed his disapproval for her seeing a non-mutant." He lifts his hand to his own chest and lowers his voice and his chin, "I could not come between family." So sincere. Straight face. All lies to provoke Lorna to having a voice again. "Its good to see you…I was just starting to lament the lack of company. YOu see my current living arrangement involves a man who lives elswhere half the time and he's /ouuuut/…ugh…just when I wanted to come out for some fun and company."
Kaleb watched and subtly, so subtly, bend the sound waves making an echo chamber around them that led sound stay in, but didn't let sound get back out. His face was one of casual endurance of other people as it ever was, though his eye faintly, but notably twitched at the use of the M-word. Glibly he commented back to Maximus, "Well clearly in the past she's had better taste than I have." Though the idea of him being troubled by someone else's opinion brought a faint, amused grin to his face even though it might be a bit true, "Maximus, if we have ever met you'd know how very, and utterly little the opinions of others concern me. If I did I might be somewhat likable." Well at least he could make light of the comfortable truths. Then? Then there was a sharp, wry grin as he mused, "Funny enough we were just talking about you yesterday. Shame you couldn't have joined us."
Oh there were knives within the few hundred yard radius that was Lorna's range, but none close enough that she could wrap her hands around without drawing attention to herself. So she remained, exhaling a hard breath and glaring at Maximus with all the intensity of such an intent that she could muster.
"Stop lying." She bit out, her features darkening with a hint of red across her fair cheeks. The lights overhead flickered faintly, drawing a few other patron's eyes up there. Static leaped up in the air around them, crackling faintly at the edges of Lorna's magnetic field.
"I know what you've been up to Maximus. Leave Kaleb out of your schemes." She muttered thickly, her words clipped and edged with that same anger that was inherited from her father.
Maximus lets out a rather pleasant chuckle when Lorna pipes up at last, and his whole manner seems to change, to lighten. "I was only jesting, my friend. I wanted to see you blossom into action." He tilts his head to look from Lorna to Kaleb, then steps sideways, gesturing back towards his table, with three more seats than he needs, "Very little I said was the truth. She's just easy to…stir up. And…schemes? There is no scheme. What…did you tell her about the island?" He arches his dark brows and shifts his gaze back to Lorna, "I did nothing but read there. Your new beau proved most useful though…even if he did wreck my head for a night." He grins crookedly. "Come…join me. I was just pondering an order. How is it, also, that you manage to get such a charming date? I really do need to start being more helpless."
Kaleb was weirdly a zen master of staying calm when it suited him. A faint quirk of his lips he commented to Lorna, "If we're going to call out every lie in this room we'll be busy all night and never eat." He's been referenced as many things but this one was new. Still, as to not provoke the situation further he rolled with it without correcting Maximus on social formalities. "I wouldn't call it schemes. Don't those usually require wearing a monocle?" Fair point were one to dress for such a prestigious occasion such as being a world-class mastermind trying to fit their stereotype. Truthfully he answered Maximus, "Nah, I told her that after talking to you I decided to pursue architecture and travel." Which was actually entirely true but not the entirety of the conversation. Still there was static, very faint bits.
He looked around at the people his father did business with leaving him to be the token Miller appearance and then he turned to murmur something that was infuriatingly only audible to her, ("Lorna, I have to make an appearance for my father. Besides, don't worry about me. It's not like Maximus can make me much more unlikable." ) He gave her a hint of a wink and gave her hand a faint squeeze. which was curious in and of itself, and turned as they were not likely to get out of this encounter without a scene which was something he really couldn't much afford right now. "It was a fantastic place. I'm honestly still flattered you asked me to go."
Lorna gripped Kaleb's hand hard, a tremble in it as he squeezed her own. Her lips thinned and she exhaled a shaky breath at Kaleb's words. A hard swallow followed as she glanced toward him as he whispered words that only she could hear. It seemed to mollify her somewhat, drawing her back into the world at large with a frustrated tilt to her expression.
"I don't act helpless to get dates, Maximus." She ground out, still on edge, even as she allowed Kaleb to lead her to where ever he wanted. She just couldn't vocalize an acceptance at Maximus' invitation. Or wouldn't rather.
Maximus turned to head back to his table, and smoothly slid into his seat. "You seem to think you are a terrible person? I…find you otherwise. And though Lorna has been drawn to terrible people upon occassion, I already like you better than that other fellow whose name I have even forgotten." He draws in a deep breath, and picks up his wine glass, just oozing all the confidence that they will sit with him, so if they don't, he will be super surprised! Like a fantastic trick! "I have come to believe that it is not an act, Lorna, but I would like a date too! I keep finding myself enchanted by people who are already taken and its highly inconvenient!"
Kaleb cracked a wry smile to Maximus admitted, "Yeah, funny, I like me better than that guy too." OH he could be glib and not nice? It was like playing chess with chocolate where you got to eat the pieces. OH the audacity on Maximus was laudable. Were situations slightly different in the grander theater of things the kid might develop some rather unhealthy aspirations in life to independently have what Max had. He suddenly though had a bout of manners as if somehow countering the general expectation of him at street level when he didn't much give a damn. Here it was different.
"Helpless? As if I waste my time in the company, in public no less, of someone who would waste energy acting like some insipid bint? Not certain we now the same woman, friend." Any other day he'd just tell him to take what he wants and why lament. What Lorna did share with him about her and Maximus' strange history kept such a comment off the table. "Where'd he travel to? Your…person of interest."
Lorna sat, her motions stiff and unyielding as the group settled at Maximus' table. Her green eyed gaze shifting about her repeatedly as she pushed a lock of green curls form her face to curl it behind an ear. She swallowed her words against the pounding of her heart, her gaze flickering toward Kaleb as her chest tightened. "I am not helpless, thank you, Maximus." She managed, her hands folding on her lap as she inhaled and exhaled slowly, keeping her breathing in check.
It was hard. And her magnetic field naturally wanted to expand and rend in accordance to her emotional state.
She held in any other comment, barely glancing down at the menu. French. She hated it, not that she had the stomach for food at the moment.
Maximus makes a faint motion and the waiter brought over a couple more menus. "I know. So…how is school? How did you two meet? I am just curious and also fortunate to find two people I enjoy the company of…that are so seemingly close." He puts his hand on the table and rubs his fingers in a circle. "Have you seen my cousin about, Lorna? I feel like…no one has been /around/." He muses with a squint of his eyes. "Person of interest? Yu mean the people I liked or…her last boyfriend?"
Kaleb took a glancing look at the menu and deemed to arrive at a decision for himself. He didn't answer the question but to counter with, "Maximus, I will tell you I'm utterly a fan of how scale up the world. I think you're far overestimating my likability." Ya know, also true. With half mind to listen but happy to keep the conversation off of Lorna at the very least. "You said someone was over seas, which, to note, I might have some real estate to note that you might be interested in. Waiting to see what bites."
He took a glance to Lorna and paused, and then turned to the approaching waiter having a short conversation in French apparently deciding what they would be having. Oh classic manners were in style, why make a lady have a conversation with the help. Still the latter part of his idle brain kept the volume of the conversations split allowing them privacy in the open.
Lorna kept silent as she listened to the conversation, only when it came to the point that it would very, very rude for her to not answer anything that Maximus asked of her did she venture to speak at all. And she wasn't going to start by saying she met Kaleb through her nephews. That was just asking for trouble to visit them. Granted, Billy could handle himself.
"Miss Crystal took me shopping the other day." She offered, safe. Boring. "We're supposed to have a girls night soon." She lifted her gaze toward Kaleb as he spoke instead, catching at least that he was ordering for her. She didn't so much as blink or argue against it, her gaze swinging back toward Maximus as she sat rigid in her chair.
Maximus is crazy, but not an idiot. He can tell when the two of them dodge his questions about how they met, and so on. He settles on his own dining option, and when the waiter comes back over, he places it for rabbit. Once that is finished and the waiter has gone away again, out of their bubble, he rubs his first finger and his thumb together, thoughtfully. "Shopping. Very nice. Its good to hear that she's about. And ah…I don't recall talking about someone overseas. I used to live overseas. Its still my home. I may be interested in some property, but not from you. I'd rather leave you out of that sort of thing…because I value and like you. You did well on the island. I wish to keep getting along." He draws in a deep breath and then wets his lips again. His expression grows tighter. "You know, I think my appetite is fading."
Kaleb arched an eyebrow actually taking the words at face value, and he didn't want to want to hear that but he did. Dammit. Still he admitted, "Means a lot coming from a person of…prestigious opinion. Besides, you weren't wearing shoes acceptable of being face down in a hole in." Yes he mom-arm barred Maximus. He was admittedly still sad that he had to say anything else and not just watch Tanya stroll into the trap. But, lo, Vic was not on the expendable list. An idle thought occurred to him and he asked Lorna curiously, "You don't…just… ever get to have dinner do you?" Ya know for all the caveats she threw out there when they were introduced? He was coming to find she was actually underselling them rather than fretting about nothing. It brought out a wolfish grin of genuine amusement. That was messed up. He hadn't run screaming through. "Thank you, incidentally." And again with the manners?
Lorna pursed her lips, glancing side long at Maximus. But she held her tongue, she did not insult him or even offer him more barbs. Rather, she reached for the glass of water on the table and took a sip. Her gaze slipped back toward Kaleb instead, hooking a green eyebrow upwards at his question. Then slowly she set the glass back down with a careful clink against the table top.
"Uhm.. I do.." She said cautiously. "Just.. frequently gets interesting when I go out, I guess." She bit her lower lip, rubbing some of the red stain off by doing so.
Maximus pulls out his napkin and then tosses it on the table again. Then he gets up to his feet. "Enjoy the rest of the evening, the both of you." He doesn't apologize, but he does look determined to leave them there at his table with a press of full lips and the cut of his eyes sideways.
Kaleb stood when Maximus for a parade of reasons. Not the least of which was to leave a screen of personage between the woman and her rival. He pushed himself to go back to not caring which for better or worse came with reluctant ease. He sat quietly and food arrived. In contrast to the mood of the evning it really did smell fantastic. He took up his fork and paused staring at the veal on his plate and asked with quiet bluntness, "You alright?"
As Maximus left it seemed a weight was lifted off Lorna's shoulders, she sagged back in her seat, blinking repeatedly as she exhaled a short breath, and clapped her hands against her expression. "I'm sorry. I almost messed up and took everything out. I couldn't help it. If the sliverware wasn't actually sliver, I-I.." She gulped in air, sitting up and picking up her water to sip at it with shaking hands.
Her eyes closed again after she set it back down. "Everything is tied to my emotions. I get upset and things happen Kaleb." She whispered, and then fell silent as the food was brought and set before her. her stomach rolled sickeningly.
Kaleb binked and turned his head to ehr and said offhandedly, "Well if it makes you feel anybetter it's no one I'd terribly miss." It was sort of really hard to tell if he was serious or joking to put her at ease. He watched her for a long moment and fianlly told her, "It's fine. Trust me." He paused and his jaw tightened admitting, "I really do get that. Why do you think I purposely gave up caring for lent?"
Lorna exhaled a breath, a soft half laugh escaping her as she shook her head. "It's more of the show that would put on that I was trying to remember not to do. It wouldn't help you out at all if I turned the building inside out and brought it down around his ears for daring to say anything he did." She closed her eyes and picked up her fork, pushing her food around on the plate. It did smell wonderful.
"That and my father would disapprove likely.." She bit her lower lip again, shaking her head and glanced toward him. Her brows crinkling. "I feel everything.. rather.. keenly, I guess.. Sometimes I wish I didn't."
Kaleb chuckled and said as a note of comisseration. "Yeha my father would disapprove too… it's his building." He smirked and shook his head. The half-grin didn't diminish though as he mused objectivly, "Well then he'd actually know I'm here. That'd be an interesting turn of events. I mean you're gonna go out do it with a bang." He paused and looked at teh plate and back to her, "Try it at least. I thought you'd like it and the citris compliments the taste of vitriol left on the tongue pretty well. I mean if you can't trust me on that I feel I can only fail from here on out because my idnner expertise pretty much stops with finding complimentary food pairings for rage and spite, It's preeeeetty much my staple diet."
A laugh, weak and bittle bubbled up from Lorna's lips and she pressed a hand against them to muffle the sound automatically. She blushed, blinking down at the food she had only idly pressed around her plate. She lowered her hand, her brows furrowing as she looked down at the meal. It looked and smell delicious, and his words even earned a ghost of a smile.
"It's not that I don't trust you Kaleb," She started, "I-I.. I just." She stopped and sighed, "No, I'm not going to explain it. You already know, exactly." She said softly, and her smile firmed into actual existence. She dipped her fork into it, breaking off a small piece.
"I'll try it." She finally promised, taking a bite and falling silent. A look surprise crossing her expression and she looked honestly impressed.
Kaleb warmed a grin and chuckled with pure amusement gesturing the end of his fork at her, "Nooooow you get why I just deeply regret not having a chef. This, this is that reason because why go backwards?" He ate his steak and let her go on. There was a nod though. He got it. He passed another glance around the room where people would glance for whatever reason. That? That he kept to himself.
"Ho'w the thing go with the lady? You able to get her to her physician? I didn't hear back from you because someone felt a need to ruin our utility pole." Damn heroes who wrought carnage on property who weren't him!
Lorna took several more bites of her food, surprised at how it did not infact, turn her stomach as she thought it would. Her mood had been so utterly ruined by Maximus' appearance, but Kaleb.. Kaleb was there and smiling and that, it seemed was enough to encourage her.
Green eyes flickered up in his direction as he chuckled and she blushed lightly. "It is very good." She mumbled, and pushed her hair back behind and ear as it slipped free.
Her smile faded somewhat at the mention of what happened before and she held back a sigh. "She's safe. The school has safe houses scattered all over. The Professor has to do.. well, what he did for you and Kellan, before anyone is allowed on the campus. So we have safe houses. A place where people can go in emergencies."
Kaleb nodded taking that at face value. It made sense, and he wasn't going to question her for redundant data. He paused with his fork in his potato before turning to regard her cautiously, "You know if I'd known he was going to be here I wouldn't have asked you. I wasn't…trying to put you in a position to put yourself in danger. I just… thought you'd like the chicken and I couldn't show up alone and I didn't know of anyone else that wouldn't bore me to tears. I didn't know Max'd be here." It was almost flattering if you liked convoluted compliments that were still self-serving.
Lorna glanced back up at him from her plate and smiled. "I know. I believe you Kaleb, it's okay." She assured him, her expression warming as she considered him. Then paused as she looked him over, "Why not bring your brother?" She asked finally, tilting her head and sending her green curls tilting over her ears again. She made a face, pushing them back from her features.
"Not that I'm complaining, because I do appreciate being asked to come. Maximus interupting or not." She paused and looked down at her plate. "It's not the first date he's ruined."
Kaleb shook his head and held up two reasons. "Two reasons." Apparently this was extensively thought out. "The first is he already hides from too any things, mostly for either of two reasons from most of the people in the room already. The less he has to do that the happier he is so I'm content not to bother him. Two? If I came stag do you know how many people's daughters I would have to put up with 'needing to meet'? At least three which is five two many. No and just…no." He considered the sum of that and looked at her with some amusement born of irony, "Yeah he's got a real talent. Date ruining is usually something I try to work for but…" Eh, yeah he supposed this qualified, and it was what it was. "Look I'm bad at this ok? You brought me a sandwich, I give you bad news and upset you. Seemed like a stale trade so I thought… I'd try to make that up to you cause you went through all the trouble." He knew she knew, and he was done trying to explain himself. He did things, people accepted it. It's how it worked. Justifying his actions beyond 'because I said so' was not in his wheelhouse.
Lorna smiled, and it was warm and kind, as her smiles usually were. "You're not bad at this Kaleb, give yourself some credit. You kept your head better than I did. And the night's not over. I like spending time with you. So I'm happy to come out with you." She reached out hand toward him, a curl of her fingers against the white of the table top. Not quite touching him, but an offer without judgement or pressure.
"And that's plenty of reason for me to keep coming out if you keep asking me." She lifted those green eyes to meet his gaze, that smile still on her features.
"Plus you haven't taken off screaming at my rotten luck or crazy family, so there's that. Bonus points and all that."
Kaleb watched hre hand. He didn't touch it and he didn't move his towards or away. He just watched it and murmured idly, "Well your family ain't bad Kinda neat actually. Luck's not a thing. Kellan can explain luck in statistic and formula. It's not- know what nevermind. I do want to know one thing." He looked from her hand to her with a squint, "Who answered the phone yesterday? Cause they may wind up sounding like they're on helium, just sayin." Would he use his powers on others? Absolutely. He just said he wouldn't use the one on her. Totally different. He sat silent for a moment and said behind hte comfort of demanding bravado, "Well Jay, Kellana nd I were going to go catch this new duo at this place in Queens. I dunno if you heard Simon & Garfunkel, but they're kinda blow my mind.You should come."
Lorna only retracted when she needed it to cut another piece of food off and nibble at it. "You haven't met most of my family." She offered dryly, "Billy and Vic are the nicest boys, but .. gosh, it's way more complicated than I think you want to know." She shot him a look, and then laughed as he asked after who answered the phone the other day.
"One of the kids that stays over the summer. She's barely ten. Cute kid, but her parents .. well, they didn't want a mutant little girl either." She murmured and her smile died.
It returned after his next offer and she tilted her head to the side. "Nope, I haven't. I'll admit, I am a bit of a Beatles fan and have been pretty hooked on what I can get." She blushed faintly, "But I'd love to come. You have their records? I could listen ahead of time.."
Kaleb nodded. Yeah he had the album. She seen the collection that ran the baseboard of his room when she poked her head in the other day. He did look more comfortable talking music instead of any of the neumerous topics thast took him off on a rant about the arrest of Mutant civil liberties. The grin got a little wider looking back at her with that 'I have a plan' face. "Ya know, I got to see them last month when I was over in Europe? Most insane live show I ahve ever seen. Wembly Stadium? So good." He shook his head and pointed to her turning in his chair dead serious, "That is the show we should go see. We can get Billy to take us out. I got some people I keep contact with there. It is a swingin good time."
Oh that most assuredly got Lorna's attention and she sat up in her seat, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh yes! That sounds like a blast! Oh man, we'll have to pester Billy for sure to go. I never thought I'd get to see them live. Gosh, that is so groovy." She gushed in obvious excitement, her eyes bright as she continued in a similar vein for some time.
Then she paused, and blushed looking over at Kaleb sheepishly. "Hey, do you dance?" She asked abruptly.
Kaleb grinned actually excited about that idea. It was less fun to fanboy out to things alone when no one else understood Lennon's rising genius. He nodded and said "Thaaaan I'll get teh tickets and we'll use that to figure out when." Okay that put him in a genuine good mood. At her question he looked from her to the terrase and thought about it. Looking back he shook his head, "Enough. I mean I'm not Kellan, but yeah." He looked from her to over her shoulder at some of the older folks in the room and back "Why? You wanna give people something other than your hair to talk about? I'm game."
Lorna was on her feet as soon as he said the words, she was grinning breathlessly and was up and offering her hand to him. She was practically vibrating with energy and joy at the prospect to dance and enjoy herself. "Oh my gosh yes!" She giggled lightly, the sound bubbling up from within. She was brilliant and for once, it was obvious what her true nature was; a cheery, bubbly personality behind all the cares and woes that she'd built up over the past few years.
"I don't care what it is. I practiced so much before, when Julian started taking me out.. and then.. well, he never took me. So yeah.." She blushed, biting her lower lip and glancing to him.
Between the story of Maximus earlier and Julian? Kaleb had to laugh at the admission and excitement for such a simply thing of causing subtle scandal. He had to laugh, "Woooow seriously? You really do just have the worst taste in people don't ya, Ms. Dane? Lucky me." Okay so Jay was right, Kaleb actually might have a good time in spite of his best efforts to the contrary. There were some arguments that were more favourable to lose, and the haughty Miller lad was really alright losing that argument.