1964-07-21 - Ice Cream and Heat
Summary: Log Summary
Related: None
Theme Song: None
kaleb kellan vic 

"We should go out and get ice cream or something," Kellan says from where he is sprawled on the couch in just a pair of jeans. It is hot. It's been hot all day. It promises to continue to be hot, and he seems to be wilting slowly into the couch like a plant given too much water and shriveling up. Or.. we could find a pool. Does this building have a pool?" Suddenly he realizes that he doesn't know whether it does or not. He'd never checked.


Vic perks up. Ice cream? Vic has never said no to ice cream yet. He's in gym shorts and a t-shirt, with more resistance to the heat, but still looking pretty melted. "We could get ice cream, then come back and see about the pool. Or…" He gets to his feet and pads into the kitchen. He opens the freezer, and he says, "Hey, we have some strawberry. I didn't eat it all." He sounds as surprised as anyone.


Kaleb piped up coming out from his shower murmuring, "Ya did. That's a new one." He waded over to his room to put on a pair fo lounge pants and a t-shirt. It was warm and he seriously considered a nap. THat he didn't sleep in a tie and vest might be a shock, but it was just as likely that he didn't so they wouldn't get wrinkled.


"Hey Kaleb? Do we have a pool?" Kellan asks as Kaleb wanders by to go back to his room and change, thinking perhaps maybe the twin had found it before he did if there was one. Then he grins when Vic goes into the kitchen and finds that there is in fact ice cream there. "Do we want to just eat that, or go get more?" Kellan asks, considering.


"I have restraint," Vic tells Kaleb with a low laugh. "And there was all that saganaki from the restaurant." Mmm, Greek fried cheese. He pauses with the ice cream container in his hand, and he says, "I'll do whatever you want, Kellan." Jay could verify, if he slept in the living room instead of on the patio, that this is universally true.


Kaleb paused in his doorway and really thought about it. "Not…so far as I'm aware?" An eyebrow arched but as there was no immediate further discussion he went about getting dressed to stay in. When asked if they should eat that or get more Kaleb said from his room which carried into teh kitchen just fine as he bounced the sound off the surface of his desk to the wall. ceiling, through the doorway, off the hardwood floors and to them. He was really getting better at sound direction around corners. It was like the hook shot of throwing one's voice. "Ooooooh m'god jsut eat the damn ice cream. We'll buy more and will anways. Start there. It's too hot to go out. And sticky."

Kaleb poked his head back out changing his mind cautiously, "Why? How much is left"


Kellan raises a brow as Kaleb seems particularly snappish over something as simple as going out for icecream. He shrugs and says, "Fine. We can stay in." There's the faintest hint of irritation in his voice to match that from Kaleb, but then he gets up and goes over to Vic, pausing to press a kiss to his shoulder and go into the kitchen to get spoons. He pulls out a trio of spoons and offers one to Vic, and then takes one, and sets the third down for Kaleb before he just sticks a spoon right in the container and grabs some. Nomf.


Vic holds up the container. "More than half," he says, "We can all have some." He gives Kellan a quick kiss, then settles by the couch (he always seems to prefer the floor near Kellan) so he can hold the container in the middle of the trio. "If it get too hot when I'm at work, come by and I'll ask the boss to let you in the back. It's always cooler back there."


The heat made for a crabby Kaleb. He didn't have a pool on the patio but he did leave all the windows open and work on propping a small box fan in there. "You know there's this church in Bath that has all stained glass windows in a mixture of red and blue so well balances it's always 72* in there all year round? If they weren't so time consuming and liable to be temporary around me I'd say this was a solid investment." He came back into the living room and squint back at Kellan. That done even he had to admit Kellan was hard to be grumpy at for any length, never-you-mind that Kaleb started it. With his tone in check this time around he asked, "Do I need to find us one?"


Kellan settles next to Vic, and leans over so that he can dip his spoon into the icecream and grab a bite here and there. He doesn't seem to mind leaning over, and it gives him an excuse to press a kiss against Vic's hair, a little smile on his lips as he whispers a quiet word or two in his ear. When Kaleb comes out he says, "We could totally do that. I mean, that'd be awesome if we could make this apartment less hot." Because AC all over the place is not yet a thing. "Not necessarily, I just figured it might be nice to go swimming."


Vic, for all that he's usually ravenous, is good at sharing, making sure the other two are getting plenty of the ice cream as he mentally measures out how much he takes. He smiles up at Kellan at the kiss. Oh, he's got it bad. Those puppy-dog eyes are as soulful as they come. "We could go to Coney Island maybe," he says. "There's beaches there. And funnel cakes."


Kaleb nodded tiredly. The shower helped a bit but it wasn't a permanent solution. "Maaaaan, should have Jay invite that ice gal over. Bet that'd help." Sure then he'd have to deal with company but it was almost worth it. He slouched into the arm chair. So hot, but a thought had occurred to him as he was on his feet in an instant going to the freezer to find every ice tray they had. "Still mad at you for yesterday. Mostly for being right you know… well played, Kell." Which was Kale for 'thanks' but that word kept escaping his vocabulary. He was putting ice in water in a bowl and finding a trivet to put on the coffee table, then the bowl of ice water and then he went about recovering his fan from his window. This might work.


"Oh, we should go to Coney Island," Kellan agrees with Vic and glances over at Kaleb as though gauging what he might think of that idea. Then he says, "I want the ocean and a funnel cake.. or two." It's a good thing that he's young and has a decent metabolism because he's started eating a lot more recently. But then, he's also been making a lot more copies and using his powers more recently as well. He slides down onto the floor next to Vic rather than sitting up on the couch so he can rest his shoulder against his. Yep, they both got it bad. Then he smirks over at Kaleb and says, "I told you to stop impersonating me." Which translates roughly to 'you're welcome'.


Vic rests his shoulder against Kellan's, and he kisses him on the cheek, then tips the ice cream container toward him. "That's a good idea," he tells Kaleb when he sets up the ice/fan. "I'll refill those trays in a minute." Glancing between the two, he starts to ask, but then he doesn't. The important thing is they're getting along. "I know we can't go out on a proper date," he tells Kellan, "but going to Coney Island would be close. We could do all the same fun things."


Kaleb drew his steps to a stop and squint with a deep scrutiny at Kellan. "Ooooooh you…." He didn't finish that sentence realizing how badly his brother got the best of him there. "And if you weren't the only one seemingly keen on this idea Kellan maybe it'd be less weird." He sighed glancing back to the ceiling murmuring, "I probably deserve this. Okay I'm going to call around about the pool because one tiny fan does not relief make. And yes Coney Island sounds cool and if we grab Jay we can just go hang out and- OH I think there's a bigger fan downstairs. I'll be back." He might just be about to wrestle maintenance out of parts for his project: operation righteously large fan.


Kellan shakes his head a little bit as Kaleb heads out and then he turns his attention back to Vic with a grin, "I seem to have created a monster. We're going to end up with some giant fan in here that's going to blow us away like a jet engine." He laughs a little then and explains: "He went over to Billy and Teddy's and pretended to be me. When I got there, they'd already been showing him Paris and then they realized it wasn't me." He smirks just a bit and shakes his head. "Revenge is best served very cold, and with added levels of embarassment." He smiles then and rests his chin on Vic's shoulder, "We can go on a proper date.. we just can't tell anyone it's a proper date.. but we'll know. And I'd like to go to Coney Island with you, and the beach, just us..a real date."


Vic laughs and says, "That may not be the worst thing. It is pretty hot in here." He takes one last bite of ice cream, then offers the container to Kellan so he can slip his arms around him. "Is it too hot for cuddles?" he asks, then presses a kiss to his temple. "I love you," he murmurs. He laughs a little and says, "He can be such a jerk." He's quiet a moment. Then he says, "It'll be a reall date. We'll find somewhere to hold hands and steal a kiss. We'll go at night."


When Vic hands the container over to him, he shifts a little bit so that he can lean his back against Vic and nestle into his arms. He lifts the spoon and takes a bite, then he lifts a spoonful and holds it up to Vic, happy to feed him the icecream as well. "I don't care how hot it is, I like having your arms around me. And if it gets too hot, we an always go in the shower." He grins over his shoulder and rests his head against Vic's shoulder. "I love you, too. You make me really, really happy." It's a quiet happy admission. He laughs a little and says, "yeah, but he's our jerk." Then he nods and says, "We can ride the ferris wheel and kiss at the top, and then go out swimming in the water."


Vic takes the spoonful in his mouth, and he murmurs, "Mmm, thank you." He gives Kellan a cuddle, as is his wont. Loves the cuddles. "I would be so lost without you. I've got my family but they're all doing their own thing, too. I'd just be adrift. Working, probably, but for what?" He smiles, nuzzling Kellan's ear. "Can't imagine not being with you."


Kellan takes a bite of the ice cream, himself, sharing back and forth as he contentedly enjoys the cuddling. Where Kaleb is all about the not touching, Kellan is the opposite. He loves to touch at every opportunity, holding hands, bumping shoulders, cuddling, and even in public, little stolen touches whenever he can manage them. He loves closeness, and he loves being close to Vic. "I don't want to imagine a life without you," he admits quietly. "I'm sure that you could work with them to do any number of things, and learn from them, but.. I like that you can do that.. but still be here with me." He smiles as his ear is nuzzled.


"Maybe," Vic says, "but they practice magic. I don't. I'm just kind of the result of magic. Don't get me wrong, we can still do a lot of stuff together, but… I don't know. I think that meeting with the Professor showed me I might not really fit in anywhere. Except here, with you." He trails a fingertip along Kellan's arm. "I belong with you."


"Yeah, I guess I can understand that," Kellan says, sort of thinking about the distinction for the first time, really, and it makes him nod again. Though he smiles warmly and says, "You will always belong with me," as he watches that fingertip trail along his arm. He tilts his head back to run his nose along Vic's jaw. "I'm keeping you."


Vic grins and tilts his head to capture Kellan's lips with his. After a long, lingering kiss. "Want to go to the shower?" he asks. "I'll wash your back." And probably work on getting it dirty first, too. He uncurls to his feet to offer Kellan his hand. "I'll put the ice cream away." There's still a little bit left after all.

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