1964-07-23 - Howdy Neighbor
Summary: Kai, Loki, and Bucky meet Kai's neighbor, Gene Fuchs.
Related: None
Theme Song: None
loki kai bucky gene-fuchs 

Loki is out with Kai, taking their scrappy little dog, Kevin, for a walk. Loki has illusioned himself to look…well, he looks like Loki still, but he's wearing normal type of clothing, so that its not sooooo painfully obvious. Its not the greatest part of town, perhaps Gene has business over here. The blond is near to him, and they seem friendly to each other to the casual onlooker. "Have you thought any more about Amora's offer?"


Gene Fuchs has business here. His business IS here in 2B.


Gene's business is, in fact, in the same building as Kai's crummy apartment. It's by their building that he's kneeling to unwind the little dog's leash from around a lamp post, while the dog looks confused and a little worried. "You silly beast," Kai murmurs. He then looks up at Loki and smiles. "I have. I think just having it available would be a good idea, but I don't want to give up my place. It's rent controlled."


Loki tilts his head. "Very well, but what about creating some extradimensional spaces in it so that we can have some…more space?" Ahhh the trouble in dealing with princes. Poor Kai. So much upkeep for a fellow like Loki.


Gene Fuchs seems to be coming back from somewhere. He has a paper under his arm, and he looks sweaty. He's not wearing his usual overcoat, or a tie for that matter because of the New York heat. The tip of some ghastly orange fabric is poking out from his pocket, which is a clue as to what happened to the tie. He runs into the the men outside the building. His attention lingers on them for only a moment before his eyes shift to the dog. "Nice dog."


"That's out of my league, man," Kai tells Loki. He grins though as he adds, "But I'll bow to your expertise." He finally frees the dog, who immediately goes sniffing at the lamp post again and starts to wind himself around it. Kai scoops the little animal up and tucks him under one arm. He flashes Gene a arm smile as he says, "Hullo. Thank you. He's not much to look at but he's a lovely pup."


Loki looks sharply from Kevin, to Kai, to Gene when the man compliments their dog. He looks suspicious at the man, like hes expecting him to become a giant wolf any second. "Do you live here? I've not noticed you before." Stand down Loki!


Gene Fuchs says, "Yes, I live here." Gene stands his ground. "I have my business here." He's probably not supposed to have an office in the aprtments, but Kai is probably not supposed to have a dog, either. "Gene Fuchs." He holds out his hand to Loki. "I can't say I have seen you around here either."


Kai gives Loki's shoulder a squeeze and says, "Kai Alfsson. I live in 3C." Loki is here ready to defend, and there's Kai telling a total stranger where he lives. "Have you been here long? We come and go, but sometimes we keep odd hours." He adds, as an afterthought, "When we're hanging out. We're friends." Just friends. Honest.


Loki takes Gene's hand and shakes it, firmly. "Yes. There was another man living in the apartment for a while. Actually, just do not worry if you see seemingly random people going in there. This one here, Kai, likes a sad story." He grins crookedly. "I am Serrure. I run a bookshop. What is your business?"


Yeah, sure kid. That was very convincing. This whole conversation seems to amuse Gene. His remains neutral, but his eyes glint. "I just moved buildings. I was a block down before." 3C. He tucks that away. "Nice to meet you, Kai." He pauses to take out a cigarette. "I don't remember hearing a dog. He new?"

He tilts his head, "Seemingly random people, huh?" Well, that doesn't sound suspicious at all. "Me, I'm a PI." He takes out a silver zippo lighter that has K3 carved crudely on one side and lights up. After a puff, he adds. "Serrure. That a French name?"


"A PI? How interesting," Kai says. "Not a cop, though?" The question is casual-like. He takes a cigarette packet from his pocket, and shakes free a battered Lucky Strike. "Spare me a light, mate?" He sets the dog down, and the dog goes over to sniff Gene's feet, his tail wagging.


"French, thats right," Loki agrees and bends down to pet Kevin for being a good guard dog while Kai decides to light up. "What is a PI? We dont have those in…France." He makes a wince-face at Kai.


Gene doesn't seem to mind the dog smelling his feet. He's sort of doing the same—sniffing these two men out. The lanky man reaches over and flicks the wheel of the lighter to make a flame for Kai. "Private Investigator. Not a cop." Pale blue eyes watch Kai with interest. "You got a problem with cops, kid?"


Kai leans in to light his cigarette. "Ta," he tells Gene. He takes a long puff off the cigarette, then exhales a plume of smoke and says, "Just that they're part of an oppressive regime more interested in maintaining an unjust status quo than protecting the rights of every American." His rattles off the words casual as can be. "And ex-pats living in America," he adds. The English accent kind of gives him away.


Loki stands up and seems ever amused with Kai…oh…hippie-Kai…how he adores! "Careful…friend, or he'll make a case out of you for the law." Its sing-song and ever-amused sounding. "Your rebellious hippie-side is showing."


Gene Fuchs takes another puff on his cigarette as he leans down and pets the dog, leaving the cigarette in his mouth. He straightens up and has an odd smirk on his face. "Sounds a little red to me. But, it's a free country, right? " He shrugs, "I know some good cops. I know some asshole cops. things are usually more complicated that you see on a poster." His pale blue eyes float to Loki for a few seconds.


Kai has a weakness for sad stories. And there, ladies and gents, is one now. Namely, James Buchanan Barnes, AKA John "Jack* Frost. Companion to Captain America, hero of the ETO…and now an internationally wanted assassin. Also one of the guys who crashes on Kai's couch. He's in black dress shirt, black pants, the former buttoned down to his wrists (damned metal arm), and a glove on that left hand. His neutral expression is grim, but it lights up when he spots Kai and Loki. "Kai, Serrure," he says, cheerfully. Gene, however, gets an uncertain flicker of his eyes from the Asgardians to the PI and back. This guy smells like John Law.


The dog wags his tail all the more and gazes up at Gene with doggy glee. A new friend! Some guard dog he turned out to be. Kai shakes his head and says, "No, the commies aren't any better. Like, I dig the idea of people sharing everything, but you can't force them to do it at gunpoint, man. That's not a collective, it's tyranny." He takes a puff off his cigarette, and he flits an amused glance at Loki. "I've only got one side, cool cat." His attention shifts to Bucky, and he says, "Jack, hullo. This is one of my neighbors. We're only just now meeting." Kevin the dog wags his tail harder when he spies Bucky. Clearly he's already been given the sniff-test and was approved.


Ok, but is the black shirt black, or slightly darker black? "Still alive I see, Jack. Excellently done. I feel like that always deserves a praise." Loki reaches into his pocket and pulls out a peppermint and tries to hand it to Bucky. "Really? I feel like you have at least 3 sides, Kai." He doesn't comment about communists. He's probably pretty aware of it, just…doesn't affect him as a prince…in a monarchy. "This is Jeanfucks." he introduces.


Goddamn it. "Fuchs…rhymes with Books," says Gene calmly. He reaches to shake Bucky's hand. "Nice to meet you Jack. Yeah, we're having a nice little garden party. Learning a lot of things. Like Kai here is not a commie." He flashes Kai a grin that lights up his entire face, but only for a moment. "Always glad to hear I don't have commies living above me. That would keep me up. You one of these random people, coming and going, I heard about." He takes another drag on his cigarette and offers one to Bucky.


Bucky just gives Loki a flat look, before he grins again, and accepts the mint from Loki. "Thanks," he says. "Gimme two more and I'll sit up and bark on command." His own accent's distinctly Brooklyn. "I'm not nor ever have been a member of the Communist Party," he recites, gravely, even as he accepts the cigarette and tucks it behind an ear. No use wasting free coffin nails. His eyes have a puckish gleam. It's true. He's got no Party card. He's a piece of equipment on an inventory list in some dusty Siberian file cabinet.


Kai grins at Gene warmly. Loki gets a little elbow-nudge and he says, "Don't start naming them, I like to maintain some mystique." The guy looks like he's got about all the mystique of a birthday hat. "The commies couldn't handle what I'm dishing out," he says. Jack gets a fond look. "Our Jack here has pulled himself together," he tells Gene. "Got himself a job. He's doing all right now."


Loki seems amused when Bucky picks up on what mischief he was up to. "Manage to not die for another week and you get /cake/." He smiles in a friendly manner, warm, obviously he likes Bucky. "I think we can all agree…we are not these communists. Though…we do seem to live in the same rooms quiet a bit. So…Fuchs, tell us who is being investigated. Something of drama." He comes closer to stand beside Kai, close enough that he can drape his arm around the shorter elf in a 'friendly' manner.


Pale blue eyes flick to Bucky and Gene's own purloined cigarette. Then he tilts his head a little, "That's good to hear, Pal." He smiles and rubs his chin, "Who is being investigated? Who every you want, buddy. It ain't glamorous work. I find people, I take pictures of accidents and injuries for insurance companies, and I take pictures of cheating spouses. Right now, I got my eye on these three guys who are trying to figure out if I'm gonna turn them in for something. But, for the life of my I can't figure out what for. I don't even smell any weed on them." Though he's pretty sure they probably got some somewhere.


Buck's expression is all wide-eyed curiosity. He's just managing to keep from playing it too broadly. He's still wanted for the shooting of Captain America, after all - that face was plastered over many a Post Office bulletin board for several months now. But there's no wariness, no tension. This guy doesn't read 'Russian agent'…..but then, that's the whole point of the Russians having James to begin with. A real live American who can pass where he needs to.


Kai leans a little bit against Loki. Just a little bit. There's plausible deniability here. They're good friends. "These three cats, what've you got them on? Or are they just guilty and paranoid? I do a little sleuthing of my own, see, but not for money. I try to keep these streets safe in my spare time, and if there's some baddies around, I want to know about them.."


"Oh…I'll tell you everything you want to know. Does it give me some cash? I was just thinking of getting some new slippers. This one here…you could take him in anytime for indecent exposure. All the time walking around naked. YOu'll see, since you live in the apartment now. And that one…" Loki points at Bucky, "Guilty of not being able to use doors."


Gene Fuchs has got to laugh, "For god's sake, you punks. I ain't a cop. I don't chase bad guys." He looks at Kai, "And you should be careful if you do. We got enough people with capes running around here." And yes, he caught the closeness to Loki. Loki's naked comment sealed his opinion. "I really don't give a shit what you're up to." Well, not quite. He looks over at Bucky, his face falling neutral. Then he shrugs, "No cash." He takes a last puff on the cigarette, then drops it to the ground and steps on it. "Okay, fellas. Nice to meet you, but I gotta go. I'm going to miss The Fugitive." He glances at Bucky, then slides his gaze over the others. Interesting choice of tv shows to mention.


Buck grins, despite himself. For a moment, he's the kid in the old propaganda posters at Cap's side. There's an upnod at Gene's excuse. "Can't say I've ever seen that one," he notes, lazily.


Kai beams at Gene and says, "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Fuchs." He pronounces his name correctly and everything. If he catches any of the undercurrents here, he doesn't show any sign. Blithe as summer days are long. He takes another drag off his cigarette and adds, "3C, if you ever need anything. I try to be a good neighbor." Kevin starts to follow Gene, but comes to the end of his leash and looks confused. He's… not a very bright pup.


Loki lets go of Kai and points at him. "You could be a source!" He says excitedly. Kai, worst source ever. Protecting the runaway assasins of the world. His whippy black hair sways with his mischevious glee.


Gene shakes his head slightly and turns to leave. "It's a good show. I don't guess they'll ever catch the guy. " He reaches down to give the dog another scratch. "Good to know Kai. I might have a job for you someday." Certainly not a source. He heads into the building.


Bucky watches Gene go, with a wry tilt to his head. "He made me," he says to elf and prince in a low mutter. "I bet you anything he did. Steve better hurry up, or the Feds'll have me again." He doesn't sound frightened, though. Merely annoyed.


Kai gives Gene a thumbs up. He's all sorts of useful! He then grimaces to Bucky. "Don't worry. I don't think he's going to call the authorities. Just in case, maybe we should relocate." Then he tilts his head, curious as he asks. "What's Cap going to do?" When Gene goes, Kai sidles closer to Loki with a little less plausible deniability.


Loki winds his arm around Kai and looks to Bucky curiously. "Did you finally manage to connect? Is he your old boyfriend? I am unclear, just on the relationship. Friends, right? We can move, into the apartment?"


Buck rolls his eyes. "No. I mean, he recognized me for who I am. Which is a wanted man," he says, in a hiss. He's leading the way into the apartment.


Kai follows after, and Kevin follows after him. "But what is he going to do? Clear your name? Put in a good word? This is big news, Jack." He asides to Loki, "I sniffed that out, they're just friends. Like brothers.




"Sorry. I wasn't being clear. Steve's going to help me work for an agency called SHIELD, ideally. Yeah, I got in touch with him. I don't think he can get me cleared, but there might be a deal where I work with them and don't get killed in the Federal pen." He jerks a thumb at the door. "Our new friend there gave me the heebie-jeebies."


Loki tilts his head. "I think he's harmless. There has to be /money/ in it. And he didn't really seem the sort that would stand toe to toe with known killers. Not a bounty hunter. A spy. I think you will be fine. But…come in through the window next time if you like." Loki sweeps into the apartment and drops his 'normal' illusion, which means he immediately smells like leather. He drops onto the whole couch with a creak.


The moment Loki's illusion drops, Kai wraps his arms around him and murmurs, "I love you like this." Sorry, Bucky, it's going to get a little sappy. Kai tiptoes so he can give the tall god a peck on the lips. There's always that flood of relief when privacy comes and he can be who he is with Loki again. He settles on the couch beside Loki, after taking Kevin off his leash, and curls up at his side. Kevin sniffs around his dog bowl, then drags a piece of kibble out, walks into the living room, eat it, then pads back to his bowl, takes another piece of kibble, repeat the process.


Bucky gives them what privacy he can by looking away. Winter Soldier is not here. Winter Soldier does not see the kisses. Kevin's antics earn him a grin.


Loki winds a leg behind Kai, and the other across his lap, and smiles with contentment at bieng himself too. "I love you like this too." Once he catches what Kevin is doing he frowns. "I think our dog is broken, Kai." He glances to Bucky, "Do you know anything about dog training? Could you train our dog to seem…normal?"


Kai leans against Loki, lounging comfortably. He claims his lover's hand in his own, but at least there's no more smooching. For now. Watching Kevin, he grins and says, "I don't think there's anything normal about that dog." Kevin knows they're talking about him, and his tail wags. He trot back to the kitchen and returns with another piece of kibble to munch. "I don't know," Kai says, "I say he's getting much needed exercise."


Bucky is grinning at Kevin. "Me? Nah. Never had a dog when I was a kid, though I used to love the Rin Tin Tin movies," he notes, amused.


Loki isn't being gross, that's true enough. There's really nothing too terrible to avoid seeing at this point. Both clothed. Its fiiiine. "Maybe we get another dog that is very normal and hope Kevin learns from it? But then…we would have an extra dog…maybe we could /borrow/ a dog." And then Kevin can teach it to be weird.


"I like our Kev the way he is," Kai says, and Kevin continues wagging his tail, so happy they're talking about him, as he makes his trips from dish to living room and back again. "He's unique. He has personality. Besides, he's super nice, and that's what matters. Isn't it, Kev?" Kevin crunches on his kibble. "Bucky, what do you think? I think he's fine."


There's a shrug from Bucky. "You love him. He makes you happy. What else is he for?" Is he talking about Kevin or Loki? Who knows. "He's housebroken, he doesn't bite, and he comes and sleeps on me when I'm having nightmares."


Clearly, he meant Kevin.


Loki grins as Bucky walks that line between if he's talking about himself or the doggie. "I am mostly just teasing. I like him the way he is as well. He just is unlike any pet I ever had. Pets in Asgard have to be useful…for more than just mental health and amusement." He lifts a hand and runs his fingers down through Kai's curls. "So…Bucky the SHIELD consultant who will not be hunted down, that's excellent."


"Mental health is important," Kai says. "He's protecting his pack from loneliness and despair. His ancestors would be proud. Wouldn't they, Kev?" Kev, having had his fill of kibble, wags his way over to Kai and hops up on the couch, snuggling up to him. Kai scrumbles his ears and dodges attempts to lick up his nose. "There's a good boy," he murmurs.


"Depends on how far back you go. The wolves would laugh, the other mongrels would congratulate him for landing such a cushy gig," Bucky notes. Then he glances at Loki. "I hope so. We'll see if it happens. Gotta come in from the cold sometimes."


"Come in from the cold. Yes. I suppose you are right. I need to do that too…and finally go to Asgard, face my father and…see what ammends can be made." Loki gives Kai a squeeze. "Would you like to come and bring our dog?" He glances to Bucky, "You could come as well, if you like. See a better part of Asgard."


Kai tches and says, "Wolves understand the importance of pack morale." He scritches Kevin's chest and the dog's hind leg starts kicking. Kai nods to Loki and says, "Of course. Maybe we can visit Alfheim while we're in the area. I promised I would bring back some Firefly wine. I'll have to sweet talk my Oma into parting with it, but she show lenience given my dying and coming back."


Of course Buck's immediately starry-eyed. "Really?" he says. "I could come, too? I thought mortals were forbidden…"


Loki wets his lips. "You are mortal, but you are not…normal. You know that as well as I. You would be welcomed there as well as anyone else of Asgard. Probably more than either of the two of us, actually." Loki rubs Kai's shoulder, "Son of criminals…and /criminal son/…you're just…'guy who hasn't wronged us' to them."


"It's not exactly fair," Kai points out. He sighs. "I suppose I'm going to have to visit my mum and da. I saw them briefly last time I was there. It was ages ago." He snuggles up to Loki, a frown pursing his lips. "You'd think they'd have granted my mum a little clemency, but she wouldn't sell out my da. I'm proud of her, but now neither of them will ever see the other again. If they would even repent, but last time I saw my da, he said the truth was he'd still be doing it if they hadn't caught him. Anyway. Yes, they'd probably like you fine."


Bucky looks relieved at that. There's a funny look in his eyes. "I'd love to see it. I feel like….I've just been to all these awful places. When I was in Europe, it was at war, pretty much. Though I got to see Paris soon after liberation…." He nods at that. "I really do want to go there…."


Loki gives Kai another squeeze. "We should see about perhaps getting them OUT of prison. I know it goes against your very nature, my beloved hippie elf, but…if you did give it back…that gesture alone might do it." Loki offers as a possible suggestion for the blond. A nod to Bucky too, "Then, we will be sure to bring you. And not lose you. Alfheim…Asgard…we will see both places."


"What if they put me in prison for not giving it back sooner?" Kai frets. "They'll say 'we knew he wasn't any better than they were.' Though I could make the argument I had no way to come to Asgard until very recently." He gazes up at Loki. "You won't let them drag me into a prison cell, will you?" To Bucky, he says, "In Alfheim, we'll stay somewhere other than my Oma's estate as she will make your life a living hell."


He spreads his hands. "It's all up to you guys. Where-ever ou wanna go, whatever you wanna do. Just so long as I can get time off from work and come."

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