By some manner or another, the boys decided to reach out and contact Dick, letting him know that they were heading down to Grenwich Village for lunch, despite all the insanity that happens in Grenwich village every time they attempt to eat there. Perhaps because of all the insanity that happens every time they attempt to eat there. It's a hip little cafe. There are beatniks. There is also the sound of music playing quietly and the tink of coffe mugs and spoons while traffic slogs by outside, attempting to avoid the latest construction zone created by rampant werewolves or mysterious glass shatterings.
Kellan is dressed down in a t-shirt and jeans because it is warm. Fortunately the fans above are keeping the air circulating at a comfortable enough temperature. He's got a cup of coffee in front of him which he drinks as he and Kaleb talk while waiting for Dick to show up.
Kaleb was also dressed down which for him meant no tie and no suit coat. Yeah he was really roughing it. The linen slacks had a neat crease in them and matched the vest that complimented it in a clean herringbone. Sleeves were rolled to the elbow and the collar unbutton. This is the most relaxed he's looked while awake in recent memory. This factoid also made it very easy to tell the twins apart. He stirred his coffee setting the sugar aside, "I'm thinking towards the end of next week maybe? Hop over to England, see the show, and take the four day weekend. Not hard to get PanAm to turn around tickets in that short of time." And by PanAm he really meant let Billy know. A glance was given up occasionally to look for their companion whom seat three was left open for.
Grayson was actually surprised to find out that the twins from prep school reached out to get in touch with him. It's probably a good thing they didn't try earlier as he's only been back state-side for the last couple of months. He is, however, running late, as evidenced by the rather rushed way he skids into the cafe. Dressed in a style somewhat between the two in formality, he's wearing slacks and a geometric-patterened button-down shirt. It's definitely whatever the current trend is. "I had no idea you guys were even still in New York!" is offered as he slips into the third seat next to him. "All graduated now?" There's a glance between the two as if he's either trying to remember which is which or putting on the show that he's trying to remember.
Sometimes, things just fall into place and timing is good. "Technically," Kellan says, "Kaleb just got back from a whirlwind European Tour. There were ice sculptures." He flashes his twin a little bit of a grin and lifts his coffee mug to signal that Grayson could probably stand to order something as well. "Yeah, back in June. Enjoying a little bit of a break before starting up classes in the fall." He motions to one of the empty seats at the table.
Kaleb cracked a faint grin to his brother and paused mid-sip. "The operative word was 'were'." He went to go drink and stopped himself giving Dick the crucial detail, "They were ugly as sin" Shaking his head in disapproval and zero regrets he finally drank his coffee. The cup was sat down and moved slightly one quarter turn. "We did. Graduation went well. I got to see a bit of the business overseas, but I don't… think i'm interested in a business apprenticeship just yet. Might actually change field focus. Dunno." His brow furrowed and complimented "Summer travel seems to be agreeing with you Greyson. What's your plan come fall?"
"Yeah, me too?" Richard looks to Kaleb, "Where did you go? Scandinavia by the sounds of it…" and he just gives a laugh at the mention of the ugly ice sculptures. "I wasn't there in the winter so I never got to see that stuff. You both heading to college then? Around here?" The same one?
As for ordering, he'll politely call over someone to order a coffee and some sort of decadent-looking french pastry. "You guys want anything else?" is asked before he completes his order. Another nod is given to Kaleb, "I hear you. I'm not so much into the business thing either. I know if I wanted it, Bruce would find a place for me but…I think it's in my genes that I can't sit behind a desk." He obviously tried very hard in school then.
Leaning back in his chair he shrugs, "Oh, it was more than summer travel. I was gone for about three years. Just got back earlier this year. And come fall? Dunno. I don't know that college is right for me although I think that's what Bruce would want."
"Yeah, I'm thinking about it," Kellan says. "I had planned to take a year off but an opportunity came up that I'm looking into. Though, that means that I need to decide what I want to do with my life — and that really was sort of what I was taking a year off to figure out." There's a little bit of a smile, and he lifts his coffee to take a sip from it. "Yeah," he says, when asked if they want anything else. He then orders himself a turkey club on a croissant with a side of potato chips.
Kaleb smirked, "Kind of wish I had. England, Austria, and the ice was in France. God that event was dry. I learned weddings ruin France for me as it turns out." The travel interested him. That Bruce Wayne was fostering Greyson's future got a simple hmm. As like many he had but peripheral contacts with his ow family at best, Kaleb withstanding. "Three years? Hell you had plenty of time to see the frozen north. You missed out." Though a BLT with Monterrey jack cheese was biting at him from afar and he went with that, and a pickle.
At the question of their education a faint grin came to the more natty of the two brothers and he glanced to Kellan and back to Richard, "We're looking at it. If I don't then I have to go to all my own classes don't I? Speeeeaking of which I got roped into a business contact luncheon with Mr. Wayne it seems." He shook his head and looked to Kellan, "You know the more I tell dad I really have no interest in contacts, people, and investments? The more things I get volunteered for."
"Why do you need to decide now? Even if you do something for a while, you can change it, right? It's not like you're totally locked into a job and isn't college supposed to let you figure out what you want to do? Try different things?" Richard grins at Kellan, "But opportunities are good, right?" Although with the type of kids who went to their prep school, it's not too surprising.
That grin then turns to Kaleb, "Oh, I saw it, just in the summer when it wasn't frozen. I tended to be on the warmer side of things in the winters…the Mediterranean, India, Japan…never made it to New Zealand though." He tilts his head at the mention of a business lunch with his guardian, "Did you? Well, if you want contacts, he's a good one to talk to. But if you don't, just pick a subject and have a nice meal on him."
Kaleb chuckled, "A job? Not certain my heart could handle that. I personally am thinking of pursuing architecture right now but I'm pretty certain our father's expectation lies in …whatever he and the board of Capstone have going on. And yet shortly I'll be attending a luncheon with Mr. Stark and potentially Mr Wayne about the innovation arc of the World's Faire this summer. Should see about coming. If you like toys that change the way business thinks? It's one to see. Especially if you've been reading the news? Probably best that you saw Japan already. Things over there look…stressful i the Pacific."
"I'm sure I'll be roped into going to that," Richard offers with something of a grimace, "Not sure Bruce ever appreciated that I also wasn't into the business stuff. I've thought about a couple of things…Police Academy, Teaching…I'm just not sure yet. Both take some sort of schooling and I'm not opposed to it, but if I'm going, I want it to be for something -I- want to do." He's half-tempted to go find another circus sometimes. "I'll let you know when I'm going to be there. I can at least pull you guys away from whatever you're stuck at there."
Kaleb still didn't fully understand a need to go into civil service when one could throw money at the issue, but he wasn't inclined to ask either. He was starting to become understanding of the need to get one's hands dirty to DO something, especially with the attacks on Mutants that he did not and would not put on the table for discussing. "Should come with us. Be interesting. Hell it'll be pretty neat meeting Stark i person. He'sat least not dull, I'll hand him that. Really though, the public sector huh?"
"I suppose that's true," Kellan says when Grayson mentions that he could change what he's doing. "I guess I'm just used to picking a path and going for it without really thinking about changing course." It's worked for him thus far. He grins a little "Guess I never thought about just trying different things. But that's sort of what I got all those books for, to read and try to figure out what interests me the most." He nods and says "Yeah, opportunities are great." He then says, "Really? How was Japan? Do they really eat everything with chopsticks there or do they actually have forks and just like watching us try to eat with the little stick things? Was the Mediterranean as blue as it is in the pictures? What about India? I've heard the streets are just crammed with people and it's super hot and crazy there." The questions, they just start, and when they start they dont' really stop. But he does look over to Kaleb when he mentions meeting all of these people and pauses, and then closes his mouth for a moment and drinks his coffee. Small mercies.
"I wasn't born into this," Grayson reminds the brothers. It's not a secret but he doesn't necessarily call attention to it either. "It seems like a good thing to be giving back somehow. But sure, I'll meet up with you guys there." Maybe it won't be as dull as he thinks it will be?
Kellan's questions get another grin and he begins to answer them as best as he can, "Yes, they eat with chopsticks and half the time I didn't know what I was eating! Most of it was incredible, some of it was really weird and I don't think I saw folks eating with forks unless they were eating in the Western-style restaurants. The Mediterranean is a much deeper blue. It's not like seeing the Caribbean all aqua and turquoise, but the Mediterranean is this deep marine blue that…you can just feel the age. You can imagine it looking like that with ancient Romans and Greeks and Israelites looking out at it. There was something just ancient about it. And yes, India is crowded and crazy and so full of extremes. But there's absolutely nothing like it anywhere here. It -was- pretty hot there, but I went to the hot places in the winter and the cooler places in the summer, mostly." He sort of planned ahead.
"You gotta get out there and -do- things…not just read about them to decide if you like them. That's only going to give you the author's perspective."
Kellan doesn't seem to have any particular interest in the business meetings, himself, and since he hasn't been invited, he makes no comment about it. Instead he focuses on Richard's travels. "I've never been to Japan or really anything east of Europe." Though he has been to several countries in Europe. "So I'm really interested in hearing all about your trip." He leans back in his seat with his coffee to absorb all of the information with fascination. "Well that was good planning," he agrees, as far as taking into account the climate while traveling. He knits his brows together a little and then chuckles, "I'm not sure if I decide to be an astrophysicist that they're going to let me just randomly wander in palces and fiddle around with their telescopes and such. But, I get what you're saying."
Grayson shrugs, "No, but if you want to be an astrophysicist, find one and talk to them. See if you can shadow them for a day or something and see if it's really something you'd want to do? I dunno, I guess I'm sort of talking from the side of 'I have no idea what I want to be doing.' He's more than happy to talk about his travels. "Oh, I spent time in Europe too…backpacking around, catching up with friends and meeting friends and relatives of my parents." He even got to brush up on some of the other languages he's learned over the years. "Some of it was planning, some of it was luck. Tibet -does- get pretty cold if you go into the mountains, even in the summer."