1964-11-07 - New Person, Old Language
Summary: A mutant and a Themysciran meet in Times Square
Related: None
Theme Song: None
cyrene nightcrawler 

New York was…very different from Theymiscra. Nowhere was that more apparent than right here in Times Square. The business, the buzzing signs and activity and…all the people. It was almost overwhelming for Cyrene. She'd been asked by a companion to remove her weapons while she went wondering around, something she'd reluctantly agreed to against her better judgement. It wasn't that she needed her bow to protect herself, but the weapon was a treasured possession and brought a certain degree of comfort to the redhead. With a newly offered and slightly oversized coat wrapped around her to hide the rather eye-catching amazon armor she wore, Cyrene continues her curious wandering through the city.


Kurt has never been one to hide. It helps a little that the days and nights are getting cooler so that he can at least wear a coat to hide most of his features. That said, his head and eet are still visible even if his hands are tucked into the pockets of the coat. He's making his way through the crowds of Times Square, perhaps running some sort of errand or merely just willing to let himself get lost among the crowds.

Maybe it's the figure looking curiously about the area that catches his attention. He -should- probably leave her alone, but Kurt has never been great at moving along, especially if someone looks lost or confused. He makes his way closer and asks, "Are you lost, Fraulein? Do you need help finding someplace?" Thing is, he often forgets that most may not welcome an act of friendliness from him.


It probably helped that there wasn't a language under the sun that most Amazon's didn't know, but Cyrene still looks a little suprised to hear German, even if it is a single word. Turning a little, the redhead blinks a little at the question…then blinks again at his appearence. Her expression alone might be confusing; not fear or revulsion but…curiousity. "I am…scouting…exploring," she says slowly, answering him in English before she quirks her head the other way and switches to his native tongue. "<Are you what German humans look like?>" A strange question from someone who spoke the language so well.


She didn't run screaming or try to clobber him with a handbag, so that's already a success! The halting English gets a tilt of his head but the German has those yellow eyes widening in surprise. It isn't a moment later before he bursts out with a laugh at the question, <Not at all,> he answers in his own Romany-accented German. <No humans look like me and certainly not any Germans. Did you study the language? You speak it very well!>


"<Yes,>" she answers rather straightforwardly, now clearly looking him up and down while she crosses her arms over her chest. "<We are taught to speak all the languages of man, but we have not often had chance to use them.>" She actually walks around the mutant in a slow circle with that expression of genuine curiousity before she pauses. "<So you are not a human then? Are you a demon? Are demons common in this city?>" One would think a demon would be a concerning idea, but she'd grown up around Gorgons…and already met a red demon the previous night with a taste for pancakes.


There's a tilt of his head as he listens, <We?> He looks over the woman briefly, <Who is 'we'?> As for being human, he glances down at himself and shrugs, <I am human, but I am also what they're calling a 'mutant'. Like a human but different. Demons…I don't think they're very common around here. I hope they aren't! But there are many mutants…some who look different and some who don't.>

(OOC note: Cyrene had to leave and it was getting too late to continue).

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