1964-11-10 - Reunion
Summary: Nick Fury returns home.
Related: none
Theme Song: None
nightcrawler nick-fury 


The chill in the air announces the coming of Winter although there is still the crispness of Autumn in the air. Even in the city, one can tell. As has been his wont of late, Kurt 'bamfs' from where he was enjoying the people-watching and autumnal goings in in Central Park into the tenement apartment, a few scarlet and gold leaves swirling in with him from the tree that he was perched in. There's a little shiver from coming in from the cold before he pads his way to the kitchen to start some coffee brewing. While his jeans and bowling-style, button-down shirt are clean, they're looking a bit worn at this point but the leather jacket over it all helps to hide some of that. His tail opens up one of the cupboards to get a coffee mug while he busies his hands with the coffee grounds and water setup.


The door flies open now and it is Nick. His long black coat flowing around him and smoke billowing in front of his face one could still see his scowl. "Bastards." He mutters. He pulls his coat and tosses it on the coat rack, his pistol dangling freely now. He approaches the table and emptys a few things from his pocket. Keys, zippo, and some unidentifiable small black box. He nods to Kurt. "Been awhile. How tha' locals treatin' ya?" He goes to t he fridge and opens the door. "Damn." Closing it he just turns and leans against the refrigerator now. *puff puff puff*


Nightcrawler gives a shout as he's startled by the door flying open and he whirls around, the mug at the ready to be thrown at the intruder; as if that would do much good. Yellow eyes blink as Fury enters as if he was just there earlier that morning and eventually Kurt relaxed, the mug set back on the countertop. He then breaks into a sharp-toothed grin and leaps over to give the other a hug, "Herr Nick!" It seems that he is willing to risk repercussions for such a gesture.


Nick just rolls his eyes and scowls a bit. He does return a /very/ small pat on the back though with his left hand as the right grabs his cigar. When they release he ashes on the ground and returns it to his lips. "There aint no beer." Is his reply. "What ya' been doing? Hows money? Might have somethin' for ya. Interested?"


"I was not sure if you were ok," Kurt rattles off in his accented English, "Und no one would tell me anything und I was told to stop asking so I did." He does finally take a step back and goes to add some more coffee grounds to the pot. "No…no beer. I am sorry…I…the beer here…" he makes a face before setting the coffee pot to boil. "I have been fine…doing what I can to keep the children from getting into trouble," as usual. "Money is fine…I do not need much. Something for me? I do not understand…a gift? I do not need anything…it is I should be getting -you- something for letting me stay!"


Nick grunts. His usual. "Pry best not to dig around. I'd prefer it that way and so would they." He's just saying. In reference to the beer he says, "I know. It's piss. One of our countries grate downfalls." He stabs his cigar out now and pulls another to light. He uses the stove with his lighter being on the other side of the room. "Nah. Not /for/ you. Something for you /to do/" *puff puff* "Its not for sure but your the man for the job."


Nightcrawler nods, "I got that feeling too. I did not want to get you in trouble for my worrying." Although he knows full well that Fury can take care of himself. "I can go get you beer if you would like. I think I can get some from Mutant Town…" he doesn't have any sort of ID but he would be bothered less there. There is a glance as the second cigar is lit before he blinks back at the other, "Something for me to do? Ja, I am interested. I would like to help as much as I can!"


"No. Stay." He walks over to the end of the counter and leans. Not one to sit. "Your…talents. Could come in handy. I can't say too much right now. You know the gig. But your perfect for it." HE stands up tall again. "Might be tricky but you need somethin' to do anyways. Just wastin' time screwin' around here. There's bigger things in store for you. You'd come in handy." He grins….just a little but one who knows him would easily recognize it.


There's a tilt of his head as Fury mentions using his abilities. "You know I am happy to help if you think I will not get you in trouble. I do not…hide among people very well." It's fairly obvious why not. "I am not wasting time, but…I…would like something more to do," is admitted almost sheepishly. "The only other thing I have been asked is to teach und I do not know what I could even teach to others!" Considering he's had no formal schooling, that might be difficult. "Will you…will SHIELD let me? They seemed to not want me before."


HE shrugs. "Not sure. But you'd be working for me. No one has to know. Well, no one /will/ know." He nods and puffs away. "You've been asked to teach? Interesting. Well, as long as your gettin' by. But I'd hope if I called on ya' you'd be willing."


Dark eyebrows lift, "Of course I will work for you." Kurt would pretty much do anything for Fury and he probably knows it. "I have not said yes to the teaching. I do not know what I would teach…but I am happy helping the kids here. I will be happy working for you too…as long as I am not hurting anyone." Or doing anything that goes against his religious and moral beliefs. "Are you back to stay for long?"


"Eh. A little bit." HE takes a deep breath after removing the cigar from his mouth and says. "Kurt, sometimes you have to hurt someone. If you want to help someone else. We didn't just waltz in and ask them to release you. Remember? But it was worth it." He walks over and pats him on the shoulder. "I'm confident you will do what you need to when /I/ need you to." With that he goes and grabs his coat. "I'll be in touch." He then nods and walks out the door, a billow of smoke pluming behind him.


But -he- hasn't purposefully hurt anyone! Kurt watches as Fury offers a little explanation and glances to his shoulder at the pat. "I will try," he starts, but then Fury is on his way out again. "But…" he starts and decides not to finish. A three-fingered hand lifts to rub at the back of the neck before he looks to the now-bubbling coffee pot. "Ach…who is going to drink all the coffee now?"


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