Maximus waiiiited while Kaleb talked to Jean. "Well? Am I /allooooooowed/? I am not letting anyone take this machine without me." He thumbs at himself.
Kaleb was phoenominally patient; be it a measure of his own perspectives on things or being able to understand Max's background. There was a faint smile as he assured, "I know what you're used to. It's okay. Everyone's still getting used to one another but it's folly to test devices without their engineer on hand. Well… unless one was on the Manhattan project. I don't think he flew to Japan. They did go to the testing cites though. Besides, Jean's actually really cool, she just doesn't give trust easily cuase she's not a dipshit." And outward to meet with Jean they did go.
The Danger Room, that's where they'll meet. Communications have gone through, the kids are well and settled for the night, Dr. Able was on stand-by in the medbay but.. some little kid managed to trip, slip, fall and skin their knee on the hallway rug. Rug burns are nasty. And they are itchy and annoying. So naturally, Jean saw to that first before she entered into the very, long, and horrid hall that it currently was.
Still, it was better than nothing; being miles beneath the school. And if there was a means, she'd probably wipe Maximus' memory of the place either way, but she highly suspects she wouldn't have to. Why not right? Gotta establish trust.
Still, late but not too late, Jean begins to idly punch the bag, throwing out lefts and rights, jab here.. jab there.. round-house kick there.. thank god she's still not dressed professionally.
|ROLL| Maximus +rolls 1d20 for: 1
Swagger. There's something about having your arms wrapped around a gun that looks like it could blow the balls off every elephant in africa in one go, that just really gets a man to swagger. Max just invented something ridiculously awesome, and also helpful, and it involves Kaleb too! Saving the world, busting the Skrulls, giving the Kree the bird, this is all A-level, end of the movie, write a song about it, KISS-MY-ASS-BLACK-BOLT, order a martini and a couple of strippers in metallic paint because that's how its done, /Maximus Style/. Maximus the Magnificent! He holds the giant gun which is…either lighter than it looks, or he's stronger than he looks, with one hand on a dangerous-seeming brass handle and the other hand, reaching up and back to hold onto a long, silvery pipe, so that both arms are up. He has a black and white trench coat on, blakc and white gloves, his hair is tossled and curly, and he's wearing pants that look like they are made out of reticulated metal, with a pair of black military-style boots on. And upon his lips is an absolute gorgeous red, that really contrasts nicely with his short, black, mustache and goatee.
Kaleb was not, for one, going to get volunteered to be dipped in pain metalic or otherwise. For the record. He walked in in slate grey vest and slacks with a long wool coat on. Simple, classic, stylish without pretense. His hands were in his pockets out of habit but his mind was clear and even optimistic. Looking to the bedazzled military Miximus a-go-go he offered, "Give her a second. THis is the space I've been working to help redesign. I'm… actually pretty jazzed about it." He cleared his throat and sound carried where it will leaving also a whisper in just Jean's ear, 'Hey, Jeanie Bean. We brought your present. Go easy on Max, he's been up for like three days straight getting it ready.' Kaleb the Peacekeeper? Who knew.
Jean had little to no swagger at all. She wore a pair of K-Mart pants ordered from the catalogue and shipped straight from Minnesota. Her shoes were a pair of busted white sneakers that didn't have any brand name or logo, the creases in them created dark grey lines where there were wear and tear. Obviously hand-me-downs from one of the teenagers who didn't need them anymore.
Big-Footed Larry.
Poor kids' feet grew every year and at this point? With him at a height of five foot even, his shoe-size was a twenty.
The T-shirt that she also were was nothing to shake a stick at. Cause there was a teddy bear on it. Holding a strawberry, and the strawberry looks as busted as her shoes did, for flecks of the painted on shirt-decor was already falling off and a green leaf just looked like who the hell and why.
"Huh?" She states loudly, looking up from her exercise from the bag, stopping with the punching and the kicking to wait for them to approach. Or maybe she should approach them. Things have been wholly awkward with her lately. Probably all of the brand new raging teen hormones in the air that she's catching.
Maximus keeps walking towards Jean, in her busted clothes, though he does cast his steel eyes around the place as Kaleb mentioned he's been helping. "I would be too. This place is practically…/impossible/, according to the rest of the tech above-ground. Miiiinds of greater purpose have been working on /this/, you can tell. Advanced. TRA-LA-LA, all hope is not lost, though, I dare to say that I sincerely doubt anyone is sharing." Max grins overbroadly. "Not going to see this anytime soon in a local /mall/, so the teenagers can have their funsies, hmmmMMMMMMM?" He flashes another grin. Max's mind leaks a thought of an elaborate hamster habi-trail that powers a small lamp through static electricity off their fur. "Its impressive." He compliments.
Maximus 's mood, for what its worth, seems positive in nature, just…scattered and manic.
Kaleb pulled a hand out from his coat pocket sliding it up the back of Max's shoulder giving it a squeeze in support. He was calm as frozen water and in spite of him being, well, himself there was concern for both of them. Great minds went through great stress. To help Jean out he clarified the technical details. "THink of it as a sonic emitter scatter gun. Yoooou know how I and Theresa can tune a wave and pop ccrystaline structures? Think this," He pointed to teh weapony device, "With Skrull. Upset the mind that is focusing on the deceit? The decit goes away. This will not harm people and it won't even harm the Skrull." He paused. "Sadly." He continued, "But it has potential to expose them for what they are. Next part of the equasion: Once we expose themwell… they won't be happy about it and I would assume anyone near them may suddenly find themselves at emminent risk. Buuuut, it's options." His brow furrowed and there was an unusual shift of emotion on his face when he looked abck to Jean pausing, "I know… now hard filtering through everything is for me, just with sound. We htought maybe this could help if it would be easier to take some of the workload off any one person for their safety too." THe look Kaleb gave her had a hint of apology to it and his thoughts were clear. He didn't know if she caught them or not. *I know you have a way to just hit every corner of the universe. I don't doubt it. You're… the god damn fucking Phonenix, sure, but that doesn't mean your friends don't worry for you*
Even though she was on guard, she actually listened to Maximus as he approached. IN fact, there was a small grin that plopped upon her face as it was meant to be there, with her attempting to not laugh at the mans words. She was being nice! After all. And still, she retained her silence, her eyes laying upon the gun that the man holds, then towards Kaleb with a curious look. "Uh.. what is .." And then he answers, taking in the explanation as she closes the distance herself, standing close to Maximus and leaning in to get a good look towards the weapon.
"So the skrulls are affected by sound? Sort of like a disorienting scrambler to .. make them lose their concentration on the image that they're wearing?"
Kaleb had a point about one thing, there needed to be a way to protect everyone else. She was left to thinking. And then, his quiet thoughts penetrate her mind and she gives him a look, then quietly shakes her head.
"This, theoretically, will disable their cellular structure because they are /naturally/ unstable. I know enough. And I'm a genius." Maximus swings the gun down and holds it in both hands. "It was Kaleb's idea…and I thought…yes, I can do that. But, it will need to be tuned, before anyone else can use it, without Kaleb around. Someone who can make the sound its projecting variable, repeatedly. It should make the Skrulls very uncomfortable. They might…turn back into their natural born form. They might get melty. I'm not /entirely/ certain. But, it will destabilize them, certainly." Max utters in a completely rational way, as if he were in a board meeting. "Soooooooo…" He lifts one hand to scratch his eyebrow. "Now do I get to hang around here. I mean, I made you a Skrull Detector Gun." He bats his lashes. Looks like mascara. "And also../when/ do we get to take you shopping?" He wets his lips swiftly. "Can't walk around with a big, nasty, gun…without some big, nasty heels."
Kaleb went to go answer Jean but Max did it and so the young mutant didn't waste words and while Max explained they might pass for Penn & Teller with kaleb nodding and nodding more in agreement. Well the man was a genuis that was true. Aaaaan that's exactly how tht worked. When max asked aboutthe shopping he snickered and assured, "It'll go with the field gear I ppromise there will be no dressing down when she uses it." Let's tackle the important part first. Answering the other two parts he added only, "I picked up a signal emiter and receiver unit. Once I can practice with it and where it's at it's easy enough to jot the numbers down and tune it when we need it. Like finding a radio station. Only we'd need a skrull to practie on because if we get no effect we don't know if it's because they are Skrull and it's not owrking or if they are a person and it is not working because… not a skrull. Beyond that? yeah we're gonna need someone…s…. who know what they're dealing with who are capable of immobilizing them and minimize casulties." He blinks and looked back to the stairs. "I have the vague suspiscion that you're going to tell me to talk to Able about that."
If there was a time to stare blankly, it was now. In fact, she was already looking for Able before Kaleb even mentioned it. But, she gets the general idea. It was almost a scrambler. No, it -was- a scrambler! Right! "So.. yes. Kaleb will have to be around it for testing.." She glances around the very vast area that the Danger Room provides, and makes an executive decision right then and there. "Yes, you get to hang around here for the meanwhile. Test the weapon, make the necessary changes. School is back in session so please, for the love of all that is holy and good in this world, do not come around until after 5 PM."
The children won't be sleeping, but they won't wander too much.
As for the shopping bit, she takes a step back away from the two, looking down at her manner of dress, her shirt pulled out just a bit which causes the green flakes to fall from her top. Her face even scrunches up. "What's wrong with this?" She asks. "Plus, I don't think it's good to go into a fight with heels. I'm not Logan, I can't heal anything. I'll break my ankle and I -really- don't know how to walk in heels.." She guffaws at that. Guffaws!
"As for the skrull? I think.. I can handle that. Give me a week." Yeah, it was time to go hunting. "And yes. Talk to Able about that."
Maximus makes a humming sound. "I knooooow that man thinks /little/ of either of us. If you swear he'll help, then fine." Maximus exhales. "You know I have no idea what has ever given you the impression that I dislike children. I think most children do not dress warmly enough, but beyond that, I like children just fine." He makes a casual gesture. "Kaleb you are integral to this. I need you here with me, whenever I am."