Loki has a little party, nothing too big, just, something to reach out and cause a bit of mingling. This one, instead of a rampaging drunk-fest, was more aimed at classier folks. Still, Loki sips from a drinking horn and drifts his fingers up and down Kai's arm as he waits to see who is going to show up. There is some sort of excedingly giant bird on the table, cooked. Its probably not from around here.
Kai has dressed up classy and everything. His clothing is Alfheimian, in dove greys and steel blues, noble in cut and tailored to him. With the glimpses of his slanted ears through his curls, he looks like a proper elf. He even has table manners. "Would you like me to pour you another glass of wine, my Lord?" he says to Loki with a glint of humor in his eyes.
Loki chuckles at Kai's deference. "Ohhh…by all means, elf-prince." He holds out his drinking horn. "Lets negotiate an alliance between Alfheim and Asgard. Oh…wait…we already did that." Loki grins wolfishly and snaps up a reddish-orange fruit piece and pops it into his mouth. "Who do you think shall come?"
Presumably, arriving at the front door is no difficulty for the Sorcerer Supreme — neither is being admitted to the Embassy itself, given he's a common-enough sight around the place, mostly due to his propensity to chitchat with the elder brother Odinson. He's wears his Master-blues with a solemn pride as he enters, the pace allows a little movement at the bottom hem of the crimson Cloak, stalwart companion at his shoulders. At his elbow, the other stalwart companion, none other than Wanda Maximoff.
Strange raises a hand by way of greeting as he walks down the length of table, interrupting the conversation. "Your highness. Mister Alfsson." His smile is perfection in formal amusement. "The invitation was too much to resist. We appreciate your open-minded approach to diplomacy between our two worlds." Ah, ever the diplomat.
Bother not to read for a change of attire, Wanda is Wanda, and as such appears ever as she does. Naught changes for her save the length of those loose dark curls pushed back by the filigree headband. Pity for Strange to have such an intense, dark creature on his arm; Pet Rocks are nearly a thing and they make for superior conversation upon the whole. Dusk moves with her — in the shadows sneaking in behind her, especially the attar of resins and midnight-blooming roses. Whilst the Cloak swishes, she scarce impedes it, somehow moving within its fluttering hemline. Strange be the diplomat and the doctor, she the paranoiac and the pariah? Maybe, but a nod is about the best one receives initially. These things have rules. Rules that aren't generally taught by Chthonic high priests or ancient pre-Atlantean sorcerers who call Odin a youngin.
Kai pours Loki another glass of wine and tell him, "It's to our credit that we're such masters of diplomacy." He gives the Asgardian prince a heated look. Yes, diplomacy. That's one word for it. He rises to his feet as Strange and Wanda arrive, and he bows lowly to them. He's all Alfheim has for an Ambassador, unappointed as he is, and he shows off those posh manners for the sake of doing homeworld proud. "Doctor, Lady." He offers her a radiant smile. He is all silvery blue moonlight to the senses, a counterpoint to darkness. "Would either of you like wine? There is tea as well." He knows Strange's tastes.
Loki swings his feet down and sits up straighter, gesturing to the seats around them they can claim. "Cast what spells you like…I have not made alterations to any of it this evening." Loki smiiiiles, green eyes twinkling. "Ahh this feels so formal. I am not my father. Dr. Strange…Wanda. Join us. Tell us…how can we help this realm?"
The slant of those mulberry eyes marks the presence and reaction of her sorcerous conquest associate, a demure adjustment easily overlooked. Titles and rank are totally lost on her, much as a duck perceives the formation of binary stars. Such that she inclines her head at Kai, a faint line emerging between finely shaped brows. "Wanda," the mildest of corrections, no more and no less. The very smallest hill to make her stand upon, but there it is. See, Loki has that downpat. "Tea, please." The Transian accent is little issue for someone gifted by All-Speak, but that blessing doesn't smooth out her torturous relationship with her fifth or seventh language. "Help? It is broken?"
"Yes, tea as well, please," Strange replies, after observing the reaction of his fiancee and smiling in his own little way to himself. She makes an excellent gauge of things. "At the moment, I agree with Wanda. It is not broken. It is in a state of normalcy, whatever the definition of 'normal' can be, given the times and tribulations of such a reality."
He leads her a little farther down the table before pulling out a chair and gesturing for her to sit. "What news of your own realms? How does Asgard and Alfheim fare?" Bright eyes flick between Elf and Asgardian.
Kai sets the wine bottle down and rises to find the tea service. He pours two cups and serves them, then places a pot of honey between them. "That honey is from Alfheim," he says. "We've got the happiest, well-fed bees in all the realms." Because everything in Alfheim is just so frickin' darling. Once tea is served, he retakes his seat beside Loki and gives his hand a quick and subtle squeeze. "I haven't been to Alfheim in some time," he admits, "but it was still standing last I was there."
"Its there. I was actually there not tooooo long ago to settle a curse that was, admittably, partly my fault. I am doing quite a bit of settling things. As for this place? Does it have to be broken to be helped? I was under the impression that all the heroes of the realm were wont to protect it against threats…/villains/…hostile beings from other planets. I mean, I assume the non-hostile ones can stay." Loki takes a swig of his drinking horn, and squeezes Kai's hand in return, green eyes cutting to him for a moment. "We really should visit soon."
Grave intention meets with a cup of tea shot by honey, the nearest thing to jetfuel for someone who burns out faster than the average rocket. Taking the saucer and cup in kind, Wanda holds her container in one hand without a jot of magic to indicate she might be capable of floating it for convenience. News turns the tables from her back to the outsiders; all the better. Grim convenience calls for her to wait without any indication of sipping that tea until the good Doctor does. Albeit he's proof against poison in his way, so hardly counts. "How do you help it?" A curious thought, that, considering all things. She is young, among them, but those eyes are so, so old. She was probably born that ancient, and the vibrating spike of amethyst radiating at the core of her being lends its colour and disquiet to the symphony visible under arcane Sight enfolding her, the deep, resonant counterpoint to the airy loft of Strange's own greater aura.
A spoonful of honey into his own demi-tasse, after he's seated himself without impugning the Cloak's natural draping, and Strange clicks the utensil free of droplets on the saucer lightly. A sip of the brew finds it to his liking and he leans back into his chair, comforable and composed all at once.
"The non-hostile visitors from other worlds are more than welcome to sojourn here as they wish. I merely oversee their arrivals and leavings." He glances over at Wanda and then to Loki, interested in hearing the answer to her question in turn.
Kai leaves the diplomatic questions regarding aid to Loki. Where Asgard goes, Alfheim follows. He does nod to Loki's words about visiting soon and says, "I should introduce you to my grandmother, since we are inseparable." Because that won't go over poorly, surely. Once tea is served, he claps his hands and food is brought in. Such delicacies! Especialy if one likes roasted meats in savory sauces. Asgard does have its share of carnivores. The are other things, too. Roasted vegetables, rich breads and puddings, honey cakes and candies. So much food.
Loki arches a brow at Wanda, "Well, its not an interview for a job. Its more of an offer that should terrible things look to be happening, you know where I am." He takes a deep breath and then eats another piece of that strange fruit, /no doubt/ being imported from…somewhere else. Or its just a weird mango. "Kai, of course, is already so very helpful." He wiggles his fingers some. "Lets speak of magic, now. I have been looking for a /boat/."
"Help has many meanings, da?" The heat leached up greedily through the spread of her fingers sinks into her palms, fanned out through skin indicative of warmer climes in the history somewhere. Wanda's blood runs torrid in the past to have that complexion. Whatever remains of that conversational thread is dropped unceremoniously, dumped fully into the void. A generally shuttered individual, the door slams closed, window sashes pulled down, and the general trappings of a haunting to keep unwanted attention averted elsewhere tossed out while she's at it. So much food, ye gods.
Strange nods, though if at his fiancee's thoughts on things or at Loki's explanation — this is up to anyone's interpretation. Regardless:
"We are aware of your presence here and I thank you for your offer. But, a boat? There are a good many here in the harbor alone." He sips at his tea before setting it on the table atop its saucer. Scarred hands are steepled before his chest while those bright eyes linger on Loki, a scrutiny in their attention. "I'll need more details before I can be of any assistance."
Kai handles the servers serving with a practiced hand, directing them here and there as they offer food to their guests. Clearly the elf has had training. He doesn't even use words like 'dig it' and 'groovy.' "Ooh, a boat," he says with some delight, though with also a certain cluelessness. He directs the servants away from giving Dr, Strange anything more than the pot of tea to refill from.
Loki tilts his head and grins faintly. He squints his eyes, looking at Strange, then Wanda, with some suspicion, as if he expects them to know exactly what boat he's talking about. "Its not exactly a boat. All the time. Sometimes…it is a box. Then other times, it is a small 4-person craft. Twisted a different way, it is a rather large ship. It is called Sk bla nir …and was conscripted by a cousin of mine. He lost it here on Midgard." He looks over Wanda again, thoughtfully, "Where are you from? You keep looking as though you are…possessed by some older being."
Wanda turns that opaque look from her teacup to Kai, as puzzled by the elf about the boat. Or a ship. Distinctions upon such elements are completely lost upon her, no doubt, whereas the corn-fed boy from Nebraska presumably knows about sailing, buoys, and motorboating. "No."
Strange narrows his eyes the slightest and shifts in his seat, almost like a hunting cat rolling shoulders as it settles into its hide.
"I believe you're referencing Freyr's boat, if the tales of Midgardian old are to be taken in their moderate accuracy. A god of fertility, your cousin…presuming he is, in fact, the cousin that you're referencing. Why are you in need of this boat in particular? You know the way of the Mystic Arts. It's not hardship to summon up such a craft, given the time and correct incantation."
Kai's expression has an unspoken 'oh!' when Loki describes the boat. Okay, he knows of that one. He pours Loki more wine and says to Wanda with that same warm smile, "Maybe you've got an old soul. I think mine must be rather young." Perhaps taking a poke at himself and a certain lacking wisdom. To Strange, he says, "Perhaps it is because of its nostalgic value. What say you, my Prince?" He glances to Loki with a sly smile.
Wanda goes home.
"I am tidying up things that Asgardians have just left laying around. I suspect you would not wish for ancient artifacts to be found by just /anyone/. It is a boat that has made its way into your legends, yes. It should have. He used it to wonderous effect. And sometimes, you need a magical ship in your pocket before you go on watery adventures." Here, Loki winks at Kai. "Or the wine. Yes. Nostalgic wine. Obviously. "
A dark eyebrow rises as he looks between Asgardian and Elf.
"I certainly haven't seen hide nor hair nor enchanted plank of the boat up to this point. I doubt anyone's going to come across it anytime soon, though Fate has a funny way of twisting my expectations. What precisely are you asking after then?" Strange retrieves his cup of tea once more for a deep sip, relishing the nuances of sweetness and herbs.
Kai sits quietly at Loki's side, the very image of a kind ally who definitely knows his place. Proof he can be a deceitful wretch when it pleases him. He tilts his head as he listens to Strange's request, and he nibbles at a bit of roasted venison (don't ask where they Asgardians get the stuff in NYC). His gaze shifts to Loki, urging, nay imploring His Lordship to speak.
Loki clears his throat. "I was hoping you had found it, already. And I was shifting the topic since your date kept looking at me strangely for the first one. Your turn, though, to be charming." Loki offers to the other sorceror in the room. His clever elf gets a hand down his back, appreciatively. "How long until that art show, also, Kai? Perhaps the Dr. will want to attend it."
"Respectfully, you are singular, Loki." Strange simply smiles, almost to himself, afterwards. "Unfortunately, no, I have not found this boat. I would have alerted to Embassy to its discovery, if I had. Should I come across it in the future, I won't hesitate to do this, considering your interest in it."
His gaze shifts to Kai, his expression now of a mild, polite interest. "Indeed, I had no idea that you intended on opening a gallery, Kai."
Kai grins at Loki, and there's a glimmer of the imp he is in his eyes. "Not yet," he says. "This month, now that the weather is getting better and tourists will come looking for a place to drop their money. It's all going to charity of course." He takes a drink of his wine, then adds, "It's been so long since we've had tea together, hasn't it? I've struck up a partnership with Danny Rand of Rand Corporation. He provided the space, I provide the art. He's a nice guy, if you haven't met him."