Maximus sags onto the couch, taking up the whole thing, his moderately short hair smooshed against the couch. He seems to be reading a book, which isn't something he often does, and this book appears to be the Hobbit. Who knows. Maybe one of the others living here left it laying around.
Kaleb was having one of those secret meetings like super villians do. It's how a large chunk of the world classified them or assumed them to be so Kaleb Miller and Maximus Boltagon remained nefariously in for the night.
THe Hobbit was for certain not Kaleb's book, but he didn't besmirch Max for his curiosities. When Max came to sit next to him while he was drawing and watching the news (nefariously…) he jsut watched Max. He was reading. He flipped a page… and finally Kaleb asked, "Max? I have a trip coming up. I think I'd very much prefer if you joined me this year."
Maximus doesn't look up from the book, though he clearly heard, because he answers. "Of course I would like to go with you. Where is it? Reaches barely known…or…down the street?" THEN he looks across the top of the book to Kaleb and his eyes crinkle. His mouth, unseen, must be smiling.
Kaleb sat there loosly hugging his lap table that held his current schematic, legs folded under him jsut watching. There was a lot of thought that went into his next words, though he mused eye slifting withthe thought to the vaulted ceiling. "Every summer our parents show much how much they care by paying to send us…wherever we want to go. Last year since we turned 18 and for whatever reason it's a milestone Kellan and I opted to take separate trips. I saw the French Riviera, again, and thought blackjack and hookers sounded like fun and I suppose it was in a sense but I didn't much care for the mandatory dinners nor the trip to see a military instillation in teh mountains where they exploit my people." He took a deep breath refusing to let himself backslide into being affected instead of jsut fueled into motion. Slowly he let the breath out. "That part was less fun. I don't know what the plan is but I would… very much care for you to be with me. I mean…I duno. I can't picture you not and I'm glad for that, you know?"
"So, your parents wish to send you on a trip to a place of your choosing, and…I get to go with you? I see no flaw in this plan, except if you think that your parents will not approve. Have you told them about me? You know…that I am…with you? I assume they know that I exist." But Max could be wrong on that. He hasn't really ever met them, and Kaleb plays his cards close. he drops the book into his lap and tilts his head. "Where will you choose?"
Kaleb looked back to Max and shrugged. "We…don't talk. I don't even know if they know my favourite colour to be honest or or do more than assume I have one and if I want something in that colour it will be financed." There was a pause with a headtilt, "I'm certain now they know I know you as my father expressed as much to me that i'm taking the business seriously by learning to negotiate with foreign powers." He actually smiled at that one in amusement, "They… don't know… anyhting about the personal lives of I or Kellan or that oculd be…well dangerous. Humans are rather, as Noh-varr put it 'primitive and barbaric… and I'm never going back to a hospital again unless there is risk of my ultimate demise." That… was an understatement Max was certain to appreciate after Kaleb's last run in and Max needing to subdue him.
Maximus draped himself on the couch in the other direction, trying to be nearer to Kaleb and his own reading. He hangs one arm off the end, his stomach down. "MMmmm…you say so much, my love, but leave so much out." The thought amuses him, twinkling in his eyes, how Kaleb gets when he gets on a roll thinking about something. "Is it strange that I would love to scandalize them? I will not, if you wish to keep things secretive, of course, but…I still would /enjoy/ it." He arches a single brow and grins. "So…where are we goooooing?"
Kaleb clenched his jaw and took a deep breath looking at an implacable space, now Max's knee. His mind stayed there for a moment before looking back up. "My parents showed they love us by giving us whatever we wanted… except their time. Our job is to be their proper little gentlemen and someday take over our part in teh businessand help guide the direction of teh world by building military and government instillations for people who, likely, jsut want to see everything I am crushed or imprisoned. I don't know… I trust them especially after last summer. I want to but… I don't… know where we stand. And anyone finds out I am as I am or live as I life in truth? THey stand to lose everything, we do, and… that makes things very, very bad for Kellan." Still protective of his twin first. The look back up to Max was a bit disheartened from that controlled neutral expression he was fighting for. "My parents aren't bad people… I don't think. We've built hospitals, refugee centers… lots of things to actually help people. Just… it's a game based on a cruel lie and it's what I know… I dunno if that's the part that makes me crazy or not to be honest." He sighed and reached out to take Max's hand. "Maybe we'll tell them. But in teh same breath I don't want to use you as a weapon either. We're not supposed to do that to teh people we love." He paused and added, "I read that somewhere." Because of course he had to be told.
Maximus draws in a deep breath. "Mmmhmmm. Probably not. You know very well that I am full of apparently 'mad' ideas." He rolls his eyes. "I would do anything though, bend my whims to be so-called /behaved/, to protect what you have. Mostly for you. But…also for the convenience of the money." He winks at that part, and squeezes one hand on the couch's arm.
Kaleb left his hand there. It's been nine months of actually finding their own normal, and frankly he actually enjoyed it. No one would believe it, btu they didn't have to and he cared not the opinion of ants. "I see no reason not to allow them to believe as they will and siphon sustainable resource to us. If it comes up… I won't deny you though. Sure there's a game in play but … I dunno I've been thinking on that a lot watching the news. And I appreciate you sitting on some of your 'whims' that wecan keep our advantages." It might sound sarcastic from near anyone else. Kaleb respected this for the effort it was like a damn gift . "For my birthday I really wnat to go back to that island. I want to go with you and I know Kellan would love to see that and Jay. but I want to go where we cna be ourselves and jsut discover something.. and even maybe buy it. I dunno." That grin widened a bit. "They don't have to know it's not just a fleck on teh map. My concern would be having property that clearly belongs to the Inhumans, but you can take that up in your name. I jsut wnat the bugs off of it. Those things were ridiculous in size."
Maximus lets go of Kaleb's hand, but then plays with it, running his fingertips along it in a calming manner. Affectionate. Intimate. Like hand sex. "It does not belong to the Inhumans, exactly. However, there WERE dangers there, certainly. It was not a safe place. The Inhumans were not even the last to be there, but there were others there as well, Mystics, taking advantage of the place. And now, all are gone. I will take you there again if you wish to go, but I am not sure what your parents will pay for, unless you mean to make them buy us a boat." He winks then.
Kaleb let his hand roll over and let Maximus trace teh lines of his hand letting the political web in his head untangle a bit. Not all of the world's problems needed to be unwoven in one sitting there. He paused with his grin warming and then going ear to ear, first with a brilliant thought, then jsut too entirely proud of himself. "Aaaacutually… my family does have a Catamaran. And I do want it… I may just ask for the damn boat. Maybe… I can convince Kellan to do this with me if they say no." That was steep, even for them. Letting them jsut have it on loan was a non-issue but who jsut hands a 19 year old a yacht. He confessed with some measure of idle pride, "I'm actually really good with boats. And if they say no well may Billy will hook us up."
Maximus stares at Kaleb when he mentions a catamaran. A boat. "I am not sailing on a catamaran to a basically unfindable island in the middle of nowhere. I will drown. You will drown. We will all drown, or die of thirst…" Such faith he has!! He may also not know how large a catamaran can be.
Kaleb paused and blinked to Maximus, "DIdn't you make a n extreme depth diving aparatus?" Yes. He did. "Just bring that with us. Also in all my years that ship's never had a problem… though… it is a tad 'far'… we still know the man withteh Egg? Can we travel by egg?" Kaleb paused and considered all of this finally admitting, "Drowning sounds unfun, I'll give you that. Also I don't want to miss you. I did that. It sucks. Also, while a fair swimmer, I'm not all that bouyant. So… alright that's a good point."
"Yes yes…all right, I did make a suit, but…still. I was being carried by someone else the whole way, too. I doubt you own your own submarine." Maximus grins a bit smugly. "We could use him, the teleporter, but then they would know that I am there again. Perhaps we could take a boat, just…a very large one. And maybe take someone along who can make the journey go faster, like someone that can control the wind."
Kaleb held up a finger, "Larger boats mean more personnel. Also to be fair my boat is by no means tiny. It's ocean worthy but ultimately what's it matter? He's your sworn man isn't he? Would he particularly care if you did return especially if it was to articstically document the place? Blame me."