1965-06-15 - A Bad Gamble
Summary: Amber meets Nate while drowning her sorrows over a losing game of poker.
Related: None
Theme Song: None
Amber Nate 

Harry's Bar & Grill, Mutant Town, New York. 1:02AM, 15/JUN/65

Harry's Bar & Grill, your bog-standard New York dive bar with a fairly decent kitchen and a lot of local mutant color, Amber, trademark Stetson resting safely in her lap, sits at the bar looking ever so slightly the worse for wear and munching quietly on a basket of onion rings.

Nate simply arrived at the Bar and Grill, wearing his usual torn up leather clothes. He seems to actually be taking a seat next to Amber, his eyes ever forward and attentive. Regardless, he doesn't even say hello. How rude!

Amber, for her part, just downs the last of her whiskey, and holds the glass up. "One more, please, sir.", she asks in a slightly inebriated twang.

"You're gettin' kinda close to your cut-off.", the bartender notes.

"I ain't drivin', got m'self a bus pass. All's well, thanks for th' concern.., Amber replies.

And well met to you, sir., Amber says, turning a hair too slowly towards Nate.


Nate looks to the bartender, looking at him for a moment. "Whiskey." is all nate says. "…and open the tab." he specifies, clearly meaning to get some drinking done. Nevertheless, he looks to Amber. "Hi." is all he says lightly, his eyes remaiing in front of him however.


"Typical..Millions 'a people in this city, not a goddamn one wants t' talk t' ya.", Amber sighs. "That make any sense t' you, Mr Harry?"
Meanwhile, Harry completes both orders, with an admonishment. "Miss, you are /cut off/.", he says firmly.


Nate looks to Amber and then to Harry with a soft nod. "I don't mind talking. Just not much to talk about." Nate says pretty casually, his eyes still on Harry as the drink arrives. "I'm Nate. I assume you're Harry." Nathaniel says pretty casually, sipping at the whiskey and taking a small sigh after.


"Fair 'nuff.", Amber replies to both. "Amber.", she says, turning slowly to address Nate once again. "My apologies sir,", she smirks tipsily. "Y'ain't exactly catchin' me a' my best."


Nate watches Amber and he shrugs. "I wouldn't worry about it. You ain't exactly seeing me at mine, either, ya know." He offers her a kind smile then. "Don't worry." he looks to her then. "I take it you're a regular here?" he asks curiously.


"Yeah, kinda, I guess.", Amber shrugs amiably. "Good place to unwind, y'know?", she says, seemingly to remember her onion rings. "Onion ring? Not to fret, sir, I ain't got cooties.', she chuckles.


Nate nods. "Yeah." and he seems to accept the onion ring, nomming on it accordingly. "Not bad…" then he remembers that he's never had an onion ring before…and they are really good! He nods lightly. "Thanks. Does this place serve meals?" he asks curiously to Harry and Amber both.


Amber says, "They make a mighty fine cheeseburger, sir.", Amber replies with a slightly sodden grin. "Just…don't order th' fries.", she says, frowning at Harry, who positvely /SCOWLS/ back. "Whut? I don't get it. Y' onion rings are mighty fine. Y' fries hold me hostage on th' thunderbox…."


Nate nods lightly just a bit. "Hmm…well, I do like the cheeseburgers. I'll take one of those too, thanks." yes, Nate was effectively dissuaded from ordering the fries. but that's okay! he wasn't insanely hungry anyways…


"So, Nate, may I call ya Nate?", Amber asks, clearly plastered. "Where 'bouts are ya from?"


"You can call me Nate." Nate agrees, a small smile on his face. "Well…" he considers saying he's from the future, but eh, he's okay with just saying "New York. Brooklyn region."


"San Angelo, Texas, for my part.", Amber replies, offering her hand. "Well met, sir. My apologies for my condition. I just wen' an' chased an'ace cost me most of my paycheck.", she sighs.


Nathaniel nods lightly. "No worries. Life happens." he shrugs lightly "Probably shouldn't try to gamble then…helps keep your cash."


"Heh, /now/ you tell me.", Amber chuckles, taking a sip of what is most assuredly a very watered-down whiskey. Harry's a very responsible barkeep. "Ah, hell, it's only money.", she shrugs. "Got a couple cans a' soup an' chili laid in.", she smilesw weakly.


Nate chuckle a bit. "Fair enough, fair enough. Though…keep gambling and most likely you may end up with nothing one of these days. Especially if you're awful at it."


"I was up six grand 'fore that sumbitch outwitted me.", Amber sighs. "Anyhow, it's late an' Harry's 'bout to point me t' the bus.", she chuckles. "Sun's apt t' come up way too early tomorrow.", she says, standing up unsteady legs. "It was nice t'meetcha, sir.", she says, collecting her hat. "Again, beg pardon for my condition. This ain't habitual.", she blushes.

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