
In the late 1940s, an untold number of brilliant minds who were loyal to (or, at least working for) the Nazi party were all convicted of war crimes. They were incarcerated for their varying crimes against humanity and their genius was removed from the world. Now, almost twenty years later, NATO seems to have concluded that their brilliance is too important to have lost to decades old loyalties. With the air and space programs coming up in the world, the competition between the east and west about who will reach the moon first, and various other threats greater than human nature, it has been decided that certain repentant scientists can be freed in exchange for their service to humanity.

Now, SHIELD has been assigned five ex-Nazi geniuses to both babysit and assist in creating great scientific endeavors. While many in SHIELD are unhappy — several members having been the ones to put some of these scientists behind bars — NATO has not given SHIELD an option. SHIELD now must figure a way to baby sit these geniuses without making it look like they are still being imprisoned. Will this risk SHIELD's future directives? Will they be able to control the scientists enough to protect the world? What great discoveries will come out of these newly freed minds? Stay tuned to find out…

1963-07-11 - Babysitting Assignments

Summary: Peggy gives Sadie and Clint their debriefs about their news babysitting mission.
Theme Song: None
clint sadie peggy 

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1963-07-08 - Home sweet Carter-Sousa Home

Summary: Peggy and Sousa finally get some time alone to talk after the stressful trip to Geneva.
Related: Everything Paperclip
Theme Song: None
peggy sousa 

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1963-07-05 - The Director Returns

Summary: Director Carter returns from Geneva and relays the news regarding Operation Paperclip.
Theme Song: None
peggy uj sousa 

It's late enough in the day that Peggy COULD have chosen to go home and no one would have faulted her, but Peggy's never been that sort. She's also worried about the office, and wants to bring the news, so a phone call about an hour ago and the director is now coming down through the stairs from the cover restaurant. She's got a single suitcase still in her hand and a garment bag across her arm, never one to stand on ceremony or demand someone do the menial work for her. It's just habit by now. Her high heels click across the tile floor of the office in sharp, cold snaps. She barely looks at anyone as she moves for the back area. Not the time to ask her how it went, it seems.


The hour's notice gave Sousa the time to clear the Director's desk of his own work and write a few notes so that Peggy can easily catch up if he forgets to tell her something. Not that they don't have ample time to catch up, but talking about work all the time isn't exactly the best thing for a relationship. Besides, Mickey would be bored.

His own files were put in a box and set on the floor to be carried back to his own office later and Sousa is standing by the door to open it and let the Director into her own office once the footsteps get close enough.


Brian is already there in the office waiting for Peggy and having used the time to make small talk with Daniel. There's a large pot of tea and enough dim sum for four people. Naturally, when Peggy entered the base, one of the guards/waiters called down so they're prepared for her arrival. "Welcome back." he says once she's at the door.


The sight of Daniel and Brian softens her, just a bit. She gives them both a brief nod and steps in the door, "Shut it, please." Not exactly a happy greeting, but her hands are full and Daniel is there. She steps over to the little sitting area beside her desk and rests her suit case down as well as her garment bag, trying not to look like a woman who took a redeye flight but, well, they are called red eyes for a reason. She lets out a single breath and then steps over to Daniel, doing the one thing they almost NEVER do in the office, show that they are married. She tugs him into a brief, warm, earnest kiss before letting go. "Sorry. I missed you." Then she looks over to Brian with a half smirk. "I missed him. Don't look at me that way. Besides, it was a shite trip. Who likes working with Nazis, hmm?" The sarcasm drips off her voice.


Sousa closes the door behind Peggy as she steps in and starts to move back towards the sitting area when he's pulled into a kiss. There's just a moment of surprise before he holds her tightly for just a second before also letting go. "I missed you too," is offered quietly before he gives Brian an apologetic look as well.

He clears his throat briefly before asking, "I guess we're stuck with them, huh?" There was a brief glimmer of hope, but her mood and her statement seems to indicate otherwise. He looks over at Brian again, "Were you able to try to talk to Captain Rogers?"


Brian just smiles and sits back down. "Perfectly understandable. Now do sit and have a spot of tea and something to eat. You must be famished." He's already got a cup himself and a selection of food on a plate. "So when are our house guests going to be arriving? And what conditions do they come with?" Sousas question gets a shake of his head in response. "Not yet. I've been waiting for the proper moment and then, when Peggy radioed that she'd be returning, I wanted to hear the outcome first so my information was current on what to tell him."


The question of food gets, almost immediately, a shake of her head and slight turn of her nose. While Peggy was never a picky eater, or much of a delicate one, it seems this entire mess has turned her stomach. "Tea would be lovely. No food. Just… want to figure out what messes have started here while I was gone. So… Steve doesn't even know, does he?" She asks, looking up to both of them as she steps around to her desk and just half collapses in the chair there. At least she was off her feet, she was stopping now. Getting up again might be difficult. "And…next week we'll be getting the first two. An 'honor guard' will be escorting them. They are to be treated as respected guests. And.. watched. But given free reign to develop aerospace projects for the United States."


Sousa looks a little concerned when Brian says that he hasn't talked to Rogers yet…and he looks even more concerned at Peggy's question about it. Or maybe it was her use of his first name. "He…knows. I told him that there was a possibility. Maybe it was too soon, but I didn't want him coming in only to find that we had former Nazi scientists now working here. I think that might have been even worse." Maybe. "I don't think he understood that SHIELD is International now. We're more than the SSR was…even though the SSR was also working fairly internationally," since they got Peggy.

"Next week? Respected guests, my ass." Sousa curses so rarely. "I'm not going to throw a parade in their honor."


Brian picks up the tea pot to pour Peggy a cup but then pauses with it still raised. "Excuse me? Aerospace projects for the United States? We are funded by NATO correct? So why is this project for the US and not for all its member countries?" Notably England.


A sigh crosses Peggy's lips as she leans forward, "Yes, we are funded by NATO, and NATO will have full access to any discoveries… and we're playing nannies to them, apparently, but there is some public concern this might look poor on NATO or SHIELD, so… publicly, this is a US project. It's a bloody f*cking mess, is what it is. And I can't tell who is shoving it down everyone's throats from on high, but I wasn't the only one against it. And there was nothing any of us could do about it." Peggy's frustration is only deepened by the fact that she, for once, doesn't entirely know what is going on. "And the Aerospace is for US Soil. When we get Zola in two weeks… his work is to be all SHIELD and more… Underground. Super Serums. Again."

Her dark eyes flicker up towards Sousa then, processing the fact that he already told Steve. She winces just a touch, "…No, probably not… He was dubbed Captain *America*, you know… he's rather still married to the idea, I suspect. I'll try speaking with him."


Sousa nods to Brian's point…they're not just the US now. But he then looks between the two, "So…this isn't something where we're the only naysayers?" That just sounds odd. "How are we supposed to hide these people then from others? If they're working for the 'US' and wandering into this building…won't that blow our cover wide open?" If they can't get rid of these scientists, at least they can poke holes in NATO's supposed logic.

"I think he -is- still married to the idea. I don't know that we'll be able to change that. Or should we even try?" He moves to lean against one of the chairs in the seating area and looks to Brian before looking back, "What do you need us to do." It's said as if he regrets having to speak those words…to his wife…who has been working her tail off.


"Ah." Brian resumes pouring the tea. "So to avoid the tarnish of cooperating with Nazis, the Yanks get to take the blame while the other countries reap the benefits. Clever. Do you want to have a go at him first, Peggy or should I still take the opportunity when it presents itself? I did let him know I wished to speak with him." Setting the pot down, he choose an eggroll to dip in some sauce. "We put them in the back of a truck and drive them into the warehouse with none the wiser, of course. And here they will stay. Nothing was said about giving them the run of the city was it?"


As Brian responds to the NATO logic, Peggy tilts her head in agreement to what he's saying, hoping that answers Sousa's questions better than she can otherwise. "Yes, rather." She mutters to her fellow British compatriot. She then sighs, dark eyes turning back to Sousa, "…Well… did we get the other facility set up? If we have the new space for them… that's all we really need. We get them ready to go there, make certain we have people assigned to them, and they never touch the space in here. End of story." Her eyes are half begging him to say they did actually get the other building set up.

Finally, she turns bck to Brian and sighs, "I guess whomever sees him first… Leave me a note if you do, and vice versa. I am not hunting him down tonight. I just want to clean up any fires here and go home." It's been a long time since she looked this bone deep tired, but over night flights do that to a girl.


Sousa looks to Brian, "So…honored 'prisoners'? That's a little more like it." He can accept that. He then grimaces some at Brian's observation about NATO, "Figures. That's just what we need right now." He just wants to hold Peggy and let her finally relax, but this isn't the time or the place. He's doing all that he can to keep distance after that initial kiss.

"Coulson was on it. I haven't had a chance to check up on him, but I haven't heard of any issues. I left notes on what I got to and what was left unfinished. Howard isn't exactly on board with helping us keep these guys under surveillance."


"As it turns out, Steve's not in the city at the moment in any case." Brian notes. "This was one reason I've yet to speak with him. He's off on some quest to track down Doctor Banner." Aka the Hulk. "He's not checked back in." He takes a sip of tea and shakes his head. "No, no Daniel. Honored guests. We are merely making sure of their safety as Nazis - even former Nazis - are not looked upon kindly. Should word of their presence here leak to the public, we're likely to have the Israelis here demanding they be turned over to them. Our benefactors in NATO would surely want us to take steps to see that did not happen."


"Then what the hell *is* Howard doing since he's been back?" Peggy asks, no patience left in her voice. This would NOT be the night to piss the director off, that much is clear. She exchanges one, single understanding look with Daniel. The look that says she just wants to go home too, but they both know what they've signed on for, so she remains behind her desk.

Brian's commentary about the honored guests actually draws a half smile across her lips and a small tilt of her head. "Exactly… we're simply taking every precaution to ensure that they can do their work. WE monitor what goes in and out of the building, keep a constant guard there. They don't get to leave with any tools or anything… WE can't keep them full prisoner, but we can ensure the only trouble they make is under our control."


Sousa gives a sigh in regards to Howard, "I have no idea. He's been frighteningly silent. Like when Mickey's quiet for a stretch of time." Any parent might recognize the lack of sound equals trouble. Usually the quieter they are, the bigger trouble they're getting in. He then gives Brian a 'Are you so sure about that?' glance before he looks back to Peggy. "So are they leaving at all or merely going from their one facility to their…boarding house facility? That's my real question. Are they going to the grocery store and restaurants and we have to provide bodyguards so that they don't get attacked?"


Brian would certainly hope that's not the case and looks to Peggy for an answer.


The woman is silent for a few moments, "…they aren't prisoners here. That is part of the deal. Once they leave the offices, they are… Free to go about as they please. We have no obligation to provide 'body guards' and, frankly, if some overzealous patriot kills one… I might smuggle the shooter out of the country myself and give him a gold medal." That's exhaustion talking, normally Peggy wouldn't be nearly so loose lipped about such things. She sighs after, "But… if we are worried they may end up falling into old habits… we might need to put tails on them. That's a question of man power. ANd yes, it's a complete mess."


Sousa lifts a hand to press at his forehead, "So there's nothing to stop them from taking their notes and transferring them elsewhere once they leave here. From taking their findings and sending them to cohorts. Nothing to stop them from talking to each other about ways to blow up the building or sabotage our resources." He was afraid of this. "We're already using manpower to watch them when they're here." He presses his knuckles to his lips before he shakes his head and looks to Peggy and Brian, "No. If they get killed while under our charge, we'll be blamed for not providing proper protection."


"So they are to have free rein to go where they please?" This does not make Brian at all happy. "There is no way we can allow them to go where they wish without escort. We need to assign watchers to them around the clock and be damned with the personnel issue. We no longer have a choice."


Peg is quiet for several heartbeats, watching them both as she tries to consider the implications. The other cases that will lose people, the danger to her men and women. But there was no other choice. She just breathes out slowly and nods, "…at least we're just starting with two. Before you leave the office, we need to make up a schedule of… babysitting duty for our new friends. Don't pull anyone more than two days a week for it, transfer it around, so no one is losing a lot of time on their cases. I'll see if Howard can make… lojacks, or something, that we can install on them. In them. Somehow." Peggy presses a deep line to her lips, picking up her tea but not quite drinking.


"Howard was unwilling when I asked him. Maybe he'll agree for you, but he refused to help for me." But then again, the two aren't the best of friends. Sousa looks to Brian and nods, agreeing with him. Peggy, though, gets, "So…everything is basicallu tabled so that we can babysit Nazis. I'll tell Fury." Even though he knew the man would help with his own department's onjective, he would be needed to help watch the scientists. "These men are geniuses. You don't think they'll figure out a way to disable anything we try to put on or near them?"


"And so no one can be suborned." Brian adds to what Peggy says. "Not that I doubt the loyalties of our men but the Nazis are geniuses and it does not pay to underestimate them. Nor should we assign anyone who has been an agent for less than a year." No rookies. No sleepers. "Tell Howard to make a lot of small tracking devices. And a few more obvious ones. We'll give each Nazi a watch or some such with one of the obvious one then put the others in the soles of all the shoes they own. We'll need a very good cobbler to make it undetectable."


At the comment about Howard, Peggy's eyes roll in a moment of genuine anger. "Well, Howard Stark can either get off his ass and actually do work for SHIELD or he doesn't get to be a part of SHIELD at all. The rest of us don't get to pick and choose assignments, neither does he. I'll talk to him." Oh, he's gotten Peggy's wrath now. But, to be fair, a stiff wind could kick her dander up at the moment. She nods towards Brian's comment about the tracking devices, a slight smile tempering her expression again at his suggestion of the double blind on the devices. "…that's excellent. I'll make certain he's working on it. We have one week. If… if there is nothing else, gentlemen, you are dismissed to finish the schedules then get home. We'll all be doing lots of overtime soon."


"I was already going to suggest such a thing to Coulson for their apartments. Put obvious bugs around and then hide others as inconspicuously as we can," Sousa admits with a nod. "So we're going to steal their shoes to re-cobble them? What if they go out and buy new ones?" His head turns quickly at Peggy's tone but he gives her a nod then as well. He will happily leave Stark to her.

"I agree with you on the agents," Sousa offers but then looks to Peggy. "So is the Alpha One Initiative on hold?"


"We steal them too." Brian says simply. "I assumed they'd be going to buy thing early on. The first time they leave their rooms, we install the tracking devices. If one wears the same pair day after day, we'll need to be more careful about that pair."


"It's a good start. I need to get the bugs from Howard first AND hope they work. If they can actually be effective, we can cut down the babysitters to less numbers and someone in a room monitoring the feeds. Too much to do in a week. But we'll get it done. We always do." Peggy sighs and pushes one hand back through her head, her mind catching up to the other questions flying in her direction… "Alpha One? Howard… wanted to go forward. I told him he had to work with you on it. If he hasn't been… Bloody hell, I need to talk to that man."


"Won't we need to make sure that they haven't installed bugs of their own?" Sousa points out. "This…this is a logistical nightmare. I honestly don't understand why NATO is doing this unless they want to suck all of our resources and bleed the entire organization dry." What good can actually come of it?

But now they do what they can and try to go on with their jobs. "He talked to me about it but I don't think he liked that I told him he couldn't run the entire operation. I'm not sure if he's gone ahead, but Agent Fury knew about it and wanted in…so someone had to tell him and it wasn't me."


"The trackers will tell us where they are not what they do or who they talk to." Brian points out. "They'll still need escorts." Sitting back, he listens to the other discuss the Initiative. "I haven't spoken to him."


A grimace crosses Peggy's face, "Well, Howard doesn't get to do it without you and Fury. That is not his pet project. So… I'll talk to him. He'll play ball or he won't. Because lecturing Howard Stark is exactly what I needed to do with all this going on." Peggy looks half tempted to throw something, but she manages to keep control. She just sips her tea instead and sighs…"Any other ideas, you can put on my desk. I'll be in bright and early tomorrow."


"Until they disable them. I'm telling you, Brian, we need to have backup plans to our backup plans. If we can get Howard to help that would be best, but if we don't…we need to think like he would. Because these men do." It takes one to know one? Sousa knows he's not a genius like these other men, but he can recognize patterns.

He turns quickly to Peggy when she mentions being in 'bright and early' tomorrow and frowns. They may need to discuss that later.


"That's why they need escorts as well." Brian points out. "As for Howard… As Peggy said, he can follow orders or he can leave the agency. We need to find another scientist to threaten him with. Someone nearly as intelligent as he is. So we can let him know that if he's not willing to work for SHIELD, we'll just ask… whoever it is. A rival by preference."


"…what about his son?" Peggy offers to the room with a slightly cool smile, knowing it's cruel. Knowing it's a bit foolish, but right now she has no patience for messing about. She tilts her head, turning dark eyes between the pair to see if either think that's a totally crazy idea.


"Why do we need to threaten him with another scientist? We've got two Nazi ones coming in," Sousa points out. Is he joking? Hard to tell. His eyes widen when Peggy mentions an alternative, "Are you kidding me? Replace one Stark with another? We'll need to add more babysitters for that one…who is supposedly one of the good guys!" Obviously, he's not a fan of the idea. "Just remind Stark that this is no longer his sandbox. He can take his toys and go home, but we're bigger than that. If he doesn't want to share, then he gets escorted out." He pauses a moment before, "And if he puches you, punch him back."


Brian chuckles at Peggy's suggestion. "Threaten to replace the father with the son? And imply he's a better scientist as well? He is likely to do what he is told after that, Daniel. Though being blunt is an option." he agrees.


"…I'll think on it when I'm more awake and have decided just how pissed I am at him." Peggy admits with a quiet grumble. The wrath of a woman already quite scorned and all. She takes one last drink of her tea and sits forward in her seat, dragging herself into standing. "Alright. There is a game plan, at least. I'm going home. I'm going to be useless here and… well,if that's all the information you both needed. Brian…" She's quiet for a long moment, a look on her face that is almost uncertain, but then she takes the dive. "…Can you hold down the fort for the next little while if I actually kidnap my husband out of the office?" She can't remember the last time she and Daniel left work at the same time.


Sousa just shakes his head, "I wouldn't threaten unless you're willing to go through with it and you're confident that the younger Stark would come in. It won't do any good if he leaves and we're left without anyone." But the Nazis. That would be a pickle. "I wouldn't count on any Stark doing what they're told."

His trail of thought is wrenched quite off the tracks at Peggy's question to Brian and he lifts his eyebrows, "How long of a while?" Just the afternoon/night? A weekend? They're supremely overdue for a family vacation.


Brian makes a shooing motion with a hand. "Go. Should anyone ask for you, I'll inform them you've taken your husband home for a romantic reunion and to solve their little problem themselves for a change."


It almost breaks Peggy's heart to realize the hopeful look on Daniel's face as he asks how long, "I was thinking just this afternoon… Daniel. Shouldn't be doing it but… sod it. I haven't been home in two weeks." Peggy steps around her desk, leaning over to scoop up her things again. She gives Brian a bit of a smirk at his teasing, but there is gratitude behind her eyes. "We'll be back to help sort out the mess in the morning. I promise." She shifts her bags all into one hand so she can slip the other against her husband's back. "Take me home, handsome."


Sousa tries his best to hide any disappointment. He'll drag her away for a vacation sooner rather than later, but at least he understands that now isn't the best time for it.

Damn those Nazis…they're ruining his vacation plans!

"Thanks, Brian. I owe you one." He offers the other a bit of a smile before he looks to his box of files. He'll get those in the morning too. Peggy gets another bit of a smile when he's told to take her home, "I'll do my best. I hope you like taxicabs." His hand slips into the frame of his crutch then; obviously he didn't drive in.


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1963-06-29 - Preparations for Paperclip Pt. 3

Summary: To try and help convince Captain Rogers to help them, Sousa recruits Brian Falsworth, aka. Union Jack to help bring Cap up to speed.
Theme Song: None
uj sousa 

A message was sent to Falsworth, requesting that he come find Sousa at his convenience. The latter has been mostly camping out in the Director's office, trying to keep up with that work as well as his own. It's easier than trying to go back and forth…his own secretary can make the trip much easier and faster than he. She's also holding down the fort there as needed.

He's made a few notes from his recent meeting with Captain Rogers and he's going over them as he waits.


There's a rap on the door and a moment after Brian enters the office, closing the door behind him. "Good day, Daniel. What is it I can do for you? Is there news from Peggy, by chance? And our esteemed guests to be had a tragic accident that required their immediately burial so won't be joining us?"


"God, I wish," Daniel offers one of his first smiles for today. "Nothing from Peggy, but I know that if anything went South, we'd hear. So I'm still hopeful and still making preparations." He gestures for Brian to come in and close the door behind him. "I need to ask you a favor. Sort of…well, I'm not sure that it's 'official' but I don't know anyone else who could do it." He stands then and leans on the desk for support.


"Well, perhaps she's still arranging it and the good news will be forthcoming." Wishful thinking of Brian's part. "A favor?" So not official business then. "Do tell. You have my undivided attention."


"I'm hopeful," Daniel admits. "If anyone can do it, it's Peggy." There's another flicker of a smile then before it fades into a sigh. "If you can, I need you to talk to Captain Rogers. I understand that it's difficult for him and I can't imagine the extent of discombobulation he must be feeling. But we need him with us and he's still stuck back in 1944. Maybe I went about it the wrong way, but he's convinced that since we're in America, we can make all the rules. But SHIELD isn't just an American organization and he just wasn't able to see that."


"Steve?" Brian asks, brow furrowing. "He's objected to the Nazi scientists I suppose. Unsurprising given our own reaction. Recall that he was still killing Nazis a month ago as far as he is concerned. How is it that you went about trying to convince him?"


Sousa nods. He's not yet comfortable being on first-name basis with the super-soldier, especially since he isn't sure Peggy's told him who he is in her life. "I wasn't surprized at the objection. We all voiced it. But we all also understood that this was coming from over our heads. That we weren't being given the choice. I tried explaining that to him," He raps on the desk, "Maybe I did a poor job of that." He lifts a shoulder and lets it fall, "I couldn't seem to convince him that America isn't the boss of everyone. I know that he doesn't know what NATO is and the idea of the United Nations was new back then." There's a pause before, "Do you think he'll be able to grasp all of this? Quickly? I'd really like to have him with us when these Nazis arrive."


"If we need him, and we do, he'll be here." Brian states, sounding quite sure of that. "If there was one Yank during the war I knew I could rely on, it was Steve. I'll try to explain things to him in a way that he can accept. Exactly what is it that you want of him?"


"I'm not too sure," Daniel frowns. "He seemed pretty upset that we were allowing Nazis in our house. I honestly don't blame him but I know we've all tried to figure out a way around it. I know Peggy is -still- trying to figure that out." Even out in Geneva. He'd demand she take a vacation when she gets back, but that won't be possible. "Right now, I'd just like him on our side. Eventually, well, I'd like him to be on the team. Probably a Special Agent, much like yourself." Minus the high level of access that Brian has.


Brian nods. "I'll speak with him. I have no doubt that he'll come around. Steve is not the type of person to just sit back and do nothing. Now, I suppose it's possible he might not choose to join SHIELD and instead strike out on his own. But I'll speak with him and see what I can do."


Sousa nods, "I appreciate it. I do. Even if he's willing to collaborate with us if he's on his own, I think it would be beneficial to all." He may have bungled this in trying to help, but this is the reason he's not Director of SHIELD. "I hope that if I did any damage, it's not permanent."


Brian shakes his head. "I doubt it. There is much for Steve to get used to and whether he's willing to admit it or not, it's going to take time. Time he won't allow himself as he'll consider it weakness. Being part of SHIELD will give him a framework he's familiar with while he adapts."


"That's what I was sort of hoping. I don't think anyone would see his taking time as a weakness." Daniel moves to sit on the edge of the desk, his bum leg getting a break from the weight of standing on it. "I'm at a disadvantage. You knew him. Peggy knew him. Even Howard knew him. Maybe it should have come from one of you." It's done.

"Howard was uninterested in helping us create new surveillance for our potential guests. He has, however, asked that they not be given access to his lab. That seemed reasonable. What are we overlooking?"


Oh, definitely not Howard. "A very reasonable request." Brian agrees. "Though not one we can guarantee since without keeping close tabs on them, we can't be entirely certain if they manage to gain their own access to his lab, even if not in person. They are, after all, extremely intelligent scientists and some might be on par with Howard himself. But if he doesn't think he can come up with some foolproof way of keeping them surveilled, we'll have to manage without his help. You might want to put it that way when next you speak to him." He considers the question then shakes his head. "Had I thought of something before now, I'd have already said so. We might just need to wait till they are here and then patch any holes we missed as we spot them."


"Dangerous, but I think you're right," Sousa admits. "These men may be ahead of us even as they arrive and even if we have surveillance, agents on their tails, and the kitchen sink thrown at them. I'll suggest that Howard work on some way to prevent them from getting into his Lab since that seemed to be his concern. That might get him to do something." He lifts a hand to scrub through his hair, "I appreciate the help and advice. Let me know if you need anything."


Sousa also adds, "Oh. I didn't tell him anything about me. I'm not sure if Peggy wants to do that herself, but…might want to keep that out of the conversation if possile."


"Of course, Daniel. We're all in this together, after all." About ready to depart, Brian pauses at the addition. "Ah. Good to know and perhaps wise to wait for Peggy to tell him herself. Though she has aged since he saw her and does have a daughter. He's undoubtedly put two and two together, even if he's not aware of who."


"We've all aged," Daniel starts before he gestures to Brian, "Except for maybe you and Rogers. Peggy doesn't look her age," although he's biased, "And I'm sure he's realized that she moved on with her life. You're right though about maybe him not knowing whom with. Maybe we should keep it that way until Peggy makes the call." Especially now.


"I do not think that knowing would change how he regards you." However that is. "But it is one less distraction he probably does not need to deal with at the moment. The transition is difficult enough as it is." Brian says then considers Sousa. "How are you handling things, Daniel?"


"I'm not really worried about how he regards me," Daniel manages a wry smile, "It's not about me. It's about him." And Peggy, but he isn't going to voice that. Even though she's across the Atlantic, he can almost hear her 'You don't need to stick up for me' chiding in his ear. The question actually gets a laugh, "Well, nothing's burned down or exploded yet, so I'm considering that a 'win' right now. Honestly, I don't want to have this job any longer than I have to. I'm trying not to get behind on my own department, which might have been arrogant of me to think I could do both -and- take care of Mickey after work."


"Or are you asking about something else?"


Brian just smiles and makes a gesture, letting Daniel interpret the question any way he wishes to. "I'm pleased to hear things are going as well as possible. Do not neglect your daughter though. If you need me to take over some things, you are welcome to ask. In fact, if you have something that I could, perhaps, involve Steve in, it might serve as a way to broach other subjects."


"She wouldn't let me even think about neglecting her. Peggy got it into her head that she can have a pet and I'm trying to convince her that it's not the right time. That doesn't stop her from bringing it up every. Single. Day." He grins fully at that before considering Brian's suggestion. He hops off of the desk and moves back to pull out some papers, "I don't have too much. The usual reports of UFO's and Big Foot sightings." He rolls his eyes at that. "I do have something, but I'm not sure that it will be of interest to you or even utilizing any of your's or Rogers' skills." He pulls out another sheet of paper that looks like a copy of a handwritten note.

"We have a vigilante going around killing mafiosi but that's been in the news. Also, there seems to be some mutant-led research facility somewhere near the City. Seems it's dedicated to," and he's reading the paper, "'seeking out and obtaining more mutants'. There's a name, 'Alex Summers'." The note is held out, "I don't know if that's of interest."


"Eliminating organized crime seems to be more of a public service. And regardless, it seems more of a job for the local Bobbies." Brian decides. "Obtaining more mutants for what purpose?" he asks as he takes the paper to look over.


The paper is a photocopy of a handwritten note. "That was left on our fridge by our nanny." Yeah. He's not terribly thrilled that this was even there. Daniel watches the other as he reads it, "I'm not too sure. I don't think the nanny was sure, but with all that's happened with self-declared and media-declared 'mutants', it bears investigating. I was going to put some others on it, but if you and Rogers want it, I'd be thrilled to have you on the case."


Brian reads the paper then quirks a brow at Daniel when he explains. "Your Nanny. You should perhaps pay her more." Good nannies who are also spies are worth their weight in US dollars. "Unless we can tie them to Hydra or to something like the recent violence against the police, I don't see a need myself. Being a mutant is not yet illegal here or in other civilized countries. Better we should devote our resources to known threats."


"She had better not be a spy. Peggy interviewed and hired her when I was away. I'm still not convinced she's using the job to get a position here," or worse. "Can we -not- tie them to the recent violence against the police? I'm more concerned about the collection of mutants. Are they building a mutant army? Are they protecting them?" But his department is also that of Supernatural Investigations.

"But I do agree that our major resources should be spent on known threats." And they aren't a threat. Yet.


"I can't. But I can't -not- tie your President to the recent violence either and that doesn't seem sufficient lack of evidence to investigate him." Brian points out. "Nor is it an international threat or one to yours or any government." At least, there's no indication there is yet.


"Let's -not- investigate the President," Sousa chuckles. "I think that would be best for everyone." He'll take the paper back, "No international threat aside from what Peggy's fighting in Geneva…" and Cuba, but that seems to be a continual threat. "Luckily, we're Status Quo here. If I come across something that seems appropriate, I'll certainly pasas it on." He sort of hopes he doesn't.


Brian is happy to pass back the paper. "Let us leave the minorities alone till they give us a true reason to consider them to be a threat. There are enough agencies already who consider them a threat regardless of actual evidence. Such often becomes a self fulfilling prophecy, I fear. Meanwhile, I'll speak with Steve and see what I can do."


Sousa looks at the paper as if Brian's words may have clicked something on. "Huh." It's set back on his desk, "Sure. No need to make them into a threat." Been there, done that. He doesn't want to deal with that again for a while. "I'd appreciate it, Brian. And if anything comes up or I hear from Peggy, I'll let you both know. Keep your fingers crossed that they realize that prison is still the best place for them."


"I doubt that will happen. No one can be more convinced of the rightness of their decision than the bureaucrat that made it." Fortunately, SHIELD is run by actual field agents and not paper pushers. "Do let me know if you need a hand with anything." Brian tells Daniel. "I'll let you know of the outcome once I speak with Steve."


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1963-06-26 - Preparations for Paperclip Pt. 2

Summary: Agent Sousa, filling in for Peggy Carter, tries to talk to Captain Rogers about Operation Paperclip…and fails.
Theme Song: None
steve sousa 


He didn't want to bring Captain Rogers into all of this right away, but he knew that one, he would need to talk to the man sooner than later and two, he would need to be briefed on certain upcoming events. There was also yet a third subject that he may broach, but that all depends on the conversation. Sousa did his best to give the man some time to get a little settled before he asked for the meeting,

He was also a little intimidated by the legend. He knew the story. He saw the films. He read the news. Some of the time between Rogers' awakening and his own meeting request was also making sure that -he- was ready.

With Peggy in Geneva and things set to swirl into chaos soon, he figured it was now or never. Set up as Temporary Director, he decided to have the meeting in Peggy's Office. One, he knew the man had been there before. Two, some things he wanted to discuss didn't need to be shared with his own team and while his office is private, it's certainly not quite as secure.


"You wanted to see me, sir?" Steve asks as he enters the office and stands in front of one of the chairs, careful not to take a seat until asked. Military procedure of course. He's been coming to the SHIELD HQ more and more these days, gradually trying to figure out how to take power back in his life and how to help people again. Part of his uniform, that which was damaged in the plane crash, has been fixed and his helm and shield have been returned. All that needs to happen is a mission, and Steve is silently hoping that's what this is about.


Sousa looks up as the legend steps into the office and gets to his feet. "Captain Rogers. It's a pleasure to meet you, finally. I've heard, well, I'm sure everyone gives you the spiel." There's a lopsided smile then before he grabs his crutch and steps out from behind the desk to offer a hand. "You and your men weren't too far from my regiment in Belguim back in the War. I don't expect you to remember that."

He then gestures to the seating area, "Have a seat. Can I get you any coffee?" Rather, he can have it fetched. He then gives a little shake of his head as he completely forgot, "Sousa. Daniel Sousa. Head of Supernatural Investigations and, apparently, Temporary Director while Carter's away." There's a slight grimace that goes with that. It's not a position he relishes.


"Some heavy fighting there sir, I remember it well." Steve shakes Sousa's hand and gives him a nod. "I'm fine, thank you," he says regarding the coffee. He never really liked the taste and the caffeine has no effect on him anymore.

"Supernatural Investigations?" Steve says raising an eyebrow. "Pardon me sir, but do you investigate ghosts?"


"Oh, we don't investigate ghosts. Supernatural, in this instance, is actually true to the name and not the popular definition. Anything that seems…beyond the 'normal' that we are familiar with tends to be on our radar." Sousa limps over to the seating area but waits to see if the Captain will follow. It's been a while since he was in the Military, but he recognizes the stance. "That's something I'd like to discuss with you eventually, but there are some more pressing matters."

"First though, "Are you settling in ok? Do you have questions or anything that I can help answer? I'm not sure how caught up you'll need to be for what I asked you here to discuss, but I can't even imagine how jarring it must be. I know you don't know me from Adam, but I'm happy to help."


Steve follows along, folding his hands behind him and staying mostly quiet. "Beyond the normal sounds pretty exciting sir. You must see all kinds of things out there." The talk of more pressing matters has Steve raising his head, still having no clue what this is all about.

"I've been doing well, thank you. Been staying with Brian which is nice, given he was a friend of mine before this all happened. I appreciate the help, and won't hesitate to ask for help if I need it."


Good enough. Sousa stays standing as the other does but they're away from the desk. It's not entirely a formal meeting. He nods as that bit of business is done and he can move into the main points that he'd like to bring up. "Did Falsworth tell you why Director Carter went to Geneva? I'm just trying to figure out how much you know already. No need to rehash if you've already been given information."


"No," Steve says with a shake of the head. "Really, people haven't really discussed Director Carter much with me, for obvious reasons. I only found out she was gone when I got the message you wanted to see me, sir."

Apparently he doesn't know anything.


The thing is, Peggy doesn't know he's talking to Rogers either. Well, she didn't tell him about Geneva so he'll use that if this ends up being an issue. "Well, I suggest that if you want to discuss Director Carter, you do so with her." If she hears about him asking anyone else about her, she might not be happy. He clears his throat then before beginning, "She's in Geneva to protest the transfer of five Nazi Scientists to the US. To SHIELD, specifically. NATO has claimed that in return for them giving us information and supposed loyalty, they've been pardoned and released to us to be added to our Research Division. Naturally, we aren't in favor of that, but we may not have much choice. Director Carter is going to try, but we're also preparing for them here."

There's a brief pause, "Falsworth suggested that you and he be their escorts when they arrive. I happen to think it's a good idea. They need to know who they'll be up against if they try anything funny."

But that's only part of it.


"I don't think that will be necessary, sir," Steve responds to the bit about asking Director Carter about Director Carter.

As Sousa begins to discuss what's happening and what they want Steve to do, the Captain looks to be shocked. "I'm sorry, do you mean that there will be Nazis working here at SHIELD?" This was not something that anyone informed him about to this point. Perhaps that was for obvious reasons as well.


Sousa lifts a hand to press against the bridge of his nose, "Sadly, yes. Although we're told that they're no longer Nazis or, in some cases, affiliated with HYDRA." He lowers his hand, "Between you and me…and a few others, I'm not holding my breath and I'm not trusting them farther than I can throw the Statue of Liberty. This also stays between you and me. I'm telling you because -I- feel that this is something you need to be a part of. I'm sorry that we're dropping you into this so quickly, but I'd rather have you in from the beginning than have you come in for clean-up. I hope it doesn't get that far."


"I …I don't know what to say," Steve says, shocked. "I mean, back when this was the SSR, this office was fighting for what was right. To have them here, as part of this staff." He shakes his head. "It's not right. I don't think I can be a part of it, a part of any of this if that's the case."


"We don't want them here, Captain Rogers. But there's a higher power that's demanding this of us. That's what Peggy's gone to fight," Sousa points out. "If we're lucky, she'll win, but there's a distinct chance that we're going to be outnumbered. Of course it's not right. Of course it's wrong in so many ways but our hands are tied." There's a sigh, "It's an enemy we can and plan to keep an eye on should it come to that. I don't know if it's better that they're here and sat on or sent somewhere else that might be less attentive."


"Our hands are never tied, Mr. Sousa. We always have a choice. If SHIELD or individual agents can find a way to rationalize it, that's understandable and their business. But this is America. We're free people, to do as we believe is right."


"And NATO believes that it's right to give these men a second chance. Do I personally agree? Not in Hell. Am I concerned? Of course I am." Maybe he should have let Peggy handle this. "We're an International organization now, Captain Rogers. We're beyond the SSR that you knew. We're beyond the SSR that -I- knew. We go beyond just America now."


"Bigger doesn't always mean better, sir," Steve says with a sad look upon his face. If it means not joining SHIELD, then that might have to be a decision that Steve has to make. Everyone has a line. And this is a lot more fresh for him than NATO or others.


"No, it doesn't." It's hard for him to remember that Rogers was fighting the war until a few weeks ago. He hasn't had the 18 years between then and now. "Tell me, Captain Rogers, would you have prefered to have been told this after the fact?" He's fallible. Maybe he made a mistake.

Sousa is quiet for a moment as he tries to decide how to proceed next. "I'm not asking you to like it. I'm not even asking you to accept it. If it happens, I'm asking if you'd be willing to help us keep an eye on them. We're already planning surveillance and assigned agents. They won't be living in luxury nor will they have free reign about the offices and labs."


"I'd prefer that it didn't happen. I'd prefer that they were told no, and that if that wasn't a good enough answer, than we would refuse out of protest. That is what I would prefer, sir," Steve says in response. "They should be in jail cells, luxury or not."


"I agree. They shouldn't have been granted any sort of clemency," Sousa limps over to the mantle to lean up against it, his elbow resting on his crutch. "We told them no. They pulled rank." Maybe the military jargon will help. "Best I can guess is that they figured it would be better to have these guys working for us than against us. Stupid line of thinking, if you ask me."


"I suppose we will see what the Director says when she gets back from Geneva. Hopefully she'll talk reason into them." Steve isn't going to threaten, because he doesn't believe in threats. But it seems very clear that he's simply not going to be privy to any of this.


Sousa is probably going to get a tongue lashing from Peggy for taking this initiative, but he knew that -he- wouldn't want to be surprised by the news. "Yes, we will. Until then, I ask that you not discuss this with others. Falsworth knows so he's fine." It might even help. "I'm here if you have questions. I'm sorry to be dropping this news on you, but I figured you should know."


"Thank you sir, I appreciate you being honest with me. It was nice to meet you. It will stay with me and me only." Steve reaches out to shake Sousa's hand, and will make his way from the office, heading back to Brian's and wondering what in the world this organization was all about.


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1963-06-21 - Preparations for Paperclip

Summary: Sousa tries to get Howard to help with Preparations to receive the German scientists
Theme Song: None
sousa howard 

While he doesn't often use his relationship with the Director of SHIELD to get certain things, this time he's using it to gain access to her office for this particular meeting. There are folders on her desk, the folders from the recent after-hours meeting, and Sousa is in her chair, looking through some of the files.

He's not trying to be stealthy…he's quite blatant about it.

He actually sent for Howard, but had no idea if, or when, the man would show up. Both his and Peggy's secretaries were asked to point him to this office if they saw him.


"Really should learn not to peek at someone else's Christmas presents Sousa." A voice calls out belonging to none other then Howard Stark as he leans his back up against the wall of the office. His eyes locked down on Sousa. "Spoils the whole spirit of the holiday." As a refreshingly smooth and one of a kind tasting Chesterfield cigarette. The premium filtered cigarette for the discerning man, and working man alike. That taste sensation that's leaving people the world over hooked on that sweet sweet stress relief.

After pulling the Chesterfield from its case Howard places the iconic filtered cigarette into the corner of his mouth. A quick motion made to light the end with a perfect glow coming off from the end of the new flavored Chesterfield, available at local retailers near you! "Might give someone the idea you're a bit of a scrooge."


"I only wish I was peeking at presents, Stark," Sousa offers and gestures for the man to take a seat. "Peggy's making preparations to go to Geneva. I've been tasked with briefing you," and he knows why, "since this is going to largely affect your division." He closes the folder he was looking at and pushes the stack over for the other to take a gander. "Recognize any of these names?"

On the side of each folder are typed the names: Wernher von Braun. Heinz-Hermann Koelle. Arnim Zola. Fritz K. Mueller. Georg von Tiesenhausen.'


"Rocket Scientist, aeronautical engineer, psycopathic Red Skull lackey who wanted to shove the human brain into a computer, another aeronautics expert, owes me five thousand reichmarks." Howard lists off quietly puffing away at his chesterfield. The smoke rolls up into the air from the orange glowing end of the soothing cure for water on the lungs. "Worked with all of them on a few projects. Memory serves they were all a part of paperclip." He doesn't even need to actually open the files to know who they are just a quick glance at the names. "Though I'll tell you Mueller was an excellent cook when he put his mind to it. Bit screwy though."


"All of them also worked for the Nazis. Not just Zola. They still are part of Paperclip. Thing is, so are we now." Sousa nods at the folders, "Meet 5 of your new R&D scientists. You'll get your chance to collect on that five grand. How's that for a little early Christmas present?" Only he's not smiling nor does he seem at all amused at the situation.

"Peggy's off to Geneva to try to fight this one last time, but they've been granted a pardon and asylum to the States and we're supposed to keep them in our employ. We're already planning on babysitting them as much as possible, but they're ultimately going to be in your division. Surely you can help us with ways to keep an eye on them."


Howard pushes himself up off of the wall. A long drag taken from his cigarette as he looks over the folders before looking back towards Sousa. "So, no staging lab accidents then?" He walks over towards the table hands down inside of the pockets of his brown jacket. A low frown on his face as he slowly puffs smoke out from the corner of his mouth. "and I'm not letting Mueller into the office before he pays me back for that car."

"If there were, I don't think anyone would weep," Sousa points out as he looks up at Howard. "But -if- there are, we're going to be massively investigated. So it had better be foolproof." Is he serious? "We're going to be acquiring housing for them…I don't think it would be amiss if there was surveillance all over the place there. We're also going to be providing them with lab space, but I don't want them conspiring. We'll need surveillance there. Babysitting can only go so far and I'm concerned that the men we put on the job could be the first in line if they decide they don't like their new jobs."


"Sousa, so long as I don't find these men huddled around a Red Skull effigy chanting Hail hydra I'm not going to go around killing them." A slow pause as he flicks through the folders another long drag from his chesterfield. That smooth taste keeping him calm through even this rather stressful situation. "I'll make sure they get a few watchdogs on them round the clock, but if there's one thing I don't want it's to turn our offices, or their homes, into a new set of internment camps."


Howard pulls his Cigarette from the corner of his mouth setting it down into the ashtray for just a moment to knock off some of the ash. "Like it or not when that goes through we'll be stuck with them, might as well make the most of it." He lets out a light sigh before pulling out that same iconic packaging that's made Chesterfield a leading brand for years. "Have a Chesterfield on me, I can see this getting to you, and don't need you turning sour just because we have to work with a few krauts."


Sousa looks up at Stark, again, seemingly completely serious, "No, I know you won't." He then sits back in the Director's chair to observe the other, "So you're all right with former Nazi scientists who experimented on live subjects and helped kill millions running around free and breezy in New York? With access to our files and tech? With access to our labs and resources?" He seems to be calm. Oddly calm.

"These men should be, at the very least, incarcerated for the rest of their lives, not freed after twenty years just because they happen to be smart. It doesn't guarantee that they'll actually be grateful. That they'll work for an organization that employs the very people they tried to eradicate. Hell, Stark, neither you nor I fit their Aryan ideal and SHIELD is run by a woman." The cigarette is waved away, "I have nothing against Germans. I have everything against Nazis."


"Even SHIELD doesn't have aces to everything." Howard offers tossing the Chesterfield right back into the pocket of his jacket looking across the table. "Not a fan of this any more then you, just know we need the edge against Russia if we've got any hope of taking the iron curtain down." His attention drifting somewhat a calm and businesslike exterior. "We don't have a say in the matter, of course I could personally just leave and go back to my own research but what's that solve?"


Sousa is quiet for another long moment before he just gives a sigh. "Consider yourself warned, Stark. These men -will- have watchdogs on them and they -will- have surveillance in their homes and in the labs where they'll be working. Whether or not you help us with that is moot, but it would be appreciated." He stands then, but doesn't move from behind the desk yet. "I get that your focus is forward. It probably should be. But I don't trust these men further than I can through this building. How you choose to view them is up to you."


Howard looks down towards his watch for a moment before starting to make his way back towards the door. "Ours is not to reason why ours is but to do and die" He takes another long drag from his cigarette. "I'll take care of the camera setup, but if I catch one agent trying to put a camera in my personal lab, we'll have a problem"


"So don't bring these guys into your personal lab, Stark. Easy as that. Although if you do and you notice something amiss, -anything-, we need to know asap." Sousa offers with a weary smile. It's been a long night and they're going to be even longer days ahead. "I'd rather not use Custer and his men as role models. Good poem though. Sounds about right for this situation." A hand reaches up to scrub at his face, "On top of all this, it's going to still be business as usual. I haven't forgotten about the Avengers. You talk to anyone else about it?"


"Now isn't the exact time to discuss that." Howard comments finally putting out that Chesterfield cigarette of his with his own voice still rather business minded. "but I've brought on an agent to help with the search comity. He'll be providing the both of us ample reports on his findings. For the moment I'll only refer to him as Agent F."


Sousa nods, "Good enough. We'll discuss it later." He agrees that it isn't the best time. "I'll let you know more about these scientists when I get more information. Arrivals and the like. I just wanted you to have a head's up." He figured it was better than just dumping them on Stark with no warning at all.

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1963-06-20 - Protesting Paperclip

Summary: Senior SHIELD Agents and Director Peggy Carter discuss the impending Operation Paperclip and how to secure SHIELD before Nazis walk their halls.
Related: None
Theme Song: None
sousa uj coulson peggy 

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1963-06-18 - Restless Nights

Summary: Peggy can't sleep and ends up spilling top secret beans to her husband about the impending Project Paperclip.
Theme Song: None
sousa peggy 

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