Ursa Major

Ursa Major follows hot on the heels of Project Virgo. The Winter Soldier comes home to wreak revenge, Captain America, the Black Widow, and SHIELD as back-up. They descend into a closed city to rescue their assets and discover the culmination of Arnim Zola's master stroke. Yes, there's a goddamned bear. He has friends. The Russian resistance is going to plow through American interlopers and equalize the smarting delivered upon Mother Russia. You might also know him as Omega Red.

1965-04-04 - Constellation: Which Way to Moscow?

Summary: Black Widow and her husband have a little talk. Notably about their future.
Related: None
Theme Song: None
rogue black-widow 

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1965-04-03 - Project Ursa: Dhruva

Summary: The lengths to which Bucky will save friends and family.
Related: Project Ursa
Theme Song: None
steve-rogers bucky rogue 

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1965-03-28 - Project Ursa: Alasco B

Summary: In the aftermath of destruction left in Closed City 53, Bucky rounds up the last of the wolves of the Volga. Surprisingly, Evgeniy is none too happy to see him.
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Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1965-03-27 - Project Ursa: Alasco

Summary: In the aftermath of destruction left in Closed City 53, Bucky rounds up the last of the wolves of the Volga. Surprisingly, Evgeniy is none too happy to see him.
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Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1965-03-26 - Project Ursa: Kochab

Summary: The awful scope of Arnim Zola's work finally becomes clear in the culmination of Project Ursa. A final battle between the Soviet bear and SHIELD rages under The Motherland Calls, and let's hope Peggy's assets are in place for an exfil. Blood will run.
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Theme Song: None
steve-rogers bucky rogue 

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1965-03-24 - Project Ursa: Kochab Alpha

Summary: The past comes back to haunt Natasha Romanova. Choices stand before her — freedom to shape her future, or the option to reject it for another path.
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Theme Song: None
black-widow wanda 

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1965-03-24 - Project Ursa: Kochab

Summary: The awful scope of Arnim Zola's work finally becomes clear in the culmination of Project Ursa.
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Theme Song: None
steve-rogers rogue bucky 

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1965-03-22 - Project Ursa: Urodelus

Summary: Bucky remains captive until Captain America comes to rescue him. Steve is too late to save his best friend from being shot by the Black Widow. Omega Red gives unexpected salvation, but why? And Natasha's red ledger comes back to haunt her…
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
omega-red black-widow steve-rogers bucky rogue 

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1965-03-22 - Project Ursa: Pherkad Beta

Summary: Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanova try to follow in the Winter Soldier's footsteps.
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Theme Song: None
black-widow steve-rogers rogue 

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1965-03-21 - Project Ursa: Preparations

Summary: Nick Fury leads the resistance to leaping over the border from Iran to Russia. Because Soviets love provocation.
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Theme Song: None
wanda oliver-queen nick-fury 

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1965-03-21 - Project Ursa: Pherkad

Summary: Bucky descends into Closed City-53 and promptly loses Captain America. On the other hand, dreams really do come true…
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Theme Song: None
rogue bucky omega-red 

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1965-03-20 - Project Ursa: Yildun

Summary: What mysteries lurk in the heart of Closed City 53 that remain shrouded even to the highest circles in the Soviet Union? SHIELD doesn't have the luxury of time as they use every inch of spycraft and stealth they possess to stay alive and get out. That may not be good enough to bypass Closed City 53's front-line defenses.
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Theme Song: None
black-widow steve-rogers bucky rogue 

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1965-03-17 - Project Ursa: Polaris Beta

Summary: Hanging by a thread, the SHIELD agents led by Captain America are short on supplies, hope, and faith. Ringed in by their enemies - the 21st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, Omega-Red, agents of the Red Room - they can't go back unless they want to end their lives in a Soviet gulag. Their only option is forward to reach their quarry and an exfil point. Once they enter the labyrinth of Closed City 53, will they ever return? Natasha and Bucky are coming home?
Related: Project: Ursa
Theme Song: None
rogue steve-rogers bucky 

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1965-03-16 - Project Ursa: Polaris Alpha

Summary: Hanging by a thread, the SHIELD agents led by Captain America are short on supplies, hope, and faith. Ringed in by their enemies - the 21st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, Omega-Red, agents of the Red Room - they can't go back unless they want to end their lives in a Soviet gulag. Their only option is forward to reach their quarry and an exfil point. Once they enter the labyrinth of Closed City 53, will they ever return? Natasha and Bucky are coming home?
Related: Project Ursa: Polaris
Theme Song: None
bucky rogue steve-rogers 

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1965-03-13 - Ursa Minor: Polaris

Summary: Hanging by a thread, the SHIELD agents led by Captain America are short on supplies, hope, and faith. Ringed in by their enemies — the 21st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, Omega-Red, agents of the Red Room — they can't go back unless they want to end their lives in a Soviet gulag. Their only option is forward to reach their quarry and an exfil point. Once they enter the labyrinth of Closed City 53, will they ever return? Natasha and Bucky are coming home…
Related: Project: Ursa Major
Theme Song: None
steve-rogers rogue bucky 

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1965-03-13 - Ursa Major: Dubhe

Summary: Hanging by a thread, the SHIELD agents led by Captain America are short on supplies, hope, and faith. Ringed in by their enemies — the 21st Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, Omega-Red, agents of the Red Room — they can't go back unless they want to end their lives in a Soviet gulag. Their only option is forward to reach their quarry and an exfil point. Once they enter the labyrinth of Closed City 53, will they ever return? Natasha and Bucky are coming home…
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Theme Song: None
steve-rogers rogue bucky 

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1965-03-12 - Project Ursa: Alcor

Summary: In Soviet Russia, when you're hunted, you run.
Related: Project Ursa
Theme Song: None
steve-rogers rogue black-widow 

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1965-03-11 - Project Ursa: Merak

Summary: It's only right death stalks the shadows of the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow. Their comeuppance comes due, and not even Captain America gets off scot-free in the red court. Within reach of the Volga, they'll have to endure one final trial if they're to ever save their kin. And to do that, they have to survive their judge, jury, and executioner. He's got a bone to pick. PART ONE!
Related: Project Ursa
Theme Song: None
rogue steve-rogers bucky black-widow omega-red 

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1965-03-10 - Project Ursa: Phecda

Summary: Lives hang in the balance as SHIELD's super-soldiers race towards Volgograd. They've encountered just a few setbacks along the way: enemies in hot pursuit, loss of supplies, and a few bullets with Captain America's name on them. They just have to navigate their way through a few villages before they're home free. A cinch, right? If only the very Rodina — the black earth of Russia itself — weren't rising against the invaders. They say the land never forgets. They're right.
Related: Project Ursa
Theme Song: None
rogue steve-rogers bucky black-widow omega-red 

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1965-03-09 - Project Ursa: Megrez

Summary: Lives hang in the balance as SHIELD's super-soldiers race towards Volgograd. They've encountered just a few setbacks along the way: enemies in hot pursuit, loss of supplies, and a few bullets with Captain America's name on them. They just have to navigate their way through a few villages before they're home free. A cinch, right? If only the very Rodina — the black earth of Russia itself — weren't rising against the invaders. They say the land never forgets. They're right.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
steve-rogers rogue bucky 

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