Project Virgo

In August 1964, SHIELD received an emergency call for an exfil from an agent embedded behind enemy lines in North Vietnam to monitor unusual activity. American air raids strafed the coast and threatened a secretive installation of international significance. Senior Soviet scientists and their Vietnamese counterparts worked in strictest secrecy on some kind of heavy industrial and engineering activities. SHIELD arrived just in time to witness a daring daylight raid on the facility by Soviet super soldiers, and during the violent firefight, several were subdued.

Project Virgo followed throughout the course of September and October as SHIELD senior agents tried to figure out what to do with the crop of warriors bred for infiltration and assassination. The answer was installing them at two secretive sites in Québec, Canada, and Minnesota, and attempting a reverse indoctrination program. Psychologists and psychiatric doctors created an ambitious regimen, deploying it on their 'guests.'

All seemed to be going well, to some degree. Hopes rose that their therapy could be refined and used for wider gains. Virtue reigned. Men and women of Project Virgo patted themselves on the back at early gains.

Then, one day in mid-October, the comm systems bleated out their Russian command phrases and all hell broke loose.

1964-12-19 - Project Virgo: Waiting for Salvation - Reprise

Summary: Bucky's life is on the line if his kin can't fix him.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
wanda bucky 

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1964-12-18 - Project Virgo: Buckling Under the Strain

Summary: Rescuing Bucky Barnes means taking matters into unexpected places.
Related: Project Virgo: Waiting for Salvation follows directly after.
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-12-16 - Project Virgo: Our Kind of Traitor - Ghost Recon

Summary: There's no such thing as being alone. Bucky learns this the hard way.
Related: Our Kind of Traitor
Theme Song: None
bucky rogue 

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1964-12-16 - Our Kind Of Traitor

Summary: The Black Widow is out to finally assassinate Winter Soldier, a result of his actions in Berlin. Turns out it was a doubleplay, and rather than Widow eliminating the Winter Soldier, Peggy Carter has taken her out of the equation.
Related: Much Ado About Bucky
Theme Song: "My Other Voice" by Sparks -
rogue black-widow bucky peggy 

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1964-12-14 - Project Virgo: Brother of the East

Summary: Matvei is out of custody, but he's now in Bucky's hair.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-12-11 - Project Virgo: Sideways Rescue Mission

Summary: What, exactly, has Matvei been doing? Snarling up traffic.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
steve-rogers bucky wanda 

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1964-12-11 - Op. Report: New York

Summary: Captain Rogers and the Winter Soldier are back in action to capture a clone!
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-12-10 - Much Ado About Bucky

Summary: Now that she knows from the Red Room that Winter Soldier is not in deep cover at SHIELD, Natasha knows she's been fooled, and she wants revenge. She sets a meeting with Bucky to assess the situation first, and that leads to more questions than answers.
Related: Project Virgo: EntSHILEDigung
Theme Song: None
black-widow bucky rogue 

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1964-12-04 - Project Virgo: Vienna Debrief

Summary: You're not gonna believe this…
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-12-04 - Project Virgo: Intercessions

Summary: Devils sometimes rescue a sinner.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
matt-murdock wanda 

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1964-12-03 - Project Virgo: Winter is Railroaded

Summary: Sometimes the worst secrets are the ones lurking in plain sight.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
bucky rogue 

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1964-12-02 - Project Virgo: Holy Grail

Summary: What do the masters of Voronezh Academy want with the Winter Soldier?
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-12-01 - Rockefeller Christmas Tree Burns Down

Summary: The disasters keep coming this holiday season.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-12-01 - Project Virgo: Burning Down Christmas

Summary: The Rockefeller Centre Christmas Tree is a worldwide symbol of the holiday season. The Tree is a gathering place and reflection of what happens in the world around it. 1964 is no different. Thousands will crowd the sidewalks between West 48th and West 51st Streets, and Fifth and Six Avenues, to watch the lighting ceremony. There's nothing better than warming up with hot cocoa and going ice skating with the illuminated presents in the backdrop, unless it's SHIELD doing their damnedest to thwart the Christmas tree lighting from becoming the season's biggest showstopper. From Russia with love!
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: - "Happy Christmas (War Is Over)" by John Lennon
steve-rogers lamont black-widow clint wanda 

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1964-11-30 - Sucks to be Russian

Summary: The aftermath of an assassination by the Black Widow is severe for the Slavic community.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-11-30 - Project Virgo: Gunning Down the Ego

Summary: And onwards until dawn…
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-11-30 - Ops. Emergency

Summary: Ops. Emergency report to SHIELD personnel.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-11-30 - Industrialist Dead at Radio City

Summary: Black Widow assassinates someone of significance to Project Virgo… and that business in the South China Sea, if you were paying attention.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
rogue black-widow 

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1964-11-30 - Hell's Bells and Buckets of Blood

Summary: All a man wants is a little rest and a place to read his book. Does that ever work?
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: The Last Firstborn - Celldweller
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-29 - Project Virgo: Second Star to the Right

Summary: Bucky Barnes in a dangerous train heist.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
bucky rogue 

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