Project Virgo

In August 1964, SHIELD received an emergency call for an exfil from an agent embedded behind enemy lines in North Vietnam to monitor unusual activity. American air raids strafed the coast and threatened a secretive installation of international significance. Senior Soviet scientists and their Vietnamese counterparts worked in strictest secrecy on some kind of heavy industrial and engineering activities. SHIELD arrived just in time to witness a daring daylight raid on the facility by Soviet super soldiers, and during the violent firefight, several were subdued.

Project Virgo followed throughout the course of September and October as SHIELD senior agents tried to figure out what to do with the crop of warriors bred for infiltration and assassination. The answer was installing them at two secretive sites in Québec, Canada, and Minnesota, and attempting a reverse indoctrination program. Psychologists and psychiatric doctors created an ambitious regimen, deploying it on their 'guests.'

All seemed to be going well, to some degree. Hopes rose that their therapy could be refined and used for wider gains. Virtue reigned. Men and women of Project Virgo patted themselves on the back at early gains.

Then, one day in mid-October, the comm systems bleated out their Russian command phrases and all hell broke loose.

1964-11-13 - Buckling Down

Summary: A walk in the World's Fair, a place of old ghosts and memories…
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-12 - Project Virgo: EntSHIELDigung

Summary: SHIELD doesn't have a lot of time or the luxury of time. Extracting a defector from East Berlin opened up a brand new can of worms. Leo provided essential knowledge of a critical asset who needs to come into the fold. With Leo down, SHIELD rushes to connect with an information brokerout there with intel about a horrific black ops program the KGB would rather they didn't know about. The kind of black ops program that goes right to the heart of everything SHIELD stands for. In part one, making the mark. Black Widow features as a troublemaker.
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Theme Song: None
black-widow coulson bucky nick-fury peggy wanda 

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1964-11-12 - Buck, Buck, Cap

Summary: Is there a common thread between Patient Zero and his brood?
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-11 - Project Virgo: Auf WiederSHIELD

Summary: SHIELD goes to East Berlin to extract their defector. Will Leo make it across the border in time? What about Zosma and Decebola, his civilian family? Things go sideways almost immediately as the Red Room decides he should never make it home. Cue hell breaking loose. Whatever he was carrying was worth braving an incident over.
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Theme Song: None
black-widow nick-fury bucky peggy rogue 

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1964-11-11 - Make a Fast Buck

Summary: We're just following orders, sir.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: Halsey - Gasoline
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-11 - Buck Up Your Ideas

Summary: SHIELD senior staff ask for a psychoanalysis of one of the Bucklings. Ever tried analyzing someone who doesn't talk much?
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-10 - Project Virgo: Sunshine Patriots

Summary: Freedom doesn't come cheap.
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Theme Song: None
nick-fury wanda 

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1964-11-10 - Project Virgo: Dancing With Winter

Summary: Just what is worth living and dying for? What would you sell your ideals for, if it meant a better world?
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
coulson peggy wanda 

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1964-11-10 - Mysterious Nuclear Cloud in USSR

Summary: An unusual cloud doesn't go without notice. What are the consequences?
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-11-10 - Bigger Bang For The Buck

Summary: Taking matters into his own hands, the youngest of the Bucklings doesn’t find SHIELD hospitality so bad.
Related: Project Virgo plot
Theme Song: Dusty Springfield - Wishin' and Hopin'
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-09 - Op. Report: Connecticut

Summary: Ops. Report to SHIELD personnel.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-11-08 - Project Virgo: Hunted by Ghosts

Summary: What should be a routine transportation turns into a comedy of absolute errors, courtesy of the SHIELD Keystone Cops. Dull drives in Connecticut are a thing of the past.
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Theme Song: None
bucky clint wanda 

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1964-11-08 - Project Virgo: Calling the Cavalry

Summary: Time to infiltrate East Berlin to extract a valuable target.
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Theme Song: None
peggy coulson nick-fury wanda 

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1964-11-08 - Pile Up Troubles Morning Commute

Summary: Man, if commutes aren't hard enough… having someone cut the lights?
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-11-08 - Op. Report: Berlin

Summary: Ops. Report to SHIELD personnel.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-11-08 - Nobel Scientist Dead by Suicide

Summary: A Nobel scientist dead by his own hand? Surely not.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None
rogue bucky 

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1964-11-07 - Project Virgo: Volya the Hunter

Summary: The seventh son born under a bad sign meets his maker.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
bucky wanda 

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1964-11-06 - Project Virgo: Captain's Orders

Summary: Bringing Steve Rogers into the shadows of a grisly past.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
steve-rogers rogue 

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1964-10-24 - Op. Warning: NYC

Summary: Ops. Report to SHIELD personnel.
Related: Project Virgo
Theme Song: None

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1964-10-22 - Project Virgo: Wayward Sons

Summary: Time for the Buckies to go home.
Related: If there are no related logs, put 'None', — please don't leave blank!
Theme Song: None
bucky rogue 

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