The Disappeared

All over New York State people are disappearing. It is centered in New York City. Age, race, creed- none of that seems to matter. The people simply disappear, with only a calling card left behind. A ominous image of of an unlidded eye with a dagger for a pupil , all in flat black.

1965-11-04 - Learning of the Sacrifice

Summary: JP and Halgrim talk to Dr. Strange regarding the strange disappearances
Related: None
Theme Song: None
dead-girl halgrim jp strange 

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1965-08-18 - The Gaze of The Eyeless

Summary: The Heroes continue to plumb the mysteries of The Disappeared- and interrupt a cult activity!
Related: None
Theme Song: None
vitale elmo julie halgrim jp dead-girl 

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1965-08-18 - It followed us home

Summary: "Elmo if I can't keep the possum you can't keep the cultist in the garage."
Related: The Gaze of the Eyeless
Theme Song: None
halgrim elmo julie jp 

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1965-06-29 - Damn Your Eyes

Summary: Heroes follow the trail to an abandoned waystation just outside of New York City, where they happen upon some of the disappeared!
Related: None
Theme Song: None
peter-parker forge maya sadie arlo julie 

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